
In our performance tests, we use 4 Producers (3 JMS Producers + 1 Proton-c 
Producer) which all send messages synchronously to a messaging system composed 
of 1 Dispatcher connected to 2 Qpid Java Brokers (6.0.4). Producers send 
messages to a Topic which is bound on a queue (Binding Key + JMS selector 
filter: 67% of the events sent are accepted by the queue). 3 JMS Consumers are 
also attached to consume messages. The queue and topic are set on both brokers 
and the dispatch router advertises them correctly.

Connection Schema

Producers - - - - - |                                        |--- Broker 1
(3 JMS + 1 C++)   |                                        |
                              |----- Dispatch Router---|
Consumers -  -  - |                                        |--- Broker 2
(3 JMS)

Dispatch Router has 4 connectors to each Broker.
Dispatch Router + Brokers are on the same machines. Consumers + Producer are on 
the other machine.

We have noticed a reduced overall average throughput of the producers by 3% by 
simply updating the version of the Dispatch Router from 0.6.1 to 0.6.2 (The 
release candidate).

Although the regression is tolerable but we would like to have your input on 
the above knowing that there are only 4 fixes between the above-mentioned 


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