On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 12:09 PM Diego Ercolani <diego.ercol...@ssis.sm> wrote:
> Thank you for your infos.
> > It's not the engine that is writing there, it's dwhd. The engine only
> > reads. Did you check /var/log/ovirt-engine-dwh/ ?
> What is confusing me are these line in  
> /var/log/ovirt-engine-dwh/ovirt-engine-dwhd.log
> lastErrorSent|2011-07-03 12:46:47.000000
> etlVersion|4.5.7
> dwhAggregationDebug|false
> dwhUuid|53878f7e-cb3d-45cc-9edf-9e389414ce6e
> ovirtEngineHistoryDbDriverClass|org.postgresql.Driver
> ovirtEngineHistoryDbPassword|**********************
> 2022-12-30 
> 21:45:01|6kFI8I|Yi5fBA|8mXcq0|OVIRT_ENGINE_DWH|SampleTimeKeepingJob|Default|5|tWarn|tWarn_1|Can
>  not sample data, oVirt Engine is not updating the statistics. Please check 
> your oVirt Engine status.|9704
> 2022-12-30 
> 22:00:01|HuESUa|Yi5fBA|8mXcq0|OVIRT_ENGINE_DWH|SampleTimeKeepingJob|Default|5|tWarn|tWarn_1|Can
>  not sample data, oVirt Engine is not updating the statistics. Please check 
> your oVirt Engine status.|9704
> 2022-12-30 
> 22:15:01|i99aVI|Yi5fBA|8mXcq0|OVIRT_ENGINE_DWH|SampleTimeKeepingJob|Default|5|tWarn|tWarn_1|Can
>  not sample data, oVirt Engine is not updating the statistics. Please check 
> your oVirt Engine status.|9704

The process is like this:

1. The engine routinely updates its own database
2. dwhd reads the engine DB. If it notices updates, it updates its own
DB. If it does not, after some time it emits the above lines to the

Perhaps the problem is that dwhd fails to look at the engine DB? Or
uses wrong creds? They are in
, keys starting with ENGINE_DB_ (those starting with DWH_DB_ are for
its own db).

> >
> >
> > What you did might be enough, in principle, but we do not have it
> > documented/tested, IIRC.
> It should be a "nice to have feature"....

We had it open for many years but never finished...



> >
> > How did you remove ovirt_engine_history? Did you remove both db and
> > user? And lines from pghba.conf?
> >
> > You might need to remove also
> > /etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/10-setup-dwh-database.conf , before
> > running engine-setup. That's the file the engine uses to get
> > credentials for the dwh db.
> I noticed that engine-setup wrote the correct credentials even if you don't 
> remove the file
> >
> > Good luck and best regards,
> I decided to restart the clean process using your info so, I'm going to trace 
> what I do during the process in the following lines:
> 1. put the cluster in global maintenance
> 2. systemctl stop ovirt-engine-dwhd, systemctl stop ovirt-engine, systemctl 
> stop grafana-server
> 3. verify what process i using the dwh db: SELECT  * FROM pg_stat_activity 
> where datname='ovirt_engine_history';
> 4. "Clean" the database: DROP DATABASE ovirt_engine_history; DROP ROLE 
> ovirt_engine_history; DROP ROLE ovirt_engine_history_grafana;
> 5. "Clean" the setup environment:
> --- /etc/ovirt-engine-setup.conf.d/20-setup-ovirt-post.conf.bak 2022-12-30 
> 12:52:19.810983574 +0000
> +++ /etc/ovirt-engine-setup.conf.d/20-setup-ovirt-post.conf     2023-01-02 
> 09:48:43.642373549 +0000
> @@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
>  OVESETUP_CONFIG/adminUserId=str:9c1af7f1-5795-432a-b971-9883e0bed76d
>  OVESETUP_OVN/ovirtProviderOvn=bool:True
>  OVESETUP_OVN/ovirtProviderOvnId=str:e6b92384-b112-40e0-8d6f-2c6e4536cd1a
> -OVESETUP_DWH_CORE/enable=bool:True
> +OVESETUP_DWH_CORE/enable=bool:False
>  OVESETUP_DWH_CONFIG/remoteEngineConfigured=bool:False
>  OVESETUP_DWH_CONFIG/scale=str:2
> -OVESETUP_GRAFANA_CORE/enable=bool:True
> +OVESETUP_GRAFANA_CORE/enable=bool:False
>  OVESETUP_GRAFANA_CORE/grafanaDbCreatedByUs=none:None
>  OVESETUP_KEYCLOAK_CONFIG/ovirtAdminUser=str:admin@ovirt
>  OVESETUP_VMCONSOLE_PROXY_CONFIG/vmconsoleProxyConfig=bool:True
> rm /etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/10-setup-dwh-database.conf
> --- /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf.bak 2023-01-02 09:52:34.153904851 +0000
> +++ /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf     2023-01-02 09:53:08.784158670 +0000
> @@ -82,14 +82,6 @@
>  # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
>  local   all             all                                     peer
> -host    ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history_grafana          
>      md5
> -host    ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history_grafana ::0/0              
>      md5
> -host    ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history               md5
> -host    ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history ::0/0                   md5
>  host    engine          engine               md5
>  host    engine          engine          ::0/0                   md5
>  # IPv4 local connections:
> @@ -99,18 +91,9 @@
>  # Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
>  # replication privilege.
>  local   replication     all                                     peer
> -host    ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history_grafana          
>      md5
> -host    ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history_grafana ::0/0              
>      md5
> -host    ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history               md5
> -host    ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history ::0/0                   md5
>  host    engine          engine               md5
>  host    engine          engine          ::0/0                   md5
>  host    replication     all               ident
>  host    replication     all             ::1/128                 ident
>  host   all             diego   password
>  host   all             axel    trust
> 6. launch engine-setup --reconfigure-optional-components:
>           --== CONFIGURATION PREVIEW ==--
>           Default SAN wipe after delete           : False
>           Host FQDN                               : ovirt-engine.ovirt
>           Firewall manager                        : firewalld
>           Update Firewall                         : True
>           Set up Cinderlib integration            : False
>           Engine database host                    : localhost
>           Engine database port                    : 5432
>           Engine database secured connection      : False
>           Engine database host name validation    : False
>           Engine database name                    : engine
>           Engine database user name               : engine
>           Engine installation                     : True
>           PKI organization                        : ovirt
>           Set up ovirt-provider-ovn               : True
>           DWH installation                        : True
>           DWH database host                       : localhost
>           DWH database port                       : 5432
>           DWH database secured connection         : False
>           DWH database host name validation       : False
>           DWH database name                       : ovirt_engine_history
>           Configure local DWH database            : True
>           Grafana integration                     : True
>           Grafana database user name              : 
> ovirt_engine_history_grafana
>           Configure VMConsole Proxy               : True
>           Configure WebSocket Proxy               : True
> The engine-setup seem to have a successful run.... the ovirt_engine_history 
> seem to work, no error in logs:
> [root@ovirt-engine ~]# tail -10 
> /var/log/ovirt-engine-dwh/ovirt-engine-dwhd.log
> deleteIncrement|10
> timeBetweenErrorEvents|300000
> hoursToKeepSamples|24
> deleteMultiplier|1000
> lastErrorSent|2011-07-03 12:46:47.000000
> etlVersion|4.5.7
> dwhAggregationDebug|false
> dwhUuid|53878f7e-cb3d-45cc-9edf-9e389414ce6e
> ovirtEngineHistoryDbDriverClass|org.postgresql.Driver
> ovirtEngineHistoryDbPassword|**********************
> [root@ovirt-engine ~]# grep -e "DWH_DB_\(USER\|PASSWORD\)" 
> /etc/ovirt-engine-dwh/ovirt-engine-dwhd.conf.d/10-setup-database.conf
> DWH_DB_USER="ovirt_engine_history"
> DWH_DB_PASSWORD="7l0W2uqqoy3EYS1gD0VRwE"

(Better not expose passwords to the Internet)

> [root@ovirt-engine ~]# psql -U ovirt_engine_history -h ovirt-engine.ovirt -W 
> ovirt_engine_history
> Password:
> psql (12.12)
> Type "help" for help.
> ovirt_engine_history-> \du
>                                              List of roles
>           Role name           |                         Attributes            
>              | Member of
> ------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------
>  axel                         | Superuser, Create role, Create DB             
>              | {}
>  diego                        | Superuser, Create role, Create DB             
>              | {}
>  engine                       | Superuser                                     
>              | {}
>  ovirt_engine_history         |                                               
>              | {}
>  ovirt_engine_history_grafana |                                               
>              | {}
>  postgres                     | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, 
> Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
> I'm currently waiting...


If all else fails, perhaps try this:
1. Setup a test engine+dwh, make sure it works (and you do not see log
lines about engine not updating stats).
2. Study this setup - check what process connects to what DB using
what creds, and where these are saved, and compare to your own setup.

Best regards,
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