Hi Ryan,

>> I've set "loadBalancerAutoBundleSplitEnabled" to "true" and
"loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxMsgRate" to 1000. I then ran 2 producers at
1k msg/s for ~5mins, but I didn't see a bundle split

LoadBalancer will split the bundle only if it has more than 1 topic in the
bundle (because bundle is a logical part of namespace that contains topics.
if namespace has only 1 topic then there is no need of split bundle).
Load-balancer splits bundle if bundle reaches one of the threshold
configured at broker-config

1. *loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxTopics*:                     maximum
topics in a bundle
2. *loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxSessions*:                 maximum
sessions (producers + consumers) in a bundle
3. *loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxMsgRate*:                  maximum
msgRate (in + out) in a bundle
4. *loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxBandwidthMbytes*:   maximum bandwidth (in
+ out) in a bundle

>> I found "bin/pulsar-perf monitor-brokers"
Using this utility can you confirm bundle usage and can you confirm if it
meets that threshold to split the bundle?


On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 3:33 PM, Ryan Stout <rst...@box.com> wrote:

> Hey Pulsar devs,
> I've deployed a small Pulsar cluster (in AWS) with 2 brokers and 3
> bookies. I've started doing perf testing using bin/pulsar-perf to determine
> the limitations of Pulsar. I'm at the point where I can't produce more than
> ~25k msg/s on a topic (regardless of number of partitions, clients, or
> bookies). Upon trying to understand the bottleneck, I found
> "bin/pulsar-perf monitor-brokers" and it showed that only one of the two
> brokers is receiving traffic. I've set-up the service-discovery service
> that came with Pulsar, which my producers are hitting, so I expected the
> requests to be distributed fairly across the brokers, but this is not the
> case.
> In conf/broker.conf, there's a load balancing section that seems to hint
> at the ability for brokers to shed traffic to other brokers. I've tried
> tuning the values in this section, but haven't been able to get the brokers
> to share the load. For example, I've set "loadBalancerAutoBundleSplitEnabled"
> to "true" and "loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxMsgRate" to 1000. I then ran
> 2 producers at 1k msg/s for ~5mins, but I didn't see a bundle split (I also
> reduced some of the intervals e.g. "loadBalancerSheddingIntervalMinutes"
> to 1 minute).
> Is there a way to configure my Pulsar cluster to balance between my 2
> brokers? Is there perhaps another, better way I might increase throughput?

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