Hi all,

I'm trying to write a failover, with a host list, example application for a 
solace amqp broker using the qpid-proton-python using the example code from 
http://qpid.2158936.n2.nabble.com/About-failover-td7649247.html as a base. When 
I ran the application I got a lot transport errors from pn_do_transfer in 
if (id_present && id != state->id) {
      return pn_do_error(transport, "amqp:session:invalid-field",
                         "sequencing error, expected delivery-id %u, got %u",
                         state->id, id);

The errors occurred on the new connection on the first transfer frame with the 
delivery id 1. The solace amqp broker begins its delivery id sequence at 1. 
But, on the reconnected session the ssn->state.incoming->next value seems to 
set to 0. I noticed there is code to set the ssn->state.incoming->next value to 
the first incoming transfer base on the flag ssn->state.incoming_init. When I 
added some extra logs around that value I noticed the ssn->state.incoming_init 
flag is not reset when reconnecting and is set to 0 as a part of the transport 
unbind process. I also modified the pn_session_unbind function in engine.c to 
set the ssn->state.incoming_init to false and it seemed to fix my issue.

I'm somewhat new to using the proton-c source and was curious if this is a bug? 
If not, why wouldn't the incoming_init be reset? If so, is there a better place 
to reset the flag? Are there more places?


Chris Morgan

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