At the risk of being controversial :-)

So qpid has both C++ and Java brokers available. Out of curiosity (and definitely not wishing to start a flame war!!!!) what's the benefit of that strategy, particularly because AMQP is language neutral and the C++ broker acts as a very nice JMS message provider.

Most of my qpid work has been done using Java clients and the C++ broker, so I'm curious as to what the advantages of the Java broker may be. As far as I could imagine from general experience of C++ versus Java I'd be surprise if the Java broker performs anything like as well as the C++ broker (but I'm prepared to be proven wrong!!).

I'm genuinely curious, I'm really not trying to offend anyone working on the Java broker so please don't take it that way. I've only ever used the C++ broker so I'm coming from a position of total ignorance with respect to the Java broker.

I'd appreciate thoughts/opinions.


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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