
> certificate validation value in engine-setup
Do you mean expiration date on CA generated by ovirt?
Then I would look at (copied from bugzila):
> I found two places where the lifspan is hard coded in scripts: 
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/bin/pki-enroll-openssh-cert.sh 
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/bin/pki-enroll-request.sh
But changing files provided by the package has its own issues.

Rerunning setup-engine does not affect guest vms. It can ask you to 
restart/reload ovirt-manager (to read a new cert) but it should not cause any 
disruption to guest vms. Only user's/admins would need to relogion to webui.

On 4 November 2023 19:35:56 CET, LS CHENG <lsc.or...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I think I will stick with the default certificate 398 days rule. To renew
>the certificate automatically I am thinking to write a script and
>run engine-setup which will detect the certificate are close to expire such
>as following
>*          --== PKI CONFIGURATION ==--                   One or more of the
>certificates should be renewed, because they expire soon, or include an
>invalid expiry date, or they were created with validity period longer than
>398 days, or do not include the subjectAltName extension, which can cause
>them to be rejected by recent browsers and up to date hosts.          See
>for more details.          Renew certificates? (Yes, No) [No]:*
>However I see a couple of problems
>   1. engine-setup must be run with offline option because otherwise it
>   will try to update the packages which I want to avoid, when offline is used
>   do the VM running in the KVM hosts be stopped? Can this be done online? It
>   is a pain if every time I need to renew the certificates I have to stop the
>   entire virtualization environment.
>   2. To script and run this process as a cron job can we run engine-setup
>   non-interactively?
>On Sat, Nov 4, 2023 at 6:47 PM LS CHENG <lsc.or...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Yes it is generated with engine-setup.
>> How do you extend the certificate validation value in engine-setup? (I am
>> aware that browser can have problems with long duration certificates as
>> explained in
>> https://techbeacon.com/security/google-apple-mozilla-enforce-1-year-max-security-certifications
>> )
>> Thanks
>> On Sat, Nov 4, 2023 at 6:39 PM Matej Dujava <ov...@kocurkovo.cz> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> By self signed cert, you mean managed cert generated by ovirt itself
>>> (engine-setup)?
>>> I found an issue https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1824103 where
>>> it's mentioned that safari (maybe other browsers too) have problem with
>>> long self signed CA. Of it's not affecting your clients you can change
>>> values and regenerate cert by engine-setup.
>>> You can always generate SSL cert by hand (openssl or cfssl ...) and
>>> replace it with following
>>> https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/administration_guide/#Replacing_the_Manager_CA_Certificate
>>>  .
>>> On 4 November 2023 14:18:26 CET, LS CHENG <lsc.or...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi again
>>>> Forgot to mention that I am using self signed certificates
>>>> Thank you
>>>> On Sat, Nov 4, 2023 at 2:07 PM LS CHENG <lsc.or...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all
>>>>> I am running Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager 4.4.
>>>>> The default expiration length for apache.cer and websocket-proxy.cer is
>>>>> 1 year, is there a way to extend them to 10 years?
>>>>> Thank you
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