On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 3:44 AM Sina Owolabi <notify.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

>     - name: Print vm attributes
>       ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm_info:
>         auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
>         pattern: name="{{ vm_fqdn }}"
>       register: vm_info
>     - debug:
>         msg: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0] }}"
here above you get an empty disk_attachments field.
You have to add fetch_nested: true to traverse and get the disk attachments

    - name: Print vm attributes
        auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
        pattern: name="{{ vm_fqdn }}"
        fetch_nested: true
      register: vm_info
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0] }}"

>     - name: Rename disk
>       ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_disk:
>         auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
>         id: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0].id }}"
>         storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
>         name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}-osdisk0"
>         vm_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
Here, supposing from pattern filter above you get only 1 VM so you can use
index 0 and you get only 1 disk inside the VM and you can use index 0 also
for disk, you can use:
See also "ansible-doc ovirt_vm_info" help page, where you can filter the
Then the rename disk task would become

    - name: Rename disk
        auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
        id: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0].disk_attachments[0].id }}"
        storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
        name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}-osdisk0"
        vm_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"

This works for me in a 4.4.7 test environment

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