
Thank you Sijie

> > If there is a new consumer joining a subscription, the key distribution 
> > will be split. So you are expected to see the messages of a key is 
> > dispatched from one consumer to another consumer. If the consumers of a 
> > subscription are stable, you will see the messages of the same key are 
> > always dispatched to one consumer.

Then, it is not working as expected.
I think the consumers of a subscription are stable since I just ran this .

But the messages of the same key are not going the same consumer as
shown in the previous email.
Did I miss something  ?


On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 9:39 AM Sijie Guo <guosi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hiroyuki,
> > First, multiple messages with the same key go to the same consumer
> thread as described below.
> If there is a new consumer joining a subscription, the key distribution will 
> be split. So you are expected to see the messages of a key is dispatched from 
> one consumer to another consumer. If the consumers of a subscription are 
> stable, you will see the messages of the same key are always dispatched to 
> one consumer.
> You can consider using a "sticky" consumer to consume messages. This ensures 
> messages of a given key range always go to that consumer.
> > Second, messages are almost equally balanced between consumer threads.
> The message distribution heavily relies on the key hashing. It is based on 
> Murmur3 hash. I think the skewness is coming from this part.
> One way to improve is to split the key range based on traffic instead of 
> splitting equally when a new consumer joins, similar to what we do recently 
> to bundle split. I have cc'ed Penghui in this email to see what is his 
> thoughts about this.
> - Sijie
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 3:43 AM Hiroyuki Yamada <mogwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm checking Key_Shared feature and faced some unexpected behavior.
>> What happened roughly is, multiple messages with the same key go to
>> different consumers (consumer threads) even though Key_Shared is set.
>> Also, the distribution of messages to consumers is quite skewed.
>> Let me explain what I did, what happened, and what was my expectation
>> in more detail.
>> What I did:
>> 1. Created a partitioned topic named
>> "persistent://my-tenant/my-namespace/my-topic8" (# of partitions is 8)
>> 2. Ran a producer (the code is here.
>> https://github.com/feeblefakie/misc/blob/master/pulsar/src/main/java/MyProducer.java
>> )
>>   - it just produces 10000 messages with SinglePartition. each message
>> has a key (from "0" to "999")
>> 3. Ran a consumer process (the code is here.
>> https://github.com/feeblefakie/misc/blob/master/pulsar/src/main/java/MyConsumer.java
>> )
>>   - It consumes messages with Key_Shared and 20 consumer threads set
>> by ClientBuilder.listenerThreads(20).
>> What happened:
>> Multiple messages with the same key go to different consumer threads.
>> For example, the following is a set of messages with key "100" but
>> some goes to b4fa8 others go to 96ee9.
>> #ConsumerName key
>> b4fa8 100
>> b4fa8 100
>> b4fa8 100
>> b4fa8 100
>> 96ee9 100
>> 96ee9 100
>> 96ee9 100
>> 96ee9 100
>> 96ee9 100
>> 96ee9 100
>> Also, distribution of messages are pretty skewed.
>> # numOfMessages consumerName
>>  289 15588
>>  346 21dcb
>>  138 284ca
>>  379 29138
>>  195 30276
>>  533 500ae
>>  375 5c4cb
>>  338 654bf
>>  194 699fe
>>  271 6c6c8
>>  220 73691
>>  152 7f5d1
>>  372 96ee9
>>  359 9b55d
>>  315 a22fd
>>  196 a752a
>> 4243 b4fa8 <- this consumes most of the messages
>>  387 cc11a
>>  307 d0f5d
>>  391 ec8b8
>> What I expected:
>> First, multiple messages with the same key go to the same consumer
>> thread as described in below.
>> http://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/concepts-messaging/#key_shared
>> Second, messages are almost equally balanced between consumer threads.
>> So, am I doing something wrong ? or my expectation is wrong ?
>> If my expectation is correct, It would be great if anyone can teach me
>> how to make it happen.
>> Best regards,
>> Hiroyuki

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