
I've setup J-Broker version 6.1.4 on Windows 10 platform using OpenJDK version and using RabbitMQ-client version 4.1.3 from .Net. The 
problem is very similar to this bug description in the C++-broker: 
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1080165 The broker drops all 
connections every time when system time is changed (for example daylight saving 
time changes, running broker in virtual machine and suspending/resuming it 
etc). It can be repeated by changing system time more than timeout limit. It 
seems like walltime is used instead of monotonic time where calculating 
timeouts are performed.

I' ve managed to workaround this by disabling heartbeating in the client side 
but obviously this is not a proper solution. I couldn't find any bug report 
about this problem at J-Broker so I'm asking that if this is some configuration 
problem or problem with JDK or is this bug in J-Broker. I also tried to upgrade 
the broker to version 7.0.6 and RabbitMQ to 5.1.0 with no effect.


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