Hello All!


Please address the following query.


I am trying to build RIOT hello-world example  for STM32F4 in Windows 7.


I am referring this
<https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Build-RIOT-on-Windows-OS>  guide to do
the same. 


When I try to build, I am getting the following error and build getting


"Building application "hello-world" for "stm32f4discovery" with MCU


arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe: error:
c:/Users/Roop/workspace/RIOT/examples/hello-world/newlib-nano: No such file
or directory

make[1]: ***
o-world/main.o] Error 1

make: *** [link] Error 2"


Moreover, Please provide any support to build the RIOT in eclipse


Thank you,



Kind Regards, 

Balaji Panneerselvam


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