Hi Kristofor,

The logging functionality in Qpid Broker-j version 6.0 and above is based
on logback framework. The log4j option is not available. Though it is not
that difficult to implement BrokerLogger and VirtualHostLogger
implementations utilizing log4j. If you decide to go with your own logging
implementation, I would suggest to upgrade broker to version 8.0 or 7.1.
These versions have a better separation of logging dependencies.
Only modules qpid-broker, qpid-broker-plugins-logging-logback and
qpid-broker-plugins-jdbc-logging-logback depend on logback. These are
optional modules.

You can build your own loggers for log4j, and run your Qpid broker using
broker-core, your own logging implementations and other required broker

Kind Regards,

You can b

On Mon, 20 Apr 2020 at 18:02, Kristofor Horst <kristof...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> I configured a broker logger today for Java 6.1.4 version broker.
> I did not see options to customize the file name to include a timestamp
> when
> it is either created/rolled - only when the daily option is checked and
> that
> does not seem correct to my purpose, rolling at 10MB.
> I also wish to have the rolled files write to an alternative back up
> location that is not the local log directory, where I will later pull the
> files off host to storage. I do not believe this was a possible option with
> the UI.
> For example, if I write my logs to /qpid-work/log then I want my rolled
> files to go to /qpid-work/log/archives where I will then run another
> process
> that moves them off host.
> These are options if I were to use slf4j logging into log4j - which I am
> unsure how to enable to override the broker logging.
> Are these are configurable options in the standard logger? I am happy to
> use
> those.
> If these are not options in the standard logger, I would like some
> direction
> to swap to the log4j logging, which I could not find in the documentation
> for the broker.
> Thanks! -Kristofor
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