Let me preserve thread :

I found out that namespace definitions in the beginning of file - in application tag - causes compiler to hang.



When i remove these namespace definitions, than compiler goes on.

This workaround let me to continue a little but real solution is required for final :

PinaraUI.mxml(630): col: 3 Error: Unknown namespace jobmanager.

        <jobmanager:JobManager showBusyCursor="true" id="jobManagerService" fault="jobManagerService_faultHandler(event)"/>


17.11.2018 00:41 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

OK, I may not get to it until Sunday night or Monday.


*From: *Serkan Taş <serkan....@likyateknoloji.com>
*Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
*Date: *Friday, November 16, 2018 at 12:58 PM
*To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
*Subject: *Re: Work on Emulation

    Hi Alex,

    List is ignoring my mails sometimes :) as you may understand from
    my last mail.

    I finally finished preparing my project on github to be build easily.

    Project path : https://github.com/likyateknoloji/pinaraui-royale/

    You can find details about command-line options in the batch file

    I do not like to put libs on github but sometimes it is best
    solution, and the swc's are under libs folder.

    If you have any questions let me know.


    16.11.2018 10:53 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

        Hi Serkan,

        I was hoping the output would show an unreleased lock, but
        every lock seems to get released.

        Is all of your code in your GitHub account?  If so, I will try
        to download it and see if it hangs for me.  Please put the
        exact command-line options you are using.  If you have custom
        SWCs that this compile will need, maybe you can put those in
        GitHub too.  I’m done working for tonight.  I will check tomorrow.



        *From: *Serkan Taş <serkan....@likyateknoloji.com>
        *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
        <mailto:users@royale.apache.org> <users@royale.apache.org>
        *Date: *Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 9:03 PM
        *To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
        <mailto:users@royale.apache.org> <users@royale.apache.org>
        *Subject: *Re: Work on Emulation

        Is mail list accepting mails ?

        15.11.2018 23:26 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:

            i did not copy all the logs, just command. It means there
            are more.

            Here it is :


            15.11.2018 23:07 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

                What are all the “….”?  Or was the last line of output:

                “Loading configuration:

                The diagnostics option is trying to output more to the
                console to try to expose places where there could be
                thread deadlocks.  So it is important to see all of
                the output.


                *From: *Serkan Taş <serkan....@likyateknoloji.com>
                *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                <users@royale.apache.org> <mailto:users@royale.apache.org>
                *Date: *Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 11:55 AM
                *To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                <users@royale.apache.org> <mailto:users@royale.apache.org>
                *Subject: *Re: Work on Emulation

                Hi Alex,

                I added the option to the compiler and removed all the
                codes with warning. I waited for several minutes but
                compiler did not ended yet :)

                Here is the command :

                mxmlc -diagnostics=14335
                -locale+=tr_TR  -o .\PinaraUI.swf
                Configurator waiting for lock in toFileSpecifications
                Configurator done with lock in toFileSpecifications
                Loading configuration:


                I am working on number 2 for now.


                14.11.2018 08:53 tarihinde
                <mailto:serkan....@likyateknoloji.com> yazdı:

                    Hi Alex,

                    1. Try adding the compiler option:
                    -diagnostics=14335 : okay
                    2. Ideally, someone like you will volunteer to
                    setup a debug environment with Eclipse and the
                    compiler source and find out exactly what is going
                    on. : it is getting deeper but exciting.
                    3. Another option is to comment out your code
                    until the compiler works to see what code triggers
                    the hang. : I am not sure but may give a try.
                    4. Is the compiler eventually exiting or are you
                    stopping it?

                        1. if i delete the previous swf file, and run
                        compile script, compiler hung with the line :
                        479642 bytes written to
                        D:\dev\royale-emulation-works\PinaraUI.swf in
                        34,602 seconds

                        2. if i did not delete the swf file, , and run
                        compile script, compiler completes with the
                        line : 34.835480966 seconds

                    In the first case : I am (CTRL-C) breaking the
                    script in the second one, it completes and
                    terminates itself.


                    Alinti Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>

                        Other people have reported the compiler
                        hanging.  We’ve been unable to reproduce it

                        Try adding the compiler option:

                        Hopefully you will see additional output.

                        Ideally, someone like you will volunteer to
                        setup a debug environment with Eclipse and the
                        compiler source and find out exactly what is
                        going on. Another option is to comment out
                        your code until the compiler works to see what
                        code triggers the hang.  Is the compiler
                        eventually exiting or are you stopping it?


                        From: Serkan Taş
                        Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 12:33 PM
                        To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Subject: Re: Work on Emulation

                        Hi Alex,

                        I agree with you and i also expected to get
                        info about swf but it is not the case. And
                        agree that compiler hung. May be you may
                        remember i prepared a small test application
                        on github and compiled it successfully and
                        sent you the results, so  i am aware.

                        e.g. (from small test app)
                        47193 bytes written to
                        in 4,198 seconds
                        The project 'Main' has been successfully
                        compiled and optimized.
                        36.614827901 seconds

                        And i see the same thing as you : all warnings :)

                        1. if i delete the previous swf file, and run
                        compile script, compiler hung with the line :
                        479642 bytes written to
                        D:\dev\royale-emulation-works\PinaraUI.swf in
                        34,602 seconds

                        2. if i did not delete the swf file, , and run
                        compile script, compiler completes with the
                        line : 34.835480966 seconds

                        Where to go from here ?

                        13.11.2018 00:35 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:
                        Hi Serkan,

                        I would have expected other output, like how
                        many bytes it wrote to a SWF and the command
                        prompt would have come back.  I’m wondering if
                        the compiler hung.  If you compile a small
                        test app you should see that it tells you it
                        wrote the SWF and other output about writing
                        JS files.  All I see in your log is warnings.


                        From: Serkan Taş
                        Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Date: Monday, November 12, 2018 at 1:18 PM
                        To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Subject: Re: Work on Emulation


                        I am not sure but i think i can compile my
                        project without error.

                        Here is the latest output of my build :
                        Build script :
                        Project repo:

                        I have my swf file but not have any js output.

                        I want to test both swf and javascript output
                        and need some help.

                        12.11.2018 22:09 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:
                        May you please check PR :

                        10.11.2018 14:12 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:
                        Hi Piotr,

                        good question :)

                        As i am using FB-ide for my flex project, i
                        can not see any output for compiling. I have
                        to set up environment see.

                        10.11.2018 13:57 tarihinde Piotr Zarzycki yazdı:
                        Hi Serkan,

                        If you are in Flex with that code - didn't you
                        get warnings as well ?


                        sob., 10 lis 2018 o 10:14 Serkan Taş

                        Variable is defined as :

                        public var data:XML

                        and referenced as :

                        <s:Image id="disableJob"
                        == true}" buttonMode="true"
                        == true}"
                        data.@Id, data.Id)" />

                        Warning :

                        col: 27 Warning: Data binding will not be able
                        to detect assignments to 'visualParams'.

                        == true}" buttonMode="true"

                        Why may i getting warning ? May i disregards
                        the warnings ?

                        10.11.2018 11:45 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:
                        Hi Alex,
                        ·         Constants not inherited : i copied
                        the declarations of the statics to the SWF part.
                        ·         HEAD and OPTIONS: For now, HEAD and
                        OPTIONS are not required. I may live without

                        10.11.2018 00:40 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:
                        Hi Serkan,

                        Are you using HEAD and OPTIONS?  If not, use
                        HTTPConstants.  No need to carry around
                        strings you won’t use.  If you can prove that
                        Google Closure Compiler will strip out unused
                        constants (it should) then if you need HEAD
                        and/or OPTIONS you can add them to HTTPConstants.


                        From: Serkan Taş
                        Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Date: Friday, November 9, 2018 at 1:09 PM
                        To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Subject: Re: Work on Emulation


                        How can i go through URLRequestMethod. May i
                        create one in
                        or just use HTTPConstants ?

                        Reference : req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

                        HttpConstants is missing some constants like
                        HEAD and OPTIONS.

                        9.11.2018 00:29 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:
                        You will need to create a Spark ButtonBar that
                        subclasses UIComponent or one of its
                        subclasses (probably SkinnableComponent). 
                        Then borrow beads from
                        org.apache.royale.html.ButtonBar to try to get
                        it to actually work.  Sometimes you will have
                        to subclass the beads to handle
                        type-mismatches. That’s basically how we are
                        creating all of the UI widgets for the
                        emulation set.


                        From: Serkan Taş
                        Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Date: Thursday, November 8, 2018 at 1:08 PM
                        To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Subject: Re: Work on Emulation


                        May i emulate s:ButtonBar or use the
                        implemented version ?  

                        8.11.2018 23:17 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:
                        Hi Alex,

                        My latest compile with the updated repo does
                        not contain any error related with
                        BorderContainer, can say it is fixed for now.

                        8.11.2018 05:03 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:
                        I have finished getting BorderContainer to
                        work for me.  Let us know if it works for you.


                        From: Serkan Taş
                        Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 12:03 PM
                        To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Subject: Re: Work on Emulation

                        Hi Alex,

                        I may wait for your work to be finished on
                        BorderContainer. I dit no add them to PR. My
                        PR is still waiting :)

                        This is the error when i get without
                        modification on xmls.

                        col: 2 Error: This tag is unexpected. It will
                        be ignored.

                            <s:BorderContainer y="135" width="100%"
                        height="20%" borderWeight="2" cornerRadius="3"
                        dropShadowVisible="true" backgroundColor="gray">

                        6.11.2018 01:52 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:
                        Hi Serkan,

                        I’m not sure what error you got with
                        BorderContainer.  Alina temporarily mapped
                        BorderContainer to MX Container because
                        BorderContainer was compiling but not
                        running.  I hope to finish enough of Charts
                        today or tomorrow and then I will try to get
                        BorderContainer working correctly on Spark
                        Containers.  It is fine for you to change the
                        manifest locally, but I think we shouldn’t
                        push that to the repo.  Alina’s at the point
                        where she needs things to actually run and not
                        just compile.  Hopefully we’ll get everything
                        synced up soon when I get BorderContainer
                        working properly.


                        From: Serkan Taş
                        Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Date: Monday, November 5, 2018 at 1:49 PM
                        To: "users@royale.apache.org"
                        Subject: Re: Work on Emulation


                        To solve the error of BorderContainer - which
                        is already emulated - for my project build, I
                        added mapping to SparkRoyaleClasses.as. It did
                        not solve the compiler error. When i checked
                        the spark-royale-manifest.xml there is also
                        mapping for BorderContainer but for
                        mx.core.Container. I tested that removing the
                        mapping to mx solves the compiler error.

                        I like to remove this line from the file. Any
                        body have any comment ?

                        6.11.2018 00:35 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:
                        Hi Alex,

                        Just like to remind.

                        31.10.2018 23:14 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:
                        Sure Alex,

                        My operation does not extend but contains the
                        operation : mx.rpc.http.Operation which
                        extends from AbstractOperation

                        internal class _Super_UserOps extends

                            private static var
                        serializer0:XMLSerializationFilter = new

                            // Constructor
                            public function _Super_UserOps()
                                // initialize service control
                                _serviceControl = new
                                 var operations:Array = new Array();
                                 var operation:mx.rpc.http.Operation;
                                 var argsArray:Array;

                                 operation = new
                        mx.rpc.http.Operation(null, "changepass");
                                 operation.url =
                                 operation.method = "POST";
                                 operation.serializationFilter =
                                 operation.contentType =
                                 operation.resultType = Object;

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