Dear Apache RocketMQ Community

When we want the Apache RocketMQ project we propose an ISSUE with feature 
request on Github. It's a nice way for request but not very formal and easy to 
trace and manage. So I suggest that we should introduce the RIP(RocketMQ 
Improvement Proposal) mechanism to replace current Feature Request Process.

So here are some key issues we need to discuss and make consensus.
1. What is RIP? Why we need RIP?
2. the Process and Status of a RIP
3. How do we cooperate in RIP way to request or offer a feature?
4. Should we provide a RIP template? What is the RIP template?

The answers to above questions are included in my draft, so let's make these 
document better.

The illustration and template of RIP are now available on Google Doc, links are:
- RocketMQ Improvement Proposals:
- RIP Template:

Comments, suggestions and editing are welcome!

----Best regards

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