Splitting out this conversation from the "Ending support for Java 7"

Currently the Qpid for Java release contains a Broker and an AMQP 0-x
client.  New users should be using the AMQP 1.0 JMS client which is
released as a separate component.  The AMQP 0-x client is really in bugfix
mode only at this point.  As such I'm not sure it makes sense to continue
to release "new" versions of the 0-x client on the 7.0 line.

We had already expressed a desire to split the Broker and Client releases
however there is a lot of (ill-defined) common code used by both
components.  Trying to separate and maintain both components seems overly
onerous when, in practice, the AMQP 0-x client is all but deprecated.
Moreover we will likely anyway be backporting any client bugfixes to the
6.1.x branch whether or not we remove (or separate) the client in 7.0.  As
such the client in the 6.1.x package would be functionally identical to and
7.x client.

Given the extra work involved in separating, and the fact that whatever we
do changes made to the 0-x client would likely be going into the 6.1.x
branch anyway, I propose that we drop the AMQP 0-x client from the 7.0

Thoughts, comments?

-- Rob

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