On 09/05/2011 08:44 PM, Fraser Adams wrote:
One thing I'm more concerned about is whether this only relates to
statistics or is more insidious.

Gordon Sim spoke of a bug whereby the maximum queue size was 4GB due to
the use of a uint32.

Just to be clear that was the maximum configurable limit (an unlimited queue could be larger assuming you had the memory).

Apparently this has been resolved for Qpid 0.12
(though I've not tried this myself) but I'm interested about other
uin32s around. For example it's possible to trigger an event if a queue
threshold has been exceeded I'm hoping that the attribute used to hold
that threshold got changes to a uin64 at the same time as the attribute
used to hold the queue size otherwise the events are going to bear no
relationship to real triggers for large queues.

The threshold tracking code does indeed use a uint64.

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