So far, Royale/FlexJS hasn't required a PopUpManager.  Most "popups" can just 
be parented by the main initial view.  The Flex PopUpManager was overkill for 
most of that.  It really only became useful to manage more than one non-modal 
popup on screen at one time, like a spell-check or find dialog.  If your app is 
in need of such a thing, we will build out that functionality for you.

Just last night I made a change to the Royale ASDoc app to float a popup.  In 
the main view file, all I had to do was call addElement(popUp).


From: Alina Kazi <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 3:08 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: PopUpManager

I am using mx.managers.PopUpManager and porting my app to Apache Flexjs/Royale 
I can’t find any substitute of it.
Kindly let me know if there is any other alternate for similar functionality.


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