Hi Alan,
Thanks for the reply.  I've created a JIRA ticket as requested.

Jeremy Gooch http://goochgooch.co.uk

      From: Alan Conway <acon...@redhat.com>
 To: Jeremy Gooch <gooc...@yahoo.co.uk>; "users@qpid.apache.org" 
 Sent: Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 20:23
 Subject: Re: Connecting to durable consumer - Qpid Electron Golang.
On Tue, 2017-02-21 at 17:24 +0000, Jeremy Gooch wrote:
> Hi,
> Last week, I asked a question about implementing durable consumers in
> Python, via Proton.  That's working perfectly now but I also need to
> support consumers written in Go, for which we're trying to use
> Electron.  This time, it's not a missing container ID that's causing
> me a headache but a missing subscription name.
> I thought that the subscription name should be passed into the
> Receiver via a LinkName, but the following code doesn't set the
> subscription name (the Receiver gets messages fine but any messages
> sent when off-line are lost).
>  if r, err := c.Receiver(electron.Source("topic://"+TopicName),
> electron.LinkName(SubscriptionName)); err == nil {
> Should I be setting the subscription name somewhere else?
> For info, I'm setting the container ID at instantiation time, via the
> NewContainer function. I'm running a fresh build of Electron, inside
> Docker, and using Go 1.7.
> A working example for durable Go subscribers would be marvellous.
> Thanks,
> J. 
> Jeremy Gooch http://goochgooch.co.uk

I want to get you going with this - can you raise a proton JIRA for the
go-binding component at https://issues.apache.org/jira/ and include the

- some info on the broker you are trying to subscribe to
- your python example code

I'm not very familiar with durable subscriptions (yet) but if I can
look at what your python client is doing it should be easy to figure
out what the equivalent thing would be in Go.


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