
Here is working pdf:
PdfBox file:



On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 6:14 PM, Tilman Hausherr <thaush...@t-online.de>

> Please upload both files to a sharehoster, so that we can look at the
> differences with PDFDebugger, compare with the PDF specification, and
> decide whether it's a bug or not.
> Tilman
> Am 01.02.2018 um 09:33 schrieb Robert Nemet:
>> Hi,
>> I have two pdf files and they should be same( some text and attachment).
>> One is created with PDFBox while other with iText ( old one, and we are
>> trying to migrate from it ).
>> Issue is that if I open iText pdf in browser ( chrome with PDF Viewer ) I
>> see document and attachment, but if I open pdf created with PDFBox
>> attachment is not visible. In Acrobat Reader desktop it is visible.
>> I wonder why is that and if it is possible to be the same?
>> Here is a code how attachments are added:
>> =====
>> final PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(result);
>>         final Map<String, PDComplexFileSpecification> embeddedFileMap =
>> new HashMap<String, PDComplexFileSpecification>();
>>         final List<File> tmpFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
>>         for( TitledDocument attachment: attachments ) {
>>             InputStream is;
>>             if( memoryUsageSetting.isMainMemoryRestricted() ) {
>>                 is = new ByteArrayInputStream(attachment.getData());
>>             } else {
>>                 try {
>>                     // drop attachments on file system
>>                     File tempFile = 
>> TempFile.dumpBufferToTempFile(attachment.getData(),
>> attachment.getMimeType());
>>                     tmpFiles.add(tempFile);
>>                     is = new FileInputStream(tempFile);
>>                 } catch (IOException ex) {
>>                     is = new ByteArrayInputStream(attachment.getData());
>>                 }
>>             }
>>             PDEmbeddedFile ef = new PDEmbeddedFile(document, is);
>>             // create embeded file
>> ef.setSubtype(attachment.getMimeType().getMimeString());
>>             ef.setSize(attachment.getSize());
>>             // file spec
>>             PDComplexFileSpecification fs = new
>> PDComplexFileSpecification();
>> fs.setFile(attachment.getTitleWithExtension());
>>             fs.setEmbeddedFile(ef);
>>             embeddedFileMap.put(attachment.getTitle(), fs);
>>         }
>>         final PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode efTree = new
>> PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode();
>>         efTree.setNames(embeddedFileMap);
>>         final PDDocumentNameDictionary names = new
>> PDDocumentNameDictionary(document.getDocumentCatalog());
>>         names.setEmbeddedFiles(efTree);
>>         document.getDocumentCatalog().setNames(names);
>>         document.save(output);
>>         document.close();
>> =====
>> Actually, it is same in every browser I tried ( chrome, firefox, IE ).
>> //robert
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