Is it also broken on the NFS data domain, or only on iSCSI?
As I understand, sparsifying isn't  supported on iSCSI data domains.

I am not sure of the reason why iSCSI domains don't support sparsify, but
it would be great.
I'd love an input from oVirt storage gurus to understand the limitation

Guillaume Pavese
Ingénieur Système et Réseau

On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 11:35 PM <> wrote:

> Hello,
> i cannot get sparsifying to work in lastest oVirt 4.5.4 release (not that
> i have tried with a previous release)
> I have two Data domains connected to oVirt using iSCSI & NFS.
> I created 2 testvm's  and 50GB thin provisioned qcow2 disks for each, made
> some temp files, remove them and tried to sparsify, but it does not work.
> Error i am getting is:
> Error while executing action: Cannot sparsify Virtual Disk. Sparsifying is
> not supported for QCOW2 disk testvm1_Disk1.
> In virtual disk options i have enable, Bootable, incremental back and for
> one of the images i enable discard for testing purposes.
> What am i doing wrong?
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