
On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 09:23:50PM -0000, Michaal R via Users wrote:
> Okay, it seems it got a bit further, but still errored out. I watched it get 
> past the disk import (or what looked like the disk import), but I couldn't 
> see in the vdsm.log file where it failed the remaining import. I tried as 
> both Other OS and as Linux (just in case the latter had a chance), but still 
> failures. There were errors from vdsmd like "cannot lookup default selinux 
> label for /var/tmp/.guestfs-36/appliance.d/initrd" and some SELinux errors 
> with access control from qemu-kvm (the latter of which I ran the fix scripts 
> for as suggested by Cockpit). Below are the log file links from this run.

thanks for testing the patch. I can see from logs that it can read the
progress properly and it now finishes fine. Here's from vdsm.log:

    2023-10-26 16:04:17,608-0500 INFO  (v2v/4a6237d9) [root] Job 
'4a6237d9-05a0-4d5a-a7b1-ff01764a761f' finished import successfully (v2v:875)
    2023-10-26 16:04:32,511-0500 INFO  (jsonrpc/1) [api.host] START 
getConvertedVm(jobid='4a6237d9-05a0-4d5a-a7b1-ff01764a761f') from=*******, 
flow_id=593daf15-49dc-4616-8b11-7a62f5f6ace4 (api:31)
    2023-10-26 16:04:32,512-0500 INFO  (jsonrpc/1) [api.host] FINISH 
getConvertedVm return={'status': {'code': 0, 'message': 'Done'}, 'ovf': "<?xml 
version='1.0'..."} from=*****, flow_id=593daf15-49dc-4616-8b11-7a62f5f6ace4 
    2023-10-26 16:04:32,537-0500 INFO  (jsonrpc/5) [api.host] START 
deleteV2VJob(jobid='4a6237d9-05a0-4d5a-a7b1-ff01764a761f') from=******, 
flow_id=593daf15-49dc-4616-8b11-7a62f5f6ace4 (api:31)
    2023-10-26 16:04:32,537-0500 INFO  (jsonrpc/5) [api.host] FINISH 
deleteV2VJob return={'status': {'code': 0, 'message': 'Done'}} from=******, 
flow_id=593daf15-49dc-4616-8b11-7a62f5f6ace4 (api:37)

So whatever is causing the failure now is on engine side. You might be
able to find more information in engine.log. You can try to correlate
the logs using the "flow_id" (see above).

Hope this helps,

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