Hi all,

I'm currently stumbling with creating proper ACLs for my needs - maybe there's someone who can throw some light on it :-)

Let there be an eventing mechanism using the build in XML exchange. It's used as "foo.bar". Messages sent there have the routing key "event". After some tries (looks like nested groups don't work like shown in the documentation and the keywords allow-log/deny-log do not work) I ended up with this not working definition:

group event-publisher test@QPID
group event-consumer test@QPID

acl allow event-publisher all queue name=foo.bar
acl allow event-publisher all exchange name=foo.bar
acl allow event-publisher publish exchange name=foo.bar routingkey=event

acl allow event-consumer all queue name=event-listener-* exclusive=true
acl allow event-consumer consume exchange name=foo.bar routingkey=event queuename=event-listener-*

Something with the "*" is not working like I was hoping. Does it only extend the dot seperated notation? qpidd claims:

2011-09-05 11:25:24 debug ACL: name 'event-listener-19ebd276-1ad7-4637-87bb-4fbd8fb56ddb' didn't match with name 'foo.bar' given in the rule 2011-09-05 11:25:24 debug No successful match, defaulting to the decision mode deny

The consumer uses this address definition in python:

        domain = 'foo.bar'
        queue = 'event-listener-%s' % uuid4()
        address = """%s; {
            create: always,
            delete: always,
            link: {
                x-bindings: [
                            exchange: '%s',
                            queue: %s,
                            key: event,
                            arguments: { xquery: %r}
            }""" % (queue, domain, queue, xquery)

What would be the recommended way to do this?


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:users-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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