2018-06-21 09:25:03 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Thanks Ivan, then what is the 
best possible way to make pulsar work k8s using TLS, I am stuck here for a 
week. Any help is appreciated. 
2018-06-21 10:05:56 UTC - Ivan Kelly: do you need TLS between the proxy and the 
2018-06-21 10:06:12 UTC - Ivan Kelly: or just to the proxy?
2018-06-21 10:12:48 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I need TLS between Client and 
Proxy for authentication. Then I need the authorization happen between client 
and broker for multi tenant behavior. Please advise me how to get this going
2018-06-21 10:16:53 UTC - Ivan Kelly: I don't think this does work right now. 
as I said, we're going to look into it this week, as its quite a glaring flaw 
for multitenancy
2018-06-21 10:17:41 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Without this feature selling the 
product would be tough in my company
2018-06-21 10:18:02 UTC - Ivan Kelly: yup, noted.
2018-06-21 10:18:37 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I can do this in containers 
locally but with proxy in between is a challenge for me.
2018-06-21 10:19:34 UTC - Ivan Kelly: it works fine with broker directly
2018-06-21 10:19:39 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Is there an option I can expose 
the broker port externally using nodeport by excluding proxy...it should work 
for multitenancy right?
2018-06-21 10:19:54 UTC - Ivan Kelly: the problem is the proxy-broker link
2018-06-21 10:20:12 UTC - Ivan Kelly: yes, but you would have to expose all 
2018-06-21 10:20:38 UTC - Ivan Kelly: i think. I'm not 100% sure. I need to 
check how service discovery is being used
2018-06-21 10:22:02 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Sure can you post me some sample 
and limitations of this approach. Even proxy has a limitation that I can run 
only one proxy per node. If I have 3 workers then I can run only 3 proxy.
2018-06-21 10:23:31 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I tried that option but getting 
connection timed out exception, I posted the logs in a direct message to 
@Matteo Merli, let me forward you as well
2018-06-21 10:24:17 UTC - Ivan Kelly: I don't have any k8s samples I'm afraid, 
I've been trying this with full AWS instances
2018-06-21 10:33:28 UTC - Ivan Kelly: you should put a watch on that issue 
though, I'll likely get to it later today, and will be updating it with my 
2018-06-21 11:46:26 UTC - Nikita Tomilov: @Nikita Tomilov has joined the channel
2018-06-21 12:04:25 UTC - Nikita Tomilov: Hello everyone
We've encountered a problem with receiving messages from non-persistent topics
The issue is here, please, take a look
2018-06-21 13:25:09 UTC - Ryan Rose: Hi all! Is the golang client in the master 
branch operational? I'm having trouble with missing C dependencies. Thanks!
2018-06-21 14:59:05 UTC - William Fry: Has anyone run into a 
`BrokenPersistenceError`? Looks like I can connect to the broker but then 
receive the following response `11 -- req_id: 0`
2018-06-21 15:00:15 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Nikita Tomilov regex subscription only 
works for persistence. It has been implemented for non persistent. Due to the 
way how non pesistence is architected, I am not sure it is easy to support, 
will have to take a deeper look.
2018-06-21 15:03:59 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Ryan Rose I believe the go client should 
be operational. Bunch of the people have tried it out. What is your 
environment? It is cgo wrapped client, and the documentation is in progress on 
being merged. That would provide some instructions, if you want to check out 
the documentation, go to pulsar github pull requests and find the PR called go 
client docs. It should have all the instructions about how to build and use it
2018-06-21 15:04:51 UTC - Sijie Guo: @William Fry is that the only output? Or 
do you have more output or logging?
2018-06-21 15:18:45 UTC - Ryan Rose: Excellent, that's where I'll head! Thanks!
2018-06-21 15:22:31 UTC - Sijie Guo: 
<https://github.com/apache/incubator-pulsar/pull/1838> this is PR for docs
2018-06-21 16:17:42 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: @Matteo Merli I followed your 
instruction to configure client cert to proxy, enabled ssl between proxy-broker 
and forward the authorization token to broker. As @Ivan Kelly  mentioned the I 
got the Connection Already Closed exception. Log wise broker received the 
request, authorized the call but closed the connection.
2018-06-21 16:46:54 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: @Matteo Merli Follow up finding 
is I made the proxy to communicate with broker on nonssl by turning off 
`tlsEnabledWithBroker=false` and `forwardAuthorizationCredentials=true`. This 
time call did not even reach broker. On client I get Connection already Closed 
2018-06-21 16:57:22 UTC - Daniel Ferreira Jorge: I'm still a little confused 
about the inner workings of message de-duplication (I read many times the 
cookbook, concepts and architecture, and articles at streamlio regarding that 
topic). Upon reading the cookbook, it gives the impression that broker 
configuration is the only thing necessary to ensure that a message is *accepted 
by the broker* only once. So, if I have a *non-idempotent* producer that 
publishes the same message twice, and I take the steps outlined in the 
cookbook, the broker will reject the second message. How exactly will the 
broker know that the second message is a duplicate? Some sort of checksum?
2018-06-21 17:07:52 UTC - William Fry: @Sijie Guo essentially it fails with 
these four lines whenever I try to create a producer or consumer:
17:08:49.514 [0x7f17fb90c700] INFO  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/HandlerBase.cc(53) - 
[<persistent://sample/foo/default/bars>, ] Getting connection from pool
17:08:49.519 [0x7f17fb90c700] WARN  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ClientConnection.cc(846) - [ 
-&gt;] Received error response from server: 11 -- req_id: 2
17:08:49.519 [0x7f17fb90c700] ERROR 
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ProducerImpl.cc(212) - 
[<persistent://sample/foo/default/bar>, ] Failed to create producer: 
17:08:49.519 [0x7f17fb90c700] INFO  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ProducerImpl.cc(415) - Producer - 
[<persistent://sample/foo/default/bar>, ] , [batching  = off]
2018-06-21 17:11:36 UTC - William Fry: It looks like on the pulsar instance, 
this is the stacktrace: `Caused by: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: 
org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.ManagedLedgerException: Not enough non-faulty 
bookies available`
2018-06-21 17:13:46 UTC - William Fry: On the zookeeper instance, this is the 
stacktrace `INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor - Got 
user-level KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x164230a14550001 
type:create cxid:0x1 zxid:0x10 txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a Error Path:/admin 
Error:KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /admin`
2018-06-21 17:25:08 UTC - Ivan Kelly: dedupe requires that the producer sends 
some sort of monotonically increasing sequence number
2018-06-21 17:26:41 UTC - Ivan Kelly: 
2018-06-21 17:26:49 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: @Karthik Palanivelu uploaded a 
<https://apache-pulsar.slack.com/files/U7VRE0Q1G/FBCT07XGF/-.txt|Untitled> and 
commented: Team, how do I get my pulsar working in k8s till proxy is fixed. I 
created a nodeport for broker to expose. But I am getting above exception. This 
is non-ssl. Can you please help me here?
2018-06-21 17:26:55 UTC - Ivan Kelly: the idea is that this message id is 
coming from a  log offset or something
2018-06-21 17:27:23 UTC - Ivan Kelly: this is a http request hitting a binary 
2018-06-21 17:28:31 UTC - Sijie Guo: This means there is no enough bookies 
available in the cluster
2018-06-21 17:28:52 UTC - Sijie Guo: How many bookies do you have?
2018-06-21 17:30:00 UTC - Ivan Kelly: the simplest way to get it to work, is 
disable tls between the proxy and the broker. you lose authorization, but you 
still have authentication
2018-06-21 17:36:34 UTC - Daniel Ferreira Jorge: Ok so for the de-duping to 
work I need always to work with the sequence ids. Thank you @Ivan Kelly
2018-06-21 17:36:46 UTC - William Fry: 1
2018-06-21 17:36:56 UTC - William Fry: just added a 2nd, is that now required 
in 2.0.0?
2018-06-21 17:37:00 UTC - William Fry: previously it worked with 1?
2018-06-21 17:38:30 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I am not using Proxy here. I 
disable SSL and using non-ssl trying to hit broker port directly through 
2018-06-21 17:38:51 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: My NodePort points to broker now
2018-06-21 17:38:56 UTC - Sijie Guo: are you deploying using standalone or a 
full cluster?
2018-06-21 17:40:02 UTC - Sijie Guo: it seems that you are sending protobuf 
requests to http endpoints, which is your serviceUrl for your client?
2018-06-21 17:41:23 UTC - William Fry: full cluster w/ ansible+terraform
2018-06-21 17:42:36 UTC - Sijie Guo: oh did you configure broker settings, like 
ensembleSize, writeQuorumSize and such
2018-06-21 17:42:49 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I am using 
<pulsar://ELB-NAME:9151(TCP)> -&gt; Node Port 30003 -&gt; Head Less Service 
6650 --&gt; broker 6650
2018-06-21 17:43:07 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Broker disabled SSL
2018-06-21 17:45:05 UTC - William Fry: no kept the standards
2018-06-21 17:45:15 UTC - William Fry: I see this message in the Zookeepr logs 
```WARN  org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumCnxManager - Cannot open 
channel to 0 at election address /
Jun 21 17:44:26 ip-10-0-1-52 pulsar: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect 
timed out```
2018-06-21 17:45:22 UTC - Sijie Guo: i see. that does hit the protobuf port.
2018-06-21 17:46:09 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: which is protobuf port 6651?
2018-06-21 17:46:37 UTC - Sijie Guo: port 6650, it is speaking protobuf protocol
2018-06-21 17:46:39 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Even I tried with hostPort 
mapping but noi success
2018-06-21 17:46:41 UTC - Sijie Guo: so it is not http port
2018-06-21 17:47:07 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Yes I am trying to reach 6650
2018-06-21 17:47:26 UTC - Sijie Guo: actually can you try
2018-06-21 17:48:08 UTC - Sijie Guo: try go get to a broker pod and try locally?
2018-06-21 17:48:31 UTC - Sijie Guo: sorry I have to step to a meeting. maybe 
@Matteo Merli can you help you
2018-06-21 17:51:39 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: You mean on http port?
2018-06-21 18:25:59 UTC - Ivan Kelly: :thumbsup:
2018-06-21 18:29:56 UTC - Sijie Guo: I mean - can you ssh to a broker pod? run 
`bin/pulsar-client produce -m "test" test-topic` to test if you can publish 
messages within a k8s cluster. I am trying to isolate whether the problem is 
from pulsar cluster or from the network out side of k8s
2018-06-21 18:32:38 UTC - Sijie Guo: sounds like a connection issue.
2018-06-21 18:33:02 UTC - Sijie Guo: do you have any connectivities issue 
between broker and bookies?
2018-06-21 18:34:58 UTC - Matteo Merli: @Daniel Ferreira Jorge If you don’t do 
anything special, just with the setting in the configuration, the dedup will 
work within a single producer session. 

If your application crashes and comes back, it will be seen as a different 
producer, so brokers won’t be able to detect eventual dups at that point. 

If you want to have dedup across producer sessions, you need to : 
 1. Set producer name (instead of auto-generated name) 
 2. Use sequence ids tied to application domain
2018-06-21 18:37:16 UTC - Matteo Merli: @Ryan Rose the docs are live at 

With 2.1 release we’ll also be able to publish rpm/deb binary directly.
2018-06-21 18:37:45 UTC - Ryan Rose: Awesome, thanks!
2018-06-21 18:42:47 UTC - William Fry: I used to not
2018-06-21 18:42:55 UTC - William Fry: Right now I’m looking into the Zookeeper 
2018-06-21 18:43:02 UTC - William Fry: if I try to configure everything from 
2018-06-21 18:43:08 UTC - William Fry: I find this error on the initial 
Zookeeper instance
2018-06-21 18:43:09 UTC - William Fry: ```Jun 21 18:42:08 ip-10-0-1-186 pulsar: 
18:42:08.946 [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] WARN  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn - Exception causing close of session 
0x0 due to java.io.IOException: ZooKeeperServer not running
Jun 21 18:42:08 ip-10-0-1-186 pulsar: 18:42:08.946 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] INFO  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn - Closed socket connection for client 
/ (no session established for client)```
2018-06-21 18:44:40 UTC - Sijie Guo: you redeploy with ansible?
2018-06-21 18:45:20 UTC - William Fry: Yep
2018-06-21 18:45:27 UTC - William Fry: I’m doing it manually now
2018-06-21 18:45:29 UTC - William Fry: To test each step
2018-06-21 18:45:36 UTC - William Fry: It looks like after the zookeeper 
service is started
2018-06-21 18:45:40 UTC - William Fry: This is the first set of warnings
2018-06-21 18:45:43 UTC - William Fry: ```
Jun 21 18:44:46 ip-10-0-1-186 pulsar: 18:44:46.799 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] INFO  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory - Accepted socket connection 
from /
Jun 21 18:44:46 ip-10-0-1-186 pulsar: 18:44:46.807 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] WARN  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn - Exception causing close of session 
0x0 due to java.io.IOException: ZooKeeperServer not running
Jun 21 18:44:46 ip-10-0-1-186 pulsar: 18:44:46.807 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] INFO  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn - Closed socket connection for client 
/ (no session established for client)
Jun 21 18:44:48 ip-10-0-1-186 pulsar: 18:44:48.561 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] INFO  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory - Accepted socket connection 
from /
Jun 21 18:44:48 ip-10-0-1-186 pulsar: 18:44:48.562 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] WARN  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn - Exception causing close of session 
0x0 due to java.io.IOException: ZooKeeperServer not running
Jun 21 18:44:48 ip-10-0-1-186 pulsar: 18:44:48.562 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] INFO  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn - Closed socket connection for client 
/ (no session established for client)
Jun 21 18:44:49 ip-10-0-1-186 pulsar: 18:44:49.910 [WorkerSender[myid=0]] WARN  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumCnxManager - Cannot open channel to 1 
at election address /
2018-06-21 18:46:07 UTC - Sijie Guo: it seems that it can’t connect to ip
2018-06-21 18:46:12 UTC - Sijie Guo: is your ip changed?
2018-06-21 18:46:21 UTC - William Fry: That’s the other zookeeper instance
2018-06-21 18:46:29 UTC - William Fry: Do they need to be able to talk to one 
2018-06-21 18:47:03 UTC - Sijie Guo: yes they do. zookeeper uses port 3888 for 
its internal communication (e.g. leader election)
2018-06-21 18:48:46 UTC - William Fry: is the same true of the pulsar instances?
2018-06-21 18:49:54 UTC - Sijie Guo: for pulsar instances, they don’t need to 
inter instance communication.
2018-06-21 18:50:26 UTC - Sijie Guo: but pulsar brokers need to be able to talk 
to bookies at 3181, both brokers and bookie need to talk to zookeeper at 2181
2018-06-21 18:51:06 UTC - Sijie Guo: but I think terraform sets a vpc for the 
cluster, so those ports should be accessible between instances. are you using a 
customized terraform script?
2018-06-21 18:53:53 UTC - Ryan Rose: FWIW I fixed it -- was something fishy 
with the CPP lib install. I'd built it before from source, and reinstalling via 
the brew script in the new docs fixed it! Much appreciated.
+1 : Sijie Guo
2018-06-21 18:53:54 UTC - William Fry: yep
2018-06-21 18:54:02 UTC - William Fry: i wanted to lock it down more than the 
example code did
2018-06-21 18:54:39 UTC - William Fry: found out I mixed using 
`aws_security_group_rule` and the inline `egress` which causes failures
2018-06-21 18:58:45 UTC - Sijie Guo: gotcha!
2018-06-21 18:59:13 UTC - Sijie Guo: hope adding that back will address your 
2018-06-21 19:06:11 UTC - William Fry: trying it out now
+1 : Sijie Guo
2018-06-21 19:10:31 UTC - William Fry: ok, different error but past that 
problem :sweat_smile:
2018-06-21 19:11:12 UTC - William Fry: when creating a producer, I get this:
19:09:55.902 [0x7fcf15a05740] INFO  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ConnectionPool.cc(53) - Deleting stale connection 
from pool for 
use_count: -1 @ 0
19:09:55.902 [0x7fcf15a05740] INFO  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ConnectionPool.cc(63) - Created connection for 
19:09:55.903 [0x7fcf0c513700] INFO  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ClientConnection.cc(279) - [ 
-&gt;] Connected to broker
19:09:55.904 [0x7fcf0c513700] INFO  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ClientConnection.cc(1132) - [ 
-&gt;] Connection closed
19:09:55.904 [0x7fcf0c513700] ERROR 
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ClientImpl.cc(138) - Error Checking/Getting 
Partition Metadata while creating producer on 
<persistent://sample/foo/default/bar-previews> -- 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "&lt;stdin&gt;", line 1, in &lt;module&gt;
  File "/usr/local/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pulsar/__init__.py", line 351, 
in create_producer
    p._producer = self._client.create_producer(topic, conf)
Exception: Pulsar error: ConnectError
2018-06-21 19:15:45 UTC - William Fry: Looks like it may be from ansible
2018-06-21 19:16:00 UTC - William Fry: What triggers ansible to “skip” a task?
2018-06-21 19:16:24 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: @Sijie Guo It successfully 
published the message as non-ssl
2018-06-21 19:17:35 UTC - Sijie Guo: which task was skipped? can you telnet 
 6650  to see if you can reach 6650?
2018-06-21 19:17:49 UTC - William Fry: sure
2018-06-21 19:18:04 UTC - Sijie Guo: okay out side k8s cluster?
2018-06-21 19:18:33 UTC - William Fry: and two tasks: `Initialize cluster 
metadata` skipped 1 of 2 Zookeeper instances and `Create default property and 
namespace` skipped 1 of 1 Pulsar instances
2018-06-21 19:19:16 UTC - Sijie Guo: initialize should only be done once, if 
you already initialized, you don’t need initialize it again. otherwise it will 
erase all the metadata.
2018-06-21 19:19:27 UTC - Sijie Guo: same for “create default property and 
2018-06-21 19:21:09 UTC - William Fry: for telnet, the following was the trace:
Connected to 
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
2018-06-21 19:21:19 UTC - William Fry: (it was immediately closed, but that 
seems correct?)
2018-06-21 19:22:35 UTC - Sijie Guo: this sounds like some issues
2018-06-21 19:22:50 UTC - Sijie Guo: I am not sure it is network permissions or 
on the broker. can you check the broker logs?
2018-06-21 19:23:59 UTC - William Fry: It looks like it’s the broker. All the 
network perms look fine now.
2018-06-21 19:24:52 UTC - William Fry: Broker is on pulsar instance right?
2018-06-21 19:25:02 UTC - Sijie Guo: yes
2018-06-21 19:25:24 UTC - Sijie Guo: can you check the logs
2018-06-21 19:25:24 UTC - William Fry: on pulsar there are two errors:
 19:18:14 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 19:18:14.845 [main-SendThread(] 
INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL 
(unknown error)
Jun 21 19:18:14 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 19:18:14.846 
[main-SendThread(] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - 
Socket connection established to, initiating session
Jun 21 19:18:14 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 19:18:14.848 
[main-SendThread(] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - 
Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has 
closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 19:18:16.381 
[main-SendThread(] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - 
Opening socket connection to server Will not 
attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 19:18:16.482 [main-EventThread] INFO  
org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - EventThread shut down for session: 0x0
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 19:18:16.483 [main] INFO  
org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper - Session: 0x0 closed
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 19:18:16.484 [main] ERROR 
org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.zk.ZKMetadataDriverBase - Failed to create zookeeper 
client to,
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = 
2018-06-21 19:25:42 UTC - William Fry: and ```
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 19:18:16.497 [main] ERROR 
org.apache.pulsar.PulsarBrokerStarter - Uncaught exception in thread main: 
Failed to initialize metadata bookie driver
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: 
org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookieException$MetadataStoreException: Failed to 
initialize metadata bookie driver
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: at 
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: at 
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: at 
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: at 
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: at 
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: at 
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: Caused by: 
org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.exceptions.MetadataException: Failed to create 
zookeeper client to,
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: at 
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: at 
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: at 
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: ... 5 more
Jun 21 19:18:16 ip-10-0-1-10 pulsar: Caused by: 
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = 
2018-06-21 19:25:54 UTC - William Fry: they may be related by connection loss?
2018-06-21 19:25:54 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Which port you want me to check, 
abive code used client.conf which used webServiceUrl=<http://broker:9101/>..
2018-06-21 19:26:03 UTC - Sijie Guo: it seems that broker cannot connect to 
those two machines
2018-06-21 19:26:31 UTC - Sijie Guo: can you do following:

on the broker machine, try telnet 2181
2018-06-21 19:26:42 UTC - Sijie Guo: and telnet 2181
2018-06-21 19:26:46 UTC - Sijie Guo: to see if you can telnet
2018-06-21 19:28:16 UTC - Sijie Guo: <pulsar://broker:&lt;broker-port&gt;> 
(e.g. <pulsar://broker:6650/>)
2018-06-21 19:29:05 UTC - William Fry: has crashed
2018-06-21 19:29:13 UTC - William Fry: but i connect to
2018-06-21 19:29:19 UTC - William Fry: without it being immediately closed
2018-06-21 19:29:28 UTC - Sijie Guo: cool
2018-06-21 19:29:56 UTC - Sijie Guo: how many zookeeper do you have? can you 
check their logs? especially the crahsed one
2018-06-21 19:29:57 UTC - William Fry: 2
2018-06-21 19:30:08 UTC - William Fry: it looks like keeps trying to 
connect to
2018-06-21 19:30:23 UTC - William Fry: which yields ```Jun 21 19:28:19 
ip-10-0-1-146 pulsar: 19:28:19.782 [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/] WARN  
org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumCnxManager - Cannot open channel to 0 
at election address /
2018-06-21 19:30:51 UTC - William Fry: I don’t know what happened to
2018-06-21 19:30:54 UTC - William Fry: I can’t ssh into it
2018-06-21 19:31:03 UTC - William Fry: something strange happened to the box
2018-06-21 19:31:32 UTC - William Fry: will eventually give up 
trying to connect and elect itself?
2018-06-21 19:31:47 UTC - Sijie Guo: oh so you need odd number of zookeeper 
machines since zookeeper requires majoritity for consensus
2018-06-21 19:31:50 UTC - Joe Francis: <!channel> We are organizing a Pulsar 
1/2 day conference on the afternoon of July 10th, at Oath/Yahoo campus in 
Sunnyvale, CA. If anyone using Pulsar is interested in talking about their use 
case or experience in using Pulsar, we will be quite happy to host your 
presentation along with other tech and deep dive  talks.
+1 : Matteo Merli, Sijie Guo, Sanjeev Kulkarni, Ali Ahmed, Lewis Kaneshiro
bananadance : Sijie Guo, Ali Ahmed, Lewis Kaneshiro
2018-06-21 19:31:55 UTC - William Fry: …lol that makes sense
2018-06-21 19:32:12 UTC - Sijie Guo: so I think what you can do here
2018-06-21 19:32:21 UTC - Sijie Guo: since is down,
2018-06-21 19:32:51 UTC - Sijie Guo: you can update the zookeeper conf on to use one zookeeper server or just enable standalone mode
2018-06-21 19:33:06 UTC - Sijie Guo: so in that way you can function as one 
zookeeper server
2018-06-21 19:33:21 UTC - Sijie Guo: however the downside is if zookeeper is 
down, you will become unavailable.
2018-06-21 19:38:49 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: @Sijie Guo It is Connection Time 
Out on the Producer Client. But I can see from the logs of Broker, connection 
is open. Once I disconnect the client, I see the below log - `15:35:15.024 
[pulsar-io-21-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.ServerCnx - Closed 
connection from /IP-CLIENT:40989`
2018-06-21 19:39:25 UTC - William Fry: Any plans for an NYC conf :smile:
+1 : John Crawford, Ali Ahmed, Matteo Merli, Sijie Guo
2018-06-21 19:39:54 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Which means there is some issue 
in k8s.
2018-06-21 19:40:13 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I am new to k8s, seeking your help
2018-06-21 19:41:22 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: It seems like I need proxy and 
nodeport on Broker will not work. Please correct my understanding
2018-06-21 19:45:08 UTC - William Fry: gotcha
2018-06-21 19:45:13 UTC - William Fry: ok I have three up
2018-06-21 19:45:18 UTC - William Fry: I’m still getting the `Error 
Checking/Getting Partition Metadata while creating producer` error
2018-06-21 19:45:33 UTC - William Fry: but there are no warnings or errors in 
the bookie logs
2018-06-21 19:45:33 UTC - William Fry: I’ll try telnet’ing?
2018-06-21 19:46:47 UTC - Sijie Guo: what version of k8s are you using? and 
type of network are you using? (I know there was some issues about nodePort 
support on some type of network. didn’t have the names right on my head).
2018-06-21 19:46:49 UTC - William Fry: ok, I can telnet to all of the Zookeeper 
2018-06-21 19:47:02 UTC - Sijie Guo: I mean k8s network
2018-06-21 19:49:34 UTC - William Fry: Now when I connect, the producer hangs 
at `Created connection for ...`
2018-06-21 19:49:43 UTC - William Fry: And on the bookie logs, I see the below:
2018-06-21 19:50:39 UTC - William Fry: ```
Jun 21 19:48:28 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:48:28.358 [pulsar-io-49-1] INFO  
org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.ServerCnx - New connection from 
Jun 21 19:48:45 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:48:45.433 [pulsar-load-manager-4-1] 
INFO  org.apache.pulsar.broker.loadbalance.impl.ModularLoadManagerImpl - Only 1 
broker available: no load shedding will be performed
Jun 21 19:49:03 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:49:03.020 
[pulsar-ordered-OrderedExecutor-0-0] INFO  
org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ManagedLedgerImpl - Opening managed ledger 
2018-06-21 19:50:47 UTC - Sijie Guo: okay so it seems that you have the cluster 
up running
2018-06-21 19:51:14 UTC - William Fry: Any idea why the producer would just 
2018-06-21 19:51:38 UTC - Sijie Guo: are you using 2.0?
2018-06-21 19:52:01 UTC - William Fry: on the pulsar instance but not the client
2018-06-21 19:52:17 UTC - William Fry: scratch that, also on the client
2018-06-21 19:52:57 UTC - Sijie Guo: okay so you can change the topic name to 
<persistent://sample/foo/default/bar_previews> or just plain “bar_previews”
2018-06-21 19:53:12 UTC - Sijie Guo: so this plain “bar-previews” will go to a 
public default namespace
2018-06-21 19:53:39 UTC - William Fry: yep
2018-06-21 19:53:54 UTC - William Fry: did that and get the following:
19:53:32.086 [0x7f8df8b50700] INFO  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/HandlerBase.cc(53) - 
[<persistent://public/default/profile-previews>, ] Getting connection from pool
19:53:32.114 [0x7f8df8b50700] INFO  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ConnectionPool.cc(53) - Deleting stale connection 
from pool for <pulsar://> use_count: -1 @ 0
19:53:32.114 [0x7f8df8b50700] INFO  
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ConnectionPool.cc(63) - Created connection for 
2018-06-21 19:54:40 UTC - William Fry: On the bookie instance, I see the 
following as a result:
Jun 21 19:53:32 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:53:32.097 
[pulsar-ordered-OrderedExecutor-6-0-EventThread] INFO  
org.apache.pulsar.broker.cache.LocalZooKeeperCacheService - Successfully 
copyied bundles data to local zk at /admin/local-policies/public/default
Jun 21 19:53:32 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:53:32.097 
[pulsar-ordered-OrderedExecutor-6-0-EventThread] INFO  
org.apache.pulsar.broker.cache.LocalZooKeeperCacheService - Successfully 
created local policies for /admin/local-policies/public/default -- 
Jun 21 19:53:32 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:53:32.102 [pulsar-1-15] INFO  
org.apache.pulsar.broker.loadbalance.impl.ModularLoadManagerImpl - 1 brokers 
being considered for assignment of public/default/0xc0000000_0xd0000000
Jun 21 19:53:32 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:53:32.103 [pulsar-1-15] INFO  
org.apache.pulsar.broker.namespace.OwnershipCache - Trying to acquire ownership 
of public/default/0xc0000000_0xd0000000
Jun 21 19:53:32 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:53:32.113 
[pulsar-ordered-OrderedExecutor-6-0-EventThread] INFO  
org.apache.pulsar.broker.namespace.OwnershipCache - Successfully acquired 
ownership of /namespace/public/default/0xc0000000_0xd0000000
Jun 21 19:53:32 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:53:32.114 [pulsar-1-1] INFO  
org.apache.pulsar.broker.PulsarService - Loading all topics on bundle: 
Jun 21 19:53:45 ip-10-0-1-109 pulsar: 19:53:45.433 [pulsar-load-manager-4-1] 
INFO  org.apache.pulsar.broker.loadbalance.impl.ModularLoadManagerImpl - Only 1 
broker available: no load shedding will be performed
2018-06-21 19:56:23 UTC - William Fry: The command also doesn’t return, it 
hangs and I can’t cancel it with `^c`. Just shows those log messages below.
2018-06-21 19:58:08 UTC - Sijie Guo: can you do me a favor?
2018-06-21 19:58:17 UTC - Sijie Guo: can you go to the broker machine
2018-06-21 19:58:39 UTC - Sijie Guo: run `bin/pulsar-client produce -m "test 
message" test-topic` in the pulsar directory
2018-06-21 20:00:05 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Mine uses Calico
2018-06-21 20:00:59 UTC - William Fry: yep
2018-06-21 20:01:21 UTC - Sijie Guo: it succeed?
2018-06-21 20:01:24 UTC - William Fry: btw, after hanging for a long time, this 
is the final response of creating a producer with the python client 
`19:57:53.354 [0x7f8df8b50700] ERROR 
/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/lib/ClientConnection.cc(323) - [&lt;none&gt; -&gt; 
<pulsar://>] Failed to establish connection: Connection timed out
2018-06-21 20:01:32 UTC - William Fry: running now, one sec
2018-06-21 20:01:58 UTC - William Fry: failed
2018-06-21 20:02:23 UTC - William Fry: bunch of errors
2018-06-21 20:03:08 UTC - William Fry: ` ERROR 
org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ProducerImpl - [test-topic] [null] Failed to 
create producer: org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.ManagedLedgerException: Not 
enough non-faulty bookies available`
2018-06-21 20:03:22 UTC - Sijie Guo: okay
2018-06-21 20:03:29 UTC - Sijie Guo: so you have 1 bookie right?
2018-06-21 20:03:37 UTC - William Fry: 1 bookie, 3 zookeepers
2018-06-21 20:03:52 UTC - Sijie Guo: # Number of bookies to use when creating a 

# Number of copies to store for each message

# Number of guaranteed copies (acks to wait before write is complete)
2018-06-21 20:04:16 UTC - William Fry: do those need to be changed to 1?
2018-06-21 20:04:18 UTC - Sijie Guo: on the broker node, can you update 
broker.conf to set the above settings to 1? or can you add another bookie
2018-06-21 20:05:14 UTC - Sijie Guo: yeah. by default it is 2
2018-06-21 20:06:26 UTC - William Fry: yep, updated to 1
2018-06-21 20:06:30 UTC - William Fry: should i restart pulsar?
2018-06-21 20:06:34 UTC - William Fry: or does it watch the conf files?
2018-06-21 20:07:37 UTC - William Fry: yayyyy
2018-06-21 20:07:44 UTC - William Fry: the `bin/pulsar` command worked
2018-06-21 20:08:02 UTC - William Fry: the python client still hangs
2018-06-21 20:14:51 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Karthik Palanivelu I think there are some 
issues reported around Calico with nodePort in k8s. 
<https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/58908> I am not sure if that 
is the exact problem, but it might be worth trying out this suggestions in the 
2018-06-21 20:15:18 UTC - Sijie Guo: yeah you need to restart pulsar.
2018-06-21 20:15:31 UTC - Sijie Guo: if bin/pulsar command worker, that mean 
pulsar service is fine.
2018-06-21 20:15:42 UTC - Robin Bartholdson: Will be recorded I hope? :relaxed:
2018-06-21 20:15:50 UTC - William Fry: yeah I restarted it with `systemctl` but 
the python client still is failing
2018-06-21 20:15:59 UTC - Sijie Guo: so the problem would be the connection 
between your python client and pulsar broker.
2018-06-21 20:16:32 UTC - Sijie Guo: can you do one more thing, can you copy 
your python application to the broker server and run the python application 
2018-06-21 20:16:54 UTC - Sijie Guo: I am try to isolate the problem whether it 
is a problem of accessing network out side of vpc
2018-06-21 20:16:59 UTC - William Fry: sure
2018-06-21 20:18:51 UTC - William Fry: and use localhost or still use the load 
2018-06-21 20:19:33 UTC - Sijie Guo: Use localhost 
2018-06-21 20:20:24 UTC - William Fry: worked
2018-06-21 20:20:55 UTC - Sijie Guo: So it seems that problem comes from load 
2018-06-21 20:21:12 UTC - William Fry: yeah, because it also works using the 
load balancer from the pulsar instance…
2018-06-21 20:21:28 UTC - Sijie Guo: I see.
2018-06-21 20:21:54 UTC - Sijie Guo: you might want to check the aws 
loadbalancer configuration
2018-06-21 20:22:00 UTC - Sijie Guo: it might show some health status for you
2018-06-21 20:22:30 UTC - William Fry: yeah it’s healthy
2018-06-21 20:22:47 UTC - Sijie Guo: okay
2018-06-21 20:22:49 UTC - William Fry: I thought if you used a load balancer, 
you didn’t also need access to the other instance as long as the load balancer 
had access to the other instance
2018-06-21 20:23:14 UTC - Sijie Guo: yes that should be the case
2018-06-21 20:23:41 UTC - William Fry: ok, now it’s working from the other 
2018-06-21 20:23:45 UTC - William Fry: despite my doing nothing…
2018-06-21 20:23:57 UTC - Sijie Guo: interesting
2018-06-21 20:24:01 UTC - William Fry: testing out a local client shouldn’t 
have changed anything
2018-06-21 20:24:04 UTC - William Fry: right?
2018-06-21 20:24:08 UTC - Sijie Guo: so it should like a loadbalancer issue
2018-06-21 20:24:18 UTC - Sijie Guo: yeah it shouldn’t change
2018-06-21 20:24:43 UTC - Sijie Guo: not very familiar with aws loadbalancer
2018-06-21 20:24:52 UTC - William Fry: yeah I didn’t touch anything there
2018-06-21 20:24:59 UTC - William Fry: re-running terraform to see if I did 
without meaning to
2018-06-21 20:25:13 UTC - Sijie Guo: sgtm
2018-06-21 20:26:51 UTC - William Fry: ok, got it. The other instance needs 
access not only to the load balancer but also to pulsar
2018-06-21 20:26:52 UTC - William Fry: bizarre
2018-06-21 20:27:03 UTC - William Fry: that seems counter-intuitive
2018-06-21 20:27:31 UTC - Sijie Guo: okay
2018-06-21 20:27:36 UTC - Sijie Guo: so everything worked out?
2018-06-21 20:28:28 UTC - William Fry: yeah, I’m just stumped why we would need 
access to the pulsar instance
2018-06-21 20:28:36 UTC - William Fry: I thought that the load balancer funnels 
traffic to and from
2018-06-21 20:28:58 UTC - William Fry: maybe it just selects the ideal machine 
to use and then connection takes place directly between the machines?
2018-06-21 20:29:12 UTC - Sijie Guo: oh i see
2018-06-21 20:29:32 UTC - Sijie Guo: let me explain
2018-06-21 20:33:25 UTC - Sijie Guo: so broker is running in such a mode - 
client talks to any broker thru a load balancer, and ask the broker I want to 
publish/consume messages to this topic. if the broker is the owner of this 
topic, it serves the connection; if it isn’t, the broker tell the client who is 
the right broker and the client redirect and talk to that broker directly.  if 
this happens, the client talks to broker directly, which bypass the load 
balancer. so you need pulsar instance access for this case.

however there is another service instance, called “proxy”, what is does is a 
“proxy” that proxy the connections to the real broker. in that case, you just 
need use loadbalancer.

so in a production deployment, you might consider put up proxies in front of 
brokers and let loadbalancer load balancing among proxies.

hope this clears your question
2018-06-21 20:34:08 UTC - William Fry: ah that makes perfect sense
2018-06-21 20:34:15 UTC - William Fry: are there issues with the “proxy” right 
2018-06-21 20:34:21 UTC - William Fry: I saw chatter about it in 
2018-06-21 20:35:56 UTC - Sijie Guo: I think there are some issues around tls 
authentication enabled in proxy. we are fixing it and improving the 
documentation. without TLS or only TLS on proxy, everything should work fine
2018-06-21 20:41:41 UTC - William Fry: ok perfect
2018-06-21 20:41:55 UTC - William Fry: one last question, why do I need to 
bypass the load balancer if there is only one broker?
2018-06-21 20:42:17 UTC - William Fry: In that case, there’s no chance that I 
connect to a broker that doesn’t own a topic. Right?
2018-06-21 20:42:37 UTC - William Fry: Or is it that the load balancer balances 
requests to different brokers but any subsequent connection is _always_ direct?
2018-06-21 20:42:59 UTC - William Fry: What’s the purpose of the load balancer 
when not using the “proxy” service?
2018-06-21 20:44:32 UTC - William Fry: It looks like this is never a problem 
with HTTP requests to the API
2018-06-21 20:47:05 UTC - Sijie Guo: oh loadbalancer in the broker mode is more 
used as DNS for finding a broker
2018-06-21 20:47:09 UTC - Sijie Guo: if you only have one broker
2018-06-21 20:47:13 UTC - Sijie Guo: you don’t need loadbalancer
2018-06-21 21:53:22 UTC - William Fry: Can there be an even number of pulsar 
2018-06-21 21:53:28 UTC - William Fry: Or do you also need an odd number?
2018-06-21 21:55:25 UTC - Sijie Guo: pulsar instances can be any number
2018-06-21 21:55:32 UTC - William Fry: nice
2018-06-21 22:56:24 UTC - Joe Francis: Yes, will be recorded.
2018-06-22 00:10:02 UTC - Matteo Merli: @Matteo Merli pinned a message to this 
2018-06-22 06:43:17 UTC - Vasily Yanov: Hi!
2018-06-22 06:43:26 UTC - Vasily Yanov: One more downtime....
2018-06-22 06:43:44 UTC - Vasily Yanov: tried to restart broker and got this in 
2018-06-22 06:43:50 UTC - Vasily Yanov: ```
2018-06-22 06:38:58,641 - WARN  
[BookKeeperClientWorker-24-1:LedgerHandle$NoopCloseCallback@1189] - Close 
failed: Error while using ZooKeeper
2018-06-22 06:38:58,648 - ERROR 
[BookKeeperClientWorker-24-1:LedgerHandle$2$1CloseCb@405] - Error update ledger 
metadata for ledger 10752446 : -9
2018-06-22 06:38:58,648 - WARN  
[BookKeeperClientWorker-24-1:LedgerHandle$NoopCloseCallback@1189] - Close 
failed: Error while using ZooKeeper
2018-06-22 06:38:58,648 - ERROR 
[BookKeeperClientWorker-18-1:LedgerHandle$2$1CloseCb@405] - Error update ledger 
metadata for ledger 10752488 : -9
2018-06-22 06:38:58,648 - WARN  
[BookKeeperClientWorker-18-1:LedgerHandle$NoopCloseCallback@1189] - Close 
failed: Error while using ZooKeeper
2018-06-22 06:38:58,648 - INFO  
[BookKeeperClientWorker-21-1:LedgerHandle$ReReadLedgerMetadataCb@1100] - 
Resolve ledger metadata conflict while changing ensemble to: 
[,,], old meta data 
 (meta:BookieMetadataFormatVersion      2
quorumSize: 3
ensembleSize: 3
length: 0
lastEntryId: -1
state: OPEN
segment {
  ensembleMember: ""
  ensembleMember: ""
  ensembleMember: ""
  firstEntryId: 0
digestType: CRC32
password: ""
ackQuorumSize: 2
, version:1)
, new meta data is
 (meta:BookieMetadataFormatVersion      2
quorumSize: 3
ensembleSize: 3
length: 0
lastEntryId: -1
state: OPEN
segment {
  ensembleMember: ""
  ensembleMember: ""
  ensembleMember: ""
  firstEntryId: 0
digestType: CRC32
password: ""
ackQuorumSize: 2
, version:1).
2018-06-22 06:38:58,649 - WARN  
[main-EventThread:AbstractZkLedgerManager$4@407] - Conditional update ledger 
metadata failed: NONODE
2018-06-22 06:38:58,649 - ERROR 
[BookKeeperClientWorker-23-1:LedgerHandle$2$1CloseCb@405] - Error update ledger 
metadata for ledger 10752445 : -9
2018-06-22 06:38:58,649 - WARN  
[BookKeeperClientWorker-23-1:LedgerHandle$NoopCloseCallback@1189] - Close 
failed: Error while using ZooKeeper
2018-06-22 06:44:29 UTC - Vasily Yanov: in ZK logs a lot of messages with INFO 
Got user-level KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x300b72d5dc10005 
type:setData cxid:0x121b1 zxid:0x20008dd4c txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a Error 
Path:/ledgers/00/1075/L5594 Error:KeeperErrorCode = BadVersion for 
2018-06-22 06:50:15 UTC - Ali Ahmed: @Vasily Yanov did the cluster topology 
change ?
2018-06-22 06:57:56 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Vasily Yanov BadVersion means there are 
concurrent metadata updates. NONODE / -9 sounds like topic is delete while some 
other brokers attempts to update metadata. but these logging/warnings should 
only happen temporily, everything should be back to normal after restarts, does 
2018-06-22 08:43:08 UTC - Vasily Yanov: @Ali Ahmed sorry was on meeting. No 
topology changes
2018-06-22 08:44:59 UTC - Vasily Yanov: @Sijie Guo I performed full pulsar 
reset because restart broker or zookeeper or bookie didn't fix the issue

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