2018-08-26 05:53:17 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Matti-Pekka Laaksonen: did you specify 
“--allowed-clusters” at creating tenant?
2018-08-26 07:20:12 UTC - Matti-Pekka Laaksonen: Not when creating, but I 
updated the tenant with --allowed-clusters, and getting the information on the 
tenant returns my cluster in the list of allowed clusters, so the update seemed 
to work
2018-08-26 07:25:41 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Matti-Pekka Laaksonen can you provide the 
sequence of your commands?
2018-08-26 08:00:40 UTC - Matti-Pekka Laaksonen: Best I can remember: 
bin/pulsar-admin tenants create public
2018-08-26 08:01:32 UTC - Matti-Pekka Laaksonen: Followed by bin/pulsar-admin 
tenants update public --allowed-clusters hsl-pulsar --admin-roles all
2018-08-26 08:04:12 UTC - Matti-Pekka Laaksonen: When I get back to the  office 
tomorrow I'll try to create a completely new tenant/namespace
2018-08-26 08:05:19 UTC - Matti-Pekka Laaksonen: Oh, before updating the tenant 
I created a namespace: bin/pulsar-admin namespaces create public/default

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