Thanks Ales,

  That fixed it for me, I don't think rdo-ovn-central is mentioned in link but 
that was the final missing exclude for me.


From: Ales Musil <>
Sent: 19 October 2022 11:50
To: Brett Maton <>
Cc: Lev Veyde <>; 
<>; <>
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt host update bug


you need to specify also "rdo-ovn-host", "python3-rdo-openvswitch" and 
"rdo-ovn-central" in the excluded.

Best regards,

On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 12:35 PM Brett Maton 
<<>> wrote:
I'm seeing the same error

Repo config:

# grep 'ovirt-45-centos-stream-openstack-yoga' 
/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-oVirt-4.5.repo -B1 -A15

name=CentOS Stream $releasever - oVirt 4.5 - OpenStack Yoga Repository
 # ansible-2.9.27-4.el8 shipped in yoga repo is breaking dependencies on oVirt 

Update attempt:

# yum clean all
187 files removed

# dnf update
CentOS-8-stream - Ceph Pacific                                                  
     781 kB/s | 456 kB     00:00
CentOS-8-stream - Gluster 10                                                    
     175 kB/s |  40 kB     00:00
CentOS-8 - NFV OpenvSwitch                                                      
     364 kB/s | 168 kB     00:00
CentOS-OpsTools - collectd                                                      
     169 kB/s |  41 kB     00:00
CentOS Stream 8 - AppStream                                                     
      24 MB/s |  25 MB     00:01
CentOS Stream 8 - BaseOS                                                        
      23 MB/s |  25 MB     00:01
CentOS Stream 8 - Extras                                                        
      39 kB/s |  18 kB     00:00
CentOS Stream 8 - Extras common packages                                        
      24 kB/s | 4.9 kB     00:00
CentOS Stream 8 - PowerTools                                                    
     9.7 MB/s | 5.1 MB     00:00
CentOS Stream 8 - oVirt 4.5                                                     
     4.1 MB/s | 1.2 MB     00:00
CentOS Stream 8 - oVirt 4.5 - OpenStack Yoga Repository                         
     3.4 MB/s | 2.2 MB     00:00
oVirt upstream for CentOS Stream 8 - oVirt 4.5                                  
      47 kB/s | 408 kB     00:08
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64                                  
      11 MB/s |  13 MB     00:01
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - x86_64                          
     830 kB/s | 733 kB     00:00
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - Next - x86_64                           
     1.5 MB/s | 1.4 MB     00:00
 Problem 1: package rdo-ovn-central-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch requires rdo-ovn = 
2:22.06-3.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
  - package rdo-ovn-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch is filtered out by exclude filtering
 Problem 2: package python3-rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch requires 
rdo-openvswitch = 2:2.17-3.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
  - package rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch is filtered out by exclude 
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use 
not only best candidate packages)

From: Lev Veyde <<>>
Sent: 19 October 2022 11:14
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt host update bug

Checked with the networking and looks like the issue is with the conflicting 
OVS/OVN packages released on the OpenStack channel.

Fixing that on our side will require releasing a new version, but one can try 
to fix it manually by modifying the /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-oVirt-4.5.repo file.

1. Find the [ovirt-45-centos-stream-openstack-yoga] section
2. At the end of the section look for ansible-test under exclude=
3. Add rdo-openvswitch and rdo-ovn each on their own line, in same way as 
ansible and ansible-test that already exists

On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 1:49 AM 
<<>> wrote:
Hey I'm having an issue, curious if anyone can help

I'm trying to update my ovirt cluster from to but have 
run into a problem with the update installer.

The environment is:

   Static hostname:
         Icon name: computer-desktop
           Chassis: desktop
        Machine ID: 0eb1fcff65214fb399c9d2ffaf1f5a29
           Boot ID: dbc7438e4d464209ac79452410cf60e7
  Operating System: CentOS Stream 8
       CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:8
            Kernel: Linux 4.18.0-408.el8.x86_64
      Architecture: x86-64

Filesystem          1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs              8023804        0   8023804   0% /dev
tmpfs                 8055520       24   8055496   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                 8055520    99708   7955812   2% /run
tmpfs                 8055520        0   8055520   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/cs-root  73364480 11401568  61962912  16% /
/dev/mapper/cs-home 166691304  1467260 165224044   1% /home
/dev/sda2             1038336   262972    775364  26% /boot
/dev/sda1              613184     7416    605768   2% /boot/efi
tmpfs                 1611104       12   1611092   1% /run/user/42
tmpfs                 1611104        4   1611100   1% /run/user/1000

There are 3 hosts, which can all detect and begin the update, getting most of 
the way through it, before failing and returning it to a state of 
non-operation. The log file says that the host is unable to resolve the virtual 
switch dependency
log excerpt:
"stdout" : "fatal: []: FAILED! => {\"changed\": false, 
\"failures\": [], \"msg\": \"Depsolve Error occurred: \\n Problem 1: package 
ovirt-openvswitch-2.15-4.el8.noarch requires openvswitch2.15, but none of the 
providers can be installed\\n  - package rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch 
obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided by 
openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-117.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-106.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-110.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-115.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-119.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2
 .17 provided by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-22.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-23.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-24.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-27.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-30.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-32.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-35.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-37.el8s.x86_64\\n  - packag
 e rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 
provided by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-39.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-41.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-47.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-48.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-51.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-52.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-53.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 <
 2.17 provided by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-54.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-56.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-6.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-72.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-75.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-80.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-81.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided 
by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-88.el8s.x86_64\\n  - cannot
  install the best update candidate for package 
ovirt-openvswitch-2.15-4.el8.noarch\\n  - cannot install the best update 
candidate for package openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-117.el8s.x86_64\\n Problem 2: 
package python3-rdo-openvswitch-2:2.17-3.el8.noarch obsoletes 
python3-openvswitch2.15 < 2.17 provided by 
python3-openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-119.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
openvswitch2.15-ipsec-2.15.0-119.el8s.x86_64 requires python3-openvswitch2.15 = 
2.15.0-119.el8s, but none of the providers can be installed\\n  - cannot 
install the best update candidate for package 
python3-openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-117.el8s.x86_64\\n  - cannot install the best 
update candidate for package openvswitch2.15-ipsec-2.15.0-117.el8s.x86_64\\n 
Problem 3: package ovirt-openvswitch-ovn-common-2.15-4.el8.noarch requires 
ovn-2021, but none of the providers can be installed\\n  - package 
rdo-ovn-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch obsoletes ovn-2021 < 22.06 provided by 
ovn-2021-21.12.0-82.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package rdo-ovn-2:22.06-3.el8.noarc
 h obsoletes ovn-2021 < 22.06 provided by ovn-2021-21.03.0-21.el8s.x86_64\\n  - 
package rdo-ovn-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch obsoletes ovn-2021 < 22.06 provided by 
ovn-2021-21.03.0-40.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package rdo-ovn-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch 
obsoletes ovn-2021 < 22.06 provided by ovn-2021-21.06.0-17.el8s.x86_64\\n  - 
package rdo-ovn-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch obsoletes ovn-2021 < 22.06 provided by 
ovn-2021-21.06.0-29.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package rdo-ovn-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch 
obsoletes ovn-2021 < 22.06 provided by ovn-2021-21.12.0-11.el8s.x86_64\\n  - 
cannot install the best update candidate for package 
ovn-2021-21.12.0-82.el8s.x86_64\\n  - cannot install the best update candidate 
for package ovirt-openvswitch-ovn-common-2.15-4.el8.noarch\\n Problem 4: 
package ovirt-openvswitch-ovn-host-2.15-4.el8.noarch requires ovn-2021-host, 
but none of the providers can be installed\\n  - package 
rdo-ovn-host-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch obsoletes ovn-2021-host < 22.06 provided by 
ovn-2021-host-21.12.0-82.el8s.x86_64\\n  - pa
 ckage rdo-ovn-host-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch obsoletes ovn-2021-host < 22.06 
provided by ovn-2021-host-21.03.0-21.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-ovn-host-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch obsoletes ovn-2021-host < 22.06 provided by 
ovn-2021-host-21.03.0-40.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-ovn-host-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch obsoletes ovn-2021-host < 22.06 provided by 
ovn-2021-host-21.06.0-17.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-ovn-host-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch obsoletes ovn-2021-host < 22.06 provided by 
ovn-2021-host-21.06.0-29.el8s.x86_64\\n  - package 
rdo-ovn-host-2:22.06-3.el8.noarch obsoletes ovn-2021-host < 22.06 provided by 
ovn-2021-host-21.12.0-11.el8s.x86_64\\n  - cannot install the best update 
candidate for package ovn-2021-host-21.12.0-82.el8s.x86_64\\n  - cannot install 
the best update candidate for package 
ovirt-openvswitch-ovn-host-2.15-4.el8.noarch\", \"rc\": 1, \"results\": []}",

On one host, when I attempt to open the ovirt web console from the gui it won't 
open, and virtual machines on that particular host are unable to run an ovirt 
web console as well: citing handshake error failure.
log excerpt for host web console:

Oct 17 15:58:29 ovirt-host-05 journal[96215]: Domain id=24 name='cen-79-dmz-02' 
uuid=82fefcfa-bce0-4397-a575-48d3d08fdb61 is tainted: custom-ga-command
Oct 17 15:58:29 ovirt-host-05 journal[96215]: Domain id=25 name='win-10-utl' 
uuid=11f71942-1d88-40a0-a6c5-45e7718afbcf is tainted: custom-ga-command

Oct 17 03:37:01 ovirt-host-05 ovs-appctl[37436]: ovs|00001|unixctl|WARN|failed 
to connect to /var/run/ovn/ovn-controller.18617.ctl

Thank you in advance
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Lev Veyde

Senior Software Engineer, RHCE | RHCVA | MCITP

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Ales Musil

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