Hi Sergey,
Gordon Sim was I think going to put a small patch to qpid-config for qpid 0.14 I don't know if he did though as I've not had time to play with 0.14

To tide you over I've attached a patched version of qpid-config based on the 0.8 version of qpid-config


./qpid-config-patched -b queues

look in QueueListRecuse and ExchangeListRecurse to see the differences if you want to tweak a later version of qpid-config

It's only about four lines in total


On 10/02/12 12:14, Zhemzhitsky Sergey wrote:
Hi gurus,

Is there any way to view all the binding properties of the headers exchange?
I need to retrieve all the headers and their values among with ‘x-match’ 
(all/any) property by means of api or somehow else.

Best Regards,


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#!/usr/bin/env python

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import os
import getopt
import sys
import locale
from qmf.console import Session

_recursive         = False
_host              = "localhost"
_connTimeout       = 10
_altern_ex         = None
_passive           = False
_durable           = False
_clusterDurable    = False
_if_empty          = True
_if_unused         = True
_fileCount         = 8
_fileSize          = 24
_maxQueueSize      = None
_maxQueueCount     = None
_limitPolicy       = None
_order             = None
_msgSequence       = False
_ive               = False
_eventGeneration   = None
_file              = None

FILECOUNT = "qpid.file_count"
FILESIZE  = "qpid.file_size"
MAX_QUEUE_SIZE  = "qpid.max_size"
MAX_QUEUE_COUNT  = "qpid.max_count"
POLICY_TYPE  = "qpid.policy_type"
CLUSTER_DURABLE = "qpid.persist_last_node"
LVQ = "qpid.last_value_queue"
LVQNB = "qpid.last_value_queue_no_browse"
MSG_SEQUENCE = "qpid.msg_sequence"
IVE = "qpid.ive"
QUEUE_EVENT_GENERATION = "qpid.queue_event_generation"

def Usage (short=False):
    print "Usage:  qpid-config [OPTIONS]"
    print "        qpid-config [OPTIONS] exchanges [filter-string]"
    print "        qpid-config [OPTIONS] queues    [filter-string]"
    print "        qpid-config [OPTIONS] add exchange <type> <name> 
    print "        qpid-config [OPTIONS] del exchange <name>"
    print "        qpid-config [OPTIONS] add queue <name> [AddQueueOptions]"
    print "        qpid-config [OPTIONS] del queue <name> [DelQueueOptions]"
    print "        qpid-config [OPTIONS] bind   <exchange-name> <queue-name> 
    print "                  <for type xml>     [-f -|filename]"
    print "                  <for type header>  [all|any] k1=v1 [, k2=v2...]"
    print "        qpid-config [OPTIONS] unbind <exchange-name> <queue-name> 
    if short:

    print "Options:"
    print "    --timeout seconds (10)                    Maximum time to wait 
for broker connection"
    print "    -b [ --bindings ]                         Show bindings in queue 
or exchange list"
    print "    -a [ --broker-addr ] Address (localhost)  Address of qpidd 
    print "         broker-addr is in the form:   [username/password@] hostname 
| ip-address [:<port>]"
    print "         ex:  localhost,, broker-host:10000, 
    print "Add Queue Options:"
    print "    --alternate-exchange [name of the alternate exchange]"
    print "                         The alternate-exchange field specifies how 
messages on this queue should"
    print "                         be treated when they are rejected by a 
subscriber, or when they are"
    print "                         orphaned by queue deletion. When present, 
rejected or orphaned messages"
    print "                         MUST be routed to the alternate-exchange. 
In all cases the messages MUST"
    print "                         be removed from the queue."
    print "    --passive            Do not actually change the broker state 
(queue will not be created)"
    print "    --durable            Queue is durable"
    print "    --cluster-durable    Queue becomes durable if there is only one 
functioning cluster node"
    print "    --file-count N (8)   Number of files in queue's persistence 
    print "    --file-size  N (24)  File size in pages (64Kib/page)"
    print "    --max-queue-size N   Maximum in-memory queue size as bytes"
    print "    --max-queue-count N  Maximum in-memory queue size as a number of 
    print "    --limit-policy [none | reject | flow-to-disk | ring | 
    print "                         Action taken when queue limit is reached:"
    print "                             none (default) - Use broker's default 
    print "                             reject         - Reject enqueued 
    print "                             flow-to-disk   - Page messages to disk"
    print "                             ring           - Replace oldest 
unacquired message with new"
    print "                             ring-strict    - Replace oldest 
message, reject if oldest is acquired"
    print "    --order [fifo | lvq | lvq-no-browse]"
    print "                         Set queue ordering policy:"
    print "                             fifo (default) - First in, first out"
    print "                             lvq            - Last Value Queue 
ordering, allows queue browsing"
    print "                             lvq-no-browse  - Last Value Queue 
ordering, browsing clients may lose data"
    print "    --generate-queue-events N"
    print "                         If set to 1, every enqueue will generate an 
event that can be processed by"
    print "                         registered listeners (e.g. for 
replication). If set to 2, events will be"
    print "                         generated for enqueues and dequeues"
    print "Del Queue Options:"
    print "    --force               Force delete of queue even if it's 
currently used or it's not empty"
    print "    --force-if-not-empty  Force delete of queue even if it's not 
    print "    --force-if-used       Force delete of queue even if it's 
currently used"
    print "Add Exchange <type> values:"
    print "    direct     Direct exchange for point-to-point communication"
    print "    fanout     Fanout exchange for broadcast communication"
    print "    topic      Topic exchange that routes messages using binding 
keys with wildcards"
    print "    headers    Headers exchange that matches header fields against 
the binding keys"
    print "Add Exchange Options:"
    print "    --alternate-exchange [name of the alternate exchange]"
    print "                         In the event that a message cannot be 
routed, this is the name of the exchange to"
    print "                         which the message will be sent. Messages 
transferred using message.transfer will"
    print "                         be routed to the alternate-exchange only if 
they are sent with the \"none\""
    print "                         accept-mode, and the discard-unroutable 
delivery property is set to false, and"
    print "                         there is no queue to route to for the given 
message according to the bindings"
    print "                         on this exchange."
    print "    --passive            Do not actually change the broker state 
(exchange will not be created)"
    print "    --durable            Exchange is durable"
    print "    --sequence           Exchange will insert a 'qpid.msg_sequence' 
field in the message header"
    print "                         with a value that increments for each 
message forwarded."
    print "    --ive                Exchange will behave as an 
'initial-value-exchange', keeping a reference"
    print "                         to the last message forwarded and enqueuing 
that message to newly bound"
    print "                         queues."
    sys.exit (1)

# helpers for the arg parsing in bind().  return multiple values; "ok"
# followed by the resultant args

# accept -f followed by either
# a filename or "-", for stdin.  pull the bits into a string, to be 
# passed to the xml binding.
def snarf_xquery_args():
    if not _file:
        print "Invalid args to bind xml:  need an input file or stdin"
        return [False]
    if _file == "-":
        res = sys.stdin.read()
        f = open(_file)   # let this signal if it can't find it
        res = f.read()
    return [True, res]
# look for "any"/"all" and grok the rest of argv into a map
def snarf_header_args(cargs):
    if len(cargs) < 2:
        print "Invalid args to bind headers:  need 'any'/'all' plus conditions"
        return [False]
    op = cargs[0]
    if op == "all" or op == "any":
        kv = {}
        for thing in cargs[1:]:
            k_and_v = thing.split("=")
            kv[k_and_v[0]] = k_and_v[1]
        return [True, op, kv]
        print "Invalid condition arg to bind headers, need 'any' or 'all', not 
'" + op + "'"
        return [False]

class BrokerManager:
    def __init__ (self):
        self.brokerName = None
        self.qmf        = None
        self.broker     = None

    def SetBroker (self, brokerUrl):
        self.url = brokerUrl
        self.qmf = Session()
        self.broker = self.qmf.addBroker(brokerUrl, _connTimeout)
        agents = self.qmf.getAgents()
        for a in agents:
            if a.getAgentBank() == '0':
                self.brokerAgent = a

    def Disconnect(self):
        if self.broker:

    def Overview (self):
        exchanges = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="exchange", 
        queues    = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="queue", _agent=self.brokerAgent)
        print "Total Exchanges: %d" % len (exchanges)
        etype = {}
        for ex in exchanges:
            if ex.type not in etype:
                etype[ex.type] = 1
                etype[ex.type] = etype[ex.type] + 1
        for typ in etype:
            print "%15s: %d" % (typ, etype[typ])

        print "   Total Queues: %d" % len (queues)
        _durable = 0
        for queue in queues:
            if queue.durable:
                _durable = _durable + 1
        print "        durable: %d" % _durable
        print "    non-durable: %d" % (len (queues) - _durable)

    def ExchangeList (self, filter):
        exchanges = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="exchange", 
        caption1 = "Type      "
        caption2 = "Exchange Name"
        maxNameLen = len(caption2)
        for ex in exchanges:
            if self.match(ex.name, filter):
                if len(ex.name) > maxNameLen:  maxNameLen = len(ex.name)
        print "%s%-*s  Attributes" % (caption1, maxNameLen, caption2)
        line = ""
        for i in range(((maxNameLen + len(caption1)) / 5) + 5):
            line += "====="
        print line

        for ex in exchanges:
            if self.match (ex.name, filter):
                print "%-10s%-*s " % (ex.type, maxNameLen, ex.name),
                args = ex.arguments
                if ex.durable:    print "--durable",
                if MSG_SEQUENCE in args and args[MSG_SEQUENCE] == 1: print 
                if IVE in args and args[IVE] == 1: print "--ive",
                if ex.altExchange:
                    print "--alternate-exchange=%s" % ex._altExchange_.name,

    def ExchangeListRecurse (self, filter):
        exchanges = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="exchange", 
        bindings  = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="binding", 
        queues    = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="queue", _agent=self.brokerAgent)
        for ex in exchanges:
            if self.match (ex.name, filter):
                print "Exchange '%s' (%s)" % (ex.name, ex.type)
                for bind in bindings:
                    if bind.exchangeRef == ex.getObjectId():
                        qname = "<unknown>"
                        queue = self.findById (queues, bind.queueRef)
                        if queue != None:
                            qname = queue.name
                        if bind.arguments:
                            print "    bind [%s] => %s %s" % (bind.bindingKey, 
qname, bind.arguments)
                            print "    bind [%s] => %s" % (bind.bindingKey, 

    def QueueList (self, filter):
        queues = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="queue", _agent=self.brokerAgent)

        caption = "Queue Name"
        maxNameLen = len(caption)
        for q in queues:
            if self.match (q.name, filter):
                if len(q.name) > maxNameLen:  maxNameLen = len(q.name)
        print "%-*s  Attributes" % (maxNameLen, caption)
        line = ""
        for i in range((maxNameLen / 5) + 5):
            line += "====="
        print line

        for q in queues:
            if self.match (q.name, filter):
                print "%-*s " % (maxNameLen, q.name),
                args = q.arguments
                if q.durable:    print "--durable",
                if CLUSTER_DURABLE in args and args[CLUSTER_DURABLE] == 1: 
print "--cluster-durable",
                if q.autoDelete: print "auto-del",
                if q.exclusive:  print "excl",
                if FILESIZE in args: print "--file-size=%d" % args[FILESIZE],
                if FILECOUNT in args: print "--file-count=%d" % args[FILECOUNT],
                if MAX_QUEUE_SIZE in args: print "--max-queue-size=%d" % 
                if MAX_QUEUE_COUNT in args: print "--max-queue-count=%d" % 
                if POLICY_TYPE in args: print "--limit-policy=%s" % 
args[POLICY_TYPE].replace("_", "-"),
                if LVQ in args and args[LVQ] == 1: print "--order lvq",
                if LVQNB in args and args[LVQNB] == 1: print "--order 
                if QUEUE_EVENT_GENERATION in args: print 
"--generate-queue-events=%d" % args[QUEUE_EVENT_GENERATION],
                if q.altExchange:
                    print "--alternate-exchange=%s" % q._altExchange_.name,

    def QueueListRecurse (self, filter):
        exchanges = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="exchange", 
        bindings  = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="binding", 
        queues    = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="queue", _agent=self.brokerAgent)
        for queue in queues:
            if self.match (queue.name, filter):
                print "Queue '%s'" % queue.name
                for bind in bindings:
                    if bind.queueRef == queue.getObjectId():
                        ename = "<unknown>"
                        ex    = self.findById (exchanges, bind.exchangeRef)
                        if ex != None:
                            ename = ex.name
                            if ename == "":
                                ename = "''"
                        if bind.arguments:
                            print "    bind [%s] => %s %s" % (bind.bindingKey, 
ename, bind.arguments)
                            print "    bind [%s] => %s" % (bind.bindingKey, 

    def AddExchange (self, args):
        if len (args) < 2:
            Usage ()
        etype = args[0]
        ename = args[1]
        declArgs = {}
        if _msgSequence:
            declArgs[MSG_SEQUENCE] = 1
        if _ive:
            declArgs[IVE] = 1
        if _altern_ex != None:
            self.broker.getAmqpSession().exchange_declare (exchange=ename, 
type=etype, alternate_exchange=_altern_ex, passive=_passive, durable=_durable, 
            self.broker.getAmqpSession().exchange_declare (exchange=ename, 
type=etype, passive=_passive, durable=_durable, arguments=declArgs)

    def DelExchange (self, args):
        if len (args) < 1:
            Usage ()
        ename = args[0]
        self.broker.getAmqpSession().exchange_delete (exchange=ename)

    def AddQueue (self, args):
        if len (args) < 1:
            Usage ()
        qname    = args[0]
        declArgs = {}
        if _durable:
            declArgs[FILECOUNT] = _fileCount
            declArgs[FILESIZE]  = _fileSize

        if _maxQueueSize:
            declArgs[MAX_QUEUE_SIZE]  = _maxQueueSize
        if _maxQueueCount:
            declArgs[MAX_QUEUE_COUNT]  = _maxQueueCount
        if _limitPolicy:
            if _limitPolicy == "none":
            elif _limitPolicy == "reject":
                declArgs[POLICY_TYPE] = "reject"
            elif _limitPolicy == "flow-to-disk":
                declArgs[POLICY_TYPE] = "flow_to_disk"
            elif _limitPolicy == "ring":
                declArgs[POLICY_TYPE] = "ring"
            elif _limitPolicy == "ring-strict":
                declArgs[POLICY_TYPE] = "ring_strict"

        if _clusterDurable:
            declArgs[CLUSTER_DURABLE] = 1
        if _order:
            if _order == "fifo":
            elif _order == "lvq":
                declArgs[LVQ] = 1
            elif _order == "lvq-no-browse":
                declArgs[LVQNB] = 1
        if _eventGeneration:
            declArgs[QUEUE_EVENT_GENERATION]  = _eventGeneration

        if _altern_ex != None:
            self.broker.getAmqpSession().queue_declare (queue=qname, 
alternate_exchange=_altern_ex, passive=_passive, durable=_durable, 
            self.broker.getAmqpSession().queue_declare (queue=qname, 
passive=_passive, durable=_durable, arguments=declArgs)

    def DelQueue (self, args):
        if len (args) < 1:
            Usage ()
        qname = args[0]
        self.broker.getAmqpSession().queue_delete (queue=qname, 
if_empty=_if_empty, if_unused=_if_unused)

    def Bind (self, args):
        if len (args) < 2:
            Usage ()
        ename = args[0]
        qname = args[1]
        key   = ""
        if len (args) > 2:
            key = args[2]

        # query the exchange to determine its type.
        res = self.broker.getAmqpSession().exchange_query(ename)

        # type of the xchg determines the processing of the rest of
        # argv.  if it's an xml xchg, we want to find a file
        # containing an x-query, and pass that.  if it's a headers
        # exchange, we need to pass either "any" or all, followed by a
        # map containing key/value pairs.  if neither of those, extra
        # args are ignored.
        ok = True
        args = None
        if res.type == "xml":
            # this checks/imports the -f arg
            [ok, xquery] = snarf_xquery_args()
            args = { "xquery" : xquery }
            # print args
            if res.type == "headers":
                [ok, op, kv] = snarf_header_args(cargs[4:])
                args = kv
                args["x-match"] = op

        if not ok:

        self.broker.getAmqpSession().exchange_bind (queue=qname,

    def Unbind (self, args):
        if len (args) < 2:
            Usage ()
        ename = args[0]
        qname = args[1]
        key   = ""
        if len (args) > 2:
            key = args[2]
        self.broker.getAmqpSession().exchange_unbind (queue=qname, 
exchange=ename, binding_key=key)

    def findById (self, items, id):
        for item in items:
            if item.getObjectId() == id:
                return item
        return None

    def match (self, name, filter):
        if filter == "":
            return True
        if name.find (filter) == -1:
            return False
        return True

def YN (bool):
    if bool:
        return 'Y'
    return 'N'

## Main Program

    longOpts = ("help", "durable", "cluster-durable", "bindings", 
"broker-addr=", "file-count=",
                "file-size=", "max-queue-size=", "max-queue-count=", 
                "order=", "sequence", "ive", "generate-queue-events=", "force", 
                "force_if_used", "alternate-exchange=", "passive", "timeout=", 
    (optlist, encArgs) = getopt.gnu_getopt (sys.argv[1:], "ha:bf:", longOpts)
except Exception, e:
    Usage (short=True)
    # make output match optparse-based tools' output, for consistent scripting
    msg = str(e).replace('option', 'no such option:').replace('not recognized', 
    print "qpid-config: error:", msg
    sys.exit (1)    

    encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
    cargs = [a.decode(encoding) for a in encArgs]
    cargs = encArgs

for opt in optlist:
    if opt[0] == "-h" or opt[0] == "--help":
    if opt[0] == "-b" or opt[0] == "--bindings":
        _recursive = True
    if opt[0] == "-a" or opt[0] == "--broker-addr":
        _host = opt[1]
    if opt[0] == "-f" or opt[0] == "--file":
        _file = opt[1]
    if opt[0] == "--timeout":
        _connTimeout = int(opt[1])
        if _connTimeout == 0:
            _connTimeout = None
    if opt[0] == "--alternate-exchange":
        _altern_ex = opt[1]
    if opt[0] == "--passive":
        _passive = True
    if opt[0] == "--durable":
        _durable = True
    if opt[0] == "--cluster-durable":
        _clusterDurable = True
    if opt[0] == "--file-count":
        _fileCount = int (opt[1])
    if opt[0] == "--file-size":
        _fileSize = int (opt[1])
    if opt[0] == "--max-queue-size":
        _maxQueueSize = int (opt[1])
    if opt[0] == "--max-queue-count":
        _maxQueueCount = int (opt[1])
    if opt[0] == "--limit-policy":
        _limitPolicy = opt[1]
        if _limitPolicy not in ("none", "reject", "flow-to-disk", "ring", 
            print "Error: Invalid --limit-policy argument"
    if opt[0] == "--order":
        _order = opt[1]
        if _order not in ("fifo", "lvq", "lvq-no-browse"):
            print "Error: Invalid --order argument"
    if opt[0] == "--sequence":
        _msgSequence = True
    if opt[0] == "--ive":
        _ive = True
    if opt[0] == "--generate-queue-events":
        _eventGeneration = int (opt[1])
    if opt[0] == "--force":
        _if_empty  = False
        _if_unused = False
    if opt[0] == "--force-if-not-empty":
        _if_empty  = False
    if opt[0] == "--force-if-used":
        _if_unused = False

nargs = len (cargs)
bm    = BrokerManager ()

    if nargs == 0:
        bm.Overview ()
        cmd = cargs[0]
        modifier = ""
        if nargs > 1:
            modifier = cargs[1]
        if cmd == "exchanges":
            if _recursive:
                bm.ExchangeListRecurse (modifier)
                bm.ExchangeList (modifier)
        elif cmd == "queues":
            if _recursive:
                bm.QueueListRecurse (modifier)
                bm.QueueList (modifier)
        elif cmd == "add":
            if modifier == "exchange":
                bm.AddExchange (cargs[2:])
            elif modifier == "queue":
                bm.AddQueue (cargs[2:])
                Usage ()
        elif cmd == "del":
            if modifier == "exchange":
                bm.DelExchange (cargs[2:])
            elif modifier == "queue":
                bm.DelQueue (cargs[2:])
                Usage ()
        elif cmd == "bind":
            bm.Bind (cargs[1:])
        elif cmd == "unbind":
            bm.Unbind (cargs[1:])
            Usage ()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except IOError, e:
    print e
except SystemExit, e:
except Exception,e:
    if e.__class__.__name__ != "Timeout":
        # ignore Timeout exception, handle in the loop below
        print "Failed: %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
while True:
    # some commands take longer than the default amqp timeout to complete,
    # so attempt to disconnect until successful, ignoring Timeouts
    except Exception, e:
        if e.__class__.__name__ != "Timeout":
            print "Failed: %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:users-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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