Some potentially interesting things.

## Components

python-qpid-messaging-0.34-9.fc24.x86_64 (qpid*_*messaging)

## Listener config

listener {
    port: amqp
    authenticatePeer: on
    saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS

## host: allows connection via localhost from qpid_messaging but
not from proton

My qpid_messaging client can connect, using localhost in its connection
info, but my proton client cannot (connection refused). Using '::' instead
of '' allows either to connect.  Perhaps the way proton resolves
localhost is different.

## "authenticatePeer: on" strips ANONYMOUS

This was a surprise to me.  I had explicitly enabled ANONYMOUS.  And I
confess I was mentally reading 'authenticatePeer' to mean enable SASL.
Which component is stripping it, proton or dispatch or cyrus?  Should it be
stripped when I positively express a desire for it?  If we keep this
behavior, we should add a note about it to the qdrouterd.conf man page.

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