Hi Alex,

I am using Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.1 compiled on February 2 2017 Ant Java 
Version: 1.8

After Downloading file manually still issue is not resolved. 


I am reinstalling the operating system Again. 





From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2018 10:55 AM
To: users@royale.apache.org
Subject: Re: EMULATION


Hi Alina,


I'm not sure why you are having problems with the downloads.  Could be your 
distance from the actual servers or some issue with Ant.  What version of Ant 
are you running?


The mirror.json part is just trying to download this file 
  into the "in" folder.  Try doing that manually and see if the build goes past 
that point.





From: Alina Kazi <alina.k...@d-bz.com>
Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Date: Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 9:28 PM
To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>


Hi Alex,


That’s great.. 


Fetched all(3) folders from git 2 days earlier , while executing “ant all” or 
“ant” or “maven …..” Some Errors are occurred.

During the execution of ant all , Auto download wasn’t working So,Downloaded 
many files manually as the url was present right before the error every time 
and copying file to folder path that is also mention .

Now getting Error in mirror.json downloading. 






From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 10:17 PM
To: users@royale.apache.org
Subject: Re: EMULATION


Hi Alina,


Sorry, I forgot to respond to your question about that earlier.


An Emulation is any attempt to make something look like something real but 
isn't.  For example, there is an airplane that astronauts use to learn about 
zero gravity.  The airplane flies on a special trajectory that emulates zero 
gravity for a few minutes even though everyone in the airplane is really still 
in earth's atmosphere and subject to earth's gravitational pull.


We are going to do something similar to make porting your application easier.


Today, if you have in MXML:



  <mx:Button label="Foo" />



These three lines result in the running of thousands of lines of code that 
eventually call Flash APIs.  We want to get those same three lines working 
without Flash.


One way to do that would be to emulate Flash APIs.  That would require, 
basically, rewriting the Flash player in JavaScript.  Some folks have tried to 
do that.  Nobody has been completely successful and it is a ton of work and 
also opens the door to lots of support issues.  Once you say you can emulate a 
Flash API, there are probably a billion SWFs that use that API along with 
dozens of other Flash APIs and making them work for all billion SWFs is a scary 
proposition.  Even Adobe does not want to go there.


Another way is to migrate the entire Flex framework to JavaScript.  We would 
have to find every call to Flash in the Flex framework and replace that code 
with something else.  This is doable, but also a ton of work.  There is a lot 
of code to port and the underlying framework code is tuned to work with Flash.  
And there is a similar support issue:  If you say you are replication the Flex 
APIs as-is, there are probably a million SWFs that use Flex APIs.  We could go 
there, but there aren't enough committers on the project with enough time to 
make it happen soon enough for you.


So what Harbs and now Doug have done is replace their three lines with Royale 
lines.  That is a bunch of work on their part.  They have to touch the code in 
a lot of places.  But their results will be as optimal as possible since it 
will use Royale APIs that have been tuned to work in the browser.


However, I think there is a middle ground between migrating the entire Flex 
framework and having you touch a lot of code in your app.  And that is to only 
take the APIs you use and implement them in subclasses of Royale components 
with Flex API names.  That makes it an Emulation.  We are not trying to get 90% 
of code in the Flex framework to run in the browser.  Instead we are taking a 
higher-level approach.  Royale has an Application class.  You are using 
mx.core.Application.  I can create a class in Royale called mx.core.Application 
and have it extend a Royale Application class and implement the few APIs you 
are using but I will be copying very little code from the Flex 
mx.core.Application.  That's because Royale apps don't have to have a 
SystemManager with a preloader  in frame 1 and your code doesn't seem to care 
if mx.core.Application extends LayoutContainer which extends Container.  All 
your app cares about is that <mx:Application> holds the main screen and some 
other stuff.


Hope that explains it better.  You can see our progress by following the 
feature/MXRoyale branch.  Once Peter and I get something to actually run in 
this branch, then we will explain to others (including you) how to help create 
these emulation components.  So if you haven't got the code from GitHub to 
build, that's still your main problem because you will need to be able to build 
code in order to help create these emulation components.





From: Alina Kazi <alina.k...@d-bz.com>
Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Date: Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 2:52 AM
To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>


Hi Alex,

Can you please explain emulation ?

How do they will work?

How they will be helpful to create our Royale Application?







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