On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 9:48 AM Ganesh Murthy <gmur...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
>       The router has an attribute called password in the sslProfile entity.
> In version 1.2, this attribute was deprecated in favor of the passwordFile
> attribute where you specify the absolute path of the file containing the
> password. It is good practice to not put the plain text password directly
> in the router config file.
> In the password field or in the file containing the password, you could add
> prefixes like env: and literal: and follow it with an environment variable
> containing the password or a literal password respectively.
> To simplify all this, I am proposing that we deprecate the passeordFile
> field and consolidate all password scenarios to use  the password field. We
> will use the password options that openssl
> <https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/openssl.html> uses (see Pass
> Phrase Options sections).

Just to clarify my understanding:

The openssl implementation also supports the prefixes "fd:" and the value
"stdin".  I'm assuming the router would not support these, correct?
I'm not asking for "fd:" or "stdin" to be supported btw.  Just want to be

> Going forward, here are three ways to specify a
> password in an sslProfile
> sslProfile {
>      caCertFile: .....
>       certFile: .....
>       # Get the password from the environment variable TLS_SERVER_PASSWORD.
> Note the env: prefix
>       *password: env:TLS_SERVER_PASSWORD *
>          OR
>       # Get the password from the absolute file path. Note the file: prefix
>       *password: file:/home/tls/password-file.txt *
>          OR
>       # Specify the actual password. Note the pass: prefix
>       *password: pass:actual_password *
> }
> While you can still specify the actual password in the password field using
> the pass: prefix, which casual users might want to do, you are also able to
> specify the file path or environment variable for more robust security.
> This change will be backward compatible which means, you will still be able
> to specify the actual password in the password field without the pass:
> prefix. The passwordFile field will be deprecated and eventually  removed
> when we to a major version.
Will "literal:" be deprecated in favor of "pass:" then?

> Please let me know your thoughts.
> Thanks.


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