Thanks for this response Gordon and also (belated) thanks to William. I'd have said thanks sooner but I've been manically trying to get my QMF2/GUI stuff tested and released (you might come across my posts on some of the management remote methods).

It's starting to become somewhat clearer how proton fits in, though some of your comments still leave me with questions about how *ready* proton is yet - it looks though the C++ stuff is more advanced than the Java stuff - is that accurate? Is there a mechanism to get a JMS API around the Java proton messenger library or would Java AMQP clients still have to talk with the underlying proton API?

I sort of see what you mean by your comment "Ultimately the vision behind AMQP is all about choice" perhaps that's fine but I think there needs to be some good guidance, patterns if you will for different use-cases. As an example qpid::client and qpid::messaging also offered a choice and you and I both know that that's now a bit of a slow motion car crash. Without strong guidance I think we'll not so much have "choice" as chaos.

I think that there's scope for confusion in python land too - you mention the deprecated library, so I *think* that this means that the favoured one is a SWIG wrapper round qpid::messaging - is that correct. I suspect that there are plenty of people confused by which to use and I think there's definitely a need for good documentation and examples.

Some other concerns/thoughts. You mentioned "There has also been work to add 1.0 support to ActiveMQ, and that also uses the (java version) of the proton protocol engine." on one hand that's great from an interoperability perspective but again has the potential to cause huge amounts of confusion!! There needs to be some investment in "branding" IMHO for example how would one make a choice between ActiveMQ versus say the Qpid Java broker? These sorts of choices are very real indeed. In a corporate sense one often has to do make choices over messaging systems and it's hard enough as it is!!!!! I've got the T-shirt there when looking at Qpid versus Tibco and justifying choices to non-techies is nobody's idea of fun :-( there needs to be some strong differentiators for the "hard of thinking".

You also mention "qpid::messaging has an optional dependency on the c version of proton". Does this imply that proton is written in C (as opposed to C++)? Just curious on that one.

And don't get me started on QMF. There's two protocols for starters :-) then there's a Java implementation by yours truly that is still stuck in a Jira, a C++ API that bears no relationship to the published (but still draft) QMF2 API, two python implementations (one for each protocol). I don't know if things have changed lately but the python tools used to use the QMF1 API for a long time. Around this time last year there was some talk of a QMF2 sub-project given that it has application beyond Qpid given that it's a fairly good request/response API with service discovery, but discussion on that (certainly in the Qpid Users mailing list) has fizzled out.

I really like QMF and as you can probably see I've done a fair bit with it, but my motivation is waning a bit given that I'm not at all clear on the status of it all.

So QMF rant over :-) but hopefully it ties in with what I've also been saying about proton.
Thanks again for the update!!

On 18/01/13 16:51, Gordon Sim wrote:
On 01/04/2013 10:07 AM, Fraser Adams wrote:
I really haven't seen an awful lot of publicity around proton and how it
relates to qpid so I think it'd be really good to get the documentation
around the relationships properly sorted to avoid a whole world of

You are quite right. Communication has been very poor and we need to change that.

On 01/03/2013 09:14 AM, Fraser Adams wrote:
BTW what *exactly* is Proton, I've seen a few references to it but
nothing is especially clear to me, is Proton the name for the AMQP v1.0
version of Qpid? How does it differ from say Qpid v0.20? Will Proton end
up being Qpid v1.0?

Let me try and lay out my own understanding. Forgive me if it seems a little long-winded, it isn't really that different from what William described...

Qpid is an openly governed community that seeks to aid adoption of AMQP through collaborative development of various pieces of open sourced software. Historically that has included two different brokers, various client libraries and management tools. Although the different parts should combine well, not every user will want or need every component. Given the purpose of AMQP is to enable interoperability and choice, it is important that individual components from Qpid can be combined with other software and systems in a flexible manner.

Proton is a new component under the Qpid umbrella - a set of components is perhaps more accurate as there is both a java and c version and some swig wrappers. It is an AMQP 1.0 toolkit.

Part of this is a 'protocol engine'; an implementation of the rules specified by AMQP 1.0 in a manner that is independent of any threading model or IO mechanism. This makes it easier to integrate in diverse contexts including existing brokers and messaging clients and not limited to just those within Qpid.

One of the uses has been to add AMQP 1.0 support to existing Qpid components, such as the work I have been doing to add 1.0 support to the qpid::messaging API in c++ and to the qpidd (i.e. c++) broker. There has also been work to add 1.0 support to ActiveMQ, and that also uses the (java version) of the proton protocol engine.

Being independent of any IO framework is important for one set of use cases, but it does mean that the protocol engine isn't really usable 'by itself'. It was recognised that adoption of 1.0 would be aided by a simple, self contained library allowing sending and receiving of messages.

To that end the messenger API was added to the proton toolkit. This ties network IO into the protocol engine, exposing a simple abstraction of an input and output queue for messages, each message containing an address to which it is to be delivered. It manages connections, session and links under the covers. At present it is a blocking API though support for non-blocking use is likely to evolve as well.

AMQP 1.0 is fully symmetric (i.e a peer protocol) as opposed to its asymmetric (i.e. client-server) predecessors. This means it can be used with or without intermediaries such as brokers. The messenger API allows an application to listen for incoming connections as well as initiating its own outgoing connections. It can therefore be used for simple, direct communication as well as communication through intermediaries. (You can also for example use a messenger based application to accept connections from a qpid::messaging or even a JMS client).

Proton is on its own release cycle at present, reflecting the early stage in its lifecycle. So far all other Qpid components have been on the same release cycle. So the 0.20 release includes qpidd, qpid-server (i.e. the qpid java broker), a JMS client, the c++ qpid::messaging library (and the deprecated qpid::client library), the python qpid.messaging library (and older deprecated libraries), QMF tools, a JMX console etc etc.

The 0.3 release of proton on the other hand contains c and java libraries offering the protocol engine and messenger APIs (the java version of the messenger API has some outstanding issues still) as well as wrappers for python, perl and ruby. The 0.20 release of qpidd and qpid::messaging has an optional dependency on the c version of proton, which if available enables 1.0 support in those components. The subsequent release of those two components will contain enhanced support.

So, qpid::messaging isn't going away. A key goal for that API was to allow smooth transition to AMQP 1.0 and that is still something I am working towards (0.20 represents the first step). Support for JMS likewise will continue. However the messenger API is in my opinion a novel approach that is may also be interesting for many cases. Ultimately I think the different APIs offer different styles. While there may be certain things that can't be done in one or other, often it may come down to personal preference.

Ultimately the vision behind AMQP is all about choice; enabling the emergence of a rich palette of interoperable pieces from which diverse solutions can be flexibly composed. AMQP 1.0 in my opinion expands the opportunities here and rightly Qpid is innovating and evolving to exploit those.

These are exciting times! We do however need more open communication (and better documentation ;-).


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