I checked, as i see is fixed.


3.12.2018 12:15 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

I pushed a change that should fix this in royale-compiler.



*From: *Serkan Taş <serkan....@likyateknoloji.com>
*Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
*Date: *Sunday, December 2, 2018 at 6:39 AM
*To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
*Subject: *Re: Simple Test Project compiler issues

Let me sum up the issues :

I guess inner includeIn or excludeFrom causes this error.

The below code gives SEVERE error.

<s:Group id="mainApp" width="100%" height="100%" excludeFrom="loggedOutState, dummyState">

            <s:HorizontalLayout clipAndEnableScrolling="true" paddingRight="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" />

        <comps:TreePanel height="100%" id="jobTree" left="0" right="10" top="0" bottom="0" />

        <s:Group width="100%" height="100%">
                <s:VerticalLayout clipAndEnableScrolling="true" paddingRight="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" />
            <comps:MenuBar id="menuBar"/>
            <s:Panel id="messagePanel" title="" width="100%" height="55" visible="false" includeInLayout="false">                 <mx:Text id="messageText" text="" textAlign="center" color="0xFF2D00" width="100%" />
            <s:BitmapImage source="@Embed('/images/likya.jpg')" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" scaleMode="stretch" includeIn="anaSayfaState" />
            <!--mx:SWFLoader width="950" height="500" source="http://www.youtube.com/v/ojASzi1Kb8c"; <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fv%2FojASzi1Kb8c&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cc17214a8e1e749faca8a08d65863e7e9%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636793583483883714&sdata=FVC0eoV1GY9G5E%2BtPYicgHDo1Q2Ah3kl%2Bo3TdEjXm8w%3D&reserved=0> includeIn="loggedInState"/-->
            <!--comps:MainPanel includeIn="jobListState" height="100%"/-->
<jobdetail:JobListWithDetails height="100%" excludeFrom="anaSayfaState, jobDetailState" id="jobListDetail"/>             <jobdetail:JobAllDetailPanel includeIn="jobDetailState" id="allJobDetail" height="100%"/>


Dec 02, 2018 5:35:38 PM com.google.javascript.jscomp.LoggerErrorManager println SEVERE: D:/dev/royale-emulation-works/github/pinaraui-royale/src/com/likya/pinara/main/bin/js-debug/com/likya/pinara/main/PinaraUI.js:1131: ERROR - Object literal contains illegal duplicate key "jobListDetail", disallowed in strict mode
    jobListDetail: {

Dec 02, 2018 5:35:38 PM com.google.javascript.jscomp.LoggerErrorManager println SEVERE: D:/dev/royale-emulation-works/github/pinaraui-royale/src/com/likya/pinara/main/bin/js-debug/com/likya/pinara/main/PinaraUI.js:1173: ERROR - Object literal contains illegal duplicate key "allJobDetail", disallowed in strict mode
    allJobDetail: {

Dec 02, 2018 5:35:38 PM com.google.javascript.jscomp.LoggerErrorManager println SEVERE: D:/dev/royale-emulation-works/github/pinaraui-royale/src/com/likya/pinara/main/bin/js-debug/com/likya/pinara/main/PinaraUI.js:1392: ERROR - Object literal contains illegal duplicate key "jobListDetail", disallowed in strict mode         'jobListDetail': { type: 'com.likya.pinara.comps.jobdetail.JobListWithDetails', access: 'readwrite', declaredBy: 'com.likya.pinara.main.PinaraUI'},

Dec 02, 2018 5:35:38 PM com.google.javascript.jscomp.LoggerErrorManager println SEVERE: D:/dev/royale-emulation-works/github/pinaraui-royale/src/com/likya/pinara/main/bin/js-debug/com/likya/pinara/main/PinaraUI.js:1395: ERROR - Object literal contains illegal duplicate key "allJobDetail", disallowed in strict mode         'allJobDetail': { type: 'com.likya.pinara.comps.jobdetail.JobAllDetailPanel', access: 'readwrite', declaredBy: 'com.likya.pinara.main.PinaraUI'},

I am commenting out for now. Just for your info.


2.12.2018 17:31 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:

    nested "excludeFrom" with same conditions has the same effect.



    2.12.2018 12:56 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:

        Removing include in fixed the issue.


        2.12.2018 10:21 tarihinde Serkan Taş yazdı:

            Thank you Alex,

            I did not realize the difference of "SEVERE" in compiler
            or optimizer.  Sorry for that thing i mixed up.

            I am going to work on the things you mentioned.


            2.12.2018 10:17 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:


                The error in the log is when Google Closure is trying
                to optimize the code.  There is a chance that the
                bin/js-debug version will still run.

                I will look into it why you are getting duplicate keys
                after I resolve other issues that are In my queue.  I
                will not have time to do any serious investigation for
                another 20 hours or so.

                I did take a quick look at the source and noticed you
                have nested includeIn.  That might be part of the
                problem, not sure.  IOW, the BorderContainer with
                id=”findWhat” has includeIn=”defined”, but it is in a
                VGroup with includeIn=”defined” so I don’t think the
                “includeIn” for “findWhat” is necessary.  Try taking
                that out and see if that helps.


                *From: *Serkan Taş <serkan....@likyateknoloji.com>
                *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                <users@royale.apache.org> <mailto:users@royale.apache.org>
                *Date: *Saturday, December 1, 2018 at 11:06 PM
                *To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                <users@royale.apache.org> <mailto:users@royale.apache.org>
                *Subject: *Re: Simple Test Project compiler issues

                Hi Alex,

                I think there is some misunderstanding here.

                Current compiler reports severe error for simple test

                If you have time you may have a look :


                2.12.2018 10:02 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

                    If the current compiler reports an error, then it
                    is fatal for creating an optimized build.  So at
                    some point, we want to fix that.  If the
                    bin/js-debug version runs, then it isn’t fatal as
                    far as debugging your code.  See if your browser
                    throws an exception or not.

                    Since the current compiler has not reported
                    duplicate keys for any of the apps I’ve worked on,
                    then I don’t know what code is resulting in
                    duplicate keys for you, so figure out what the
                    source code is that is causing the duplication.



                    *From: *Serkan Taş <serkan....@likyateknoloji.com>
                    *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                    *Date: *Saturday, December 1, 2018 at 8:43 AM
                    *To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                    *Subject: *Re: Simple Test Project compiler issues

                    Let me clear my self Alex,

                    Current royale compiler gives this log below for
                    my test project. I think my real project can not
                    reach this step so give memory overflow before
                    comes this step.

                    Log file :

                    So do you think it is not fatal ?


                    1.12.2018 19:24 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

                        I saw that it is in there twice, but that
                        shouldn’t be fatal in this case, unless older
                        Closure Compiler we are currently using gets
                        confused by it.  It is something we should be
                        able to clean up later if/when we switch to a
                        newer Closure Compiler.


                        *From: *Serkan Taş
                        *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                        *Date: *Saturday, December 1, 2018 at 3:35 AM
                        *To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                        *Subject: *Re: Simple Test Project compiler issues

                        Hi Alex,

                        1.12.2018 10:12 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

                            Hi Serkan,

                            You are using a new version of Closure
                            Compiler than Royale so it might be
                            picking up things that the older version
                            we use isn’t.  Royale is using 20170625.
                             I thought there were more things you had
                            to specify like entry-point.  And Royale
                            is setting some other options as well. 
                            You can check the compiler source in
                            JSClosureCompilerWrapper.java.  But if the
                            newer compiler doesn’t have memory
                            problems maybe we should look into
                            switching to it.

                        I am going to work on this.

                            Number of lines in a file shouldn’t matter
                            as much as total file size.  MXML is
                            encoded into an array that spans a lot of
                            lines to make it easier to read, but the
                            lines should be short.  And this is just
                            for debugging.  Again, Closure Compiler
                            will optimize all of that and remove lots
                            of whitespace.


                        Due to things i mixed in one mail, I think you
                        missed the last question :)

                        I compiled the test project with royale, not
                        with new version of closure and here is the
                        result :

                        Dec 01, 2018 8:59:29 AM
                        ERROR - Object literal contains illegal
                        duplicate key "findWhat", disallowed in strict
                            findWhat: {

                        Discovered that when look into js file it is
                        really declared twice

                        /** @export */
                            findWhat: {
                            /** @this {main.LogAnalysisForm} */
                            get: function() {
                              return this.findWhat_;
                            /** @this {main.LogAnalysisForm} */
                            set: function(value) {
                              if (value != this.findWhat_) {
                                this.findWhat_ = value;
                        'findWhat', null, value));


                        /** @export */
                            findWhat: {
                            /** @this {main.LogAnalysisForm} */
                            get: function() {
                              return this.findWhat_;
                            /** @this {main.LogAnalysisForm} */
                            set: function(value) {
                              if (value != this.findWhat_) {
                                this.findWhat_ = value;
                        'findWhat', null, value));

                        The test project, generated js files and full
                        log is available if you require.



                            *From: *Serkan Taş
                            *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                            *Date: *Friday, November 30, 2018 at 10:36 PM
                            *To: *"users@royale.apache.org"
                            *Subject: *Simple Test Project compiler issues

                            Hi Alex,

                            According to documentation of closure  i
                            tried launch the compiler from the command

                            java -jar
                            .\Namespace.js .\QName.js .\XML.js
                            .\XMLList.js .\org\**.js mx\**.js
                            .\com\**.js .\spark\**.js .\library\**.js

                            From the output of the compiler, i got
                            some weird logs like :

                            ERROR - Object literal contains illegal
                            duplicate key "findWhat", disallowed in
                            strict mode
                                findWhat: {

                            This error does not appear in my previous
                            compiling and i thought that because of
                            memory overflow may the compiler is not
                            completed even in js-debug folder ?

                            This forced me to prepare simple test
                            project to what is happening. I prepared
                            the project and compiled and get these
                            output like :

                            Dec 01, 2018 8:59:29 AM
                            ERROR - Object literal contains illegal
                            duplicate key "findWhat", disallowed in
                            strict mode
                                findWhat: {

                            Discovered that when look into js file it
                            is really declared twice

                            /** @export */
                                findWhat: {
                                /** @this {main.LogAnalysisForm} */
                                get: function() {
                                  return this.findWhat_;
                                /** @this {main.LogAnalysisForm} */
                                set: function(value) {
                                  if (value != this.findWhat_) {
                                    this.findWhat_ = value;
                            'findWhat', null, value));


                            /** @export */
                                findWhat: {
                                /** @this {main.LogAnalysisForm} */
                                get: function() {
                                  return this.findWhat_;
                                /** @this {main.LogAnalysisForm} */
                                set: function(value) {
                                  if (value != this.findWhat_) {
                                    this.findWhat_ = value;
                            'findWhat', null, value));

                            May be you may have description of these

                            Ant the size of the file
                            LogAnalysisForm.mxml has 310 lines but js
                            version has 2465. I can understand the
                            increase in size while transforming to js
                            but the ratio is nearly 10 times, just to

                            The test project, generated js files and
                            full log is available if you require.


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