Hi folks,

Apache RocketMQ project has been graduated on 2017-09-20, all the
graduation common tasks are mostly done.

RocketMQ couldn't graduate smoothly without everyone's efforts.
Congratulations and thanks, everybody.

There are some details need our attention:

## RocketMQ Repos

All the repos of RocketMQ have been moved to Gitbox, so primary is on
Github now.

Below are the remote URLs:

* apache/rocketmq: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq.git, g...@github.com:
* apache/rocketmq-site: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-site.git
, g...@github.com:apache/rocketmq-site.git
* apache/rocketmq-externals: https://github.com/apache/
rocketmq-externals.git, g...@github.com:apache/rocketmq-externals.git

The old remote URLs(git-wip-us.apache.org) are abandoned, please be sure to
change your remotes on your local repos to Github since they have been
removed from git-wip.

For contributors, welcome star the main repo[1] of RocketMQ, the community
will really appreciate your contributions.

For committers, you are recommended to link ASF and Github IDs as well as
setup 2factor auth on Github[2], then you could manage pull requests
through GitHub dashboard.

## PMC and Committer

Currently, RocketMQ has 10 PMC members and 15 committers[3], we need more
people to join RocketMQ community.

Everybody is cordially welcome to join the community and contribute to
Apache RocketMQ, please refer to our contribution guide[4].

## Mailing Lists

RocketMQ has enabled the new group of mailing list:


Feel free to subscribe these list, just visit the contact page[5], and
click `Subscribe`.

Also, you are welcome to use priv...@rocketmq.apache.org, if you have any
concern around RocketMQ security.

## RocketMQ Website

The old domain(rocketmq.incubator.apache.org) of RocketMQ website is
deprecated and will be redirected to TLP domain[6].

Welcome to star the site, and you will find the newest documents and
roadmap here.

## Released Artifacts

Apache RocketMQ has two formal releases during incubation,
4.0.0-incubating, and 4.1.0-incubating, the related download links have
been moved, please refer to our download page[7] to fetch the newest link
if you need.

The first TLP version 4.2.0 will be released soon.


[1]. https://github.com/apache/rocketmq
[2]. https://gitbox.apache.org/setup/
[3]. http://people.apache.org/phonebook.html?pmc=rocketmq
[4]. http://rocketmq.apache.org/docs/how-to-contribute/
[5]. http://rocketmq.apache.org/about/contact/
[6]. http://rocketmq.apache.org/
[7]. http://rocketmq.apache.org/dowloading/releases/

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