1000 req/s is SOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo
SSSSSSSSsssssLLLLLLLlllllloooooooWWWWWwwww w w   w    w     w . . .

qpidd c++ broker was able to 800.000k msg in / 800.000k msg out on a
12-core xeon e5690 32gb ram , 2x 10gbe lan, rhel 6.x.
Test ran was on 2011, current HW should be at least 2 / 3 times better...

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 3:59 AM Michael Goulish <mgoul...@redhat.com> wrote:

> * The test has now passed 220,000 seconds (2.5 days) with no failure. 1000
> requests per second, and a new batch of 100 Hey workers every 60 seconds.
> * Average response time is not changing. It has been between 1 and 2 msec
> the whole test.
> * Router memory does *not* appear to be growing without bound. It is larger
> than it was at the start, but the intervals between little upticks are
> becoming longer and longer. Last uptick (of 264K) was 20 hours ago.
> (Looking at router on receiving side.)
> Using the Hey load generator against Nginx server, with two routers in the
> middle -- either router on its own box, fast link between them.
> Hey is using 100 parallel workers, each doing 10 HTTP requests per second.
> Hey is doing repeated 60-second tests, and reporting statistics on each
> one.
> Unfortunately I still cannot run qdstat, although I have both pythons
> installed and have done standard builds of both proton and dispatch. Can't
> find python module named 'proton'.
> Test is continuing until I need the machines for something else.

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