Hi, Alex.

I tried build #1713. Log output says that following circular dependency is

    Circular Dependency Found
    End of Circular Dependency

Here are both .as and .js files mentioned in that dependency

Build output and warnings are available at the old location (with prefix

On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 11:43 AM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> That log showed that lots of files are not in the sorted order, not just
> Client.  In a test of the Tour De Flex running in Royale, all files 700+
> files end up in the sorted order.  In trying to reproduce the issue, I
> discovered that circularities in the graph are not reported, so I’ve added
> that to the output.  So wait a few hours for the new nightly (build #1712
> or later) and try again and search the output for
> Circular Dependency Found
> Hopefully there will be one which would explain the differences in the
> lists.  It should be followed by a list of classes, then:
> End of Circular Dependency
> Post the list and the ActionScript sources and JavaScript from the output
> folder for the classes.  The JS output may not handle certain kinds of
> static initializers and think there are static dependencies when there
> doesn’t need to be which could result in circularities that would work fine
> in SWF.  We’ll see what it takes to make the compiler smarter, but you
> might make more progress by modifying the static initializers.
> One pattern for a workaround is to test if the class has been initialized
> and if not, initialize it.  So instead of:
> public class SomeClass {
>     public static var foo:int = SomeOtherClass.foo;
> }
> You could do:
> public class SomeClass {
>     public static var initialized:Boolean;
>     public static var foo:int;;
>     public static function initialize() {
>        SomeClass.foo = SomeOtherClass.foo;
>        SomeClass.initialized = true;
>    }
> }
> And then before you actually read SomeClass.foo, add
>    if (!SomeClass.initialized)  SomeClass.initialize();
> But first, we have to see if there is a circularity being reported.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> *From: *mrchnk <mrc...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Date: *Monday, December 17, 2018 at 9:48 AM
> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: Linkage problem for asjs compiler
> Hi, Alex!
> I downloaded the latest nightly build of royale (which is 1707) and build
> my project using it with "-diagnostics=32768" argument.
> Here is build output (too large to be posted as a gist):
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=17IRbQ1xAfpAirjbW6YjQPFEYHmL1HnhC
> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Fopen%3Fid%3D17IRbQ1xAfpAirjbW6YjQPFEYHmL1HnhC&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C05c93f3d4cf94a178dcf08d66447e552%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636806657282447495&sdata=KKtA%2BHd3j5LqVB48JZS38dz%2BRRKJBWwI2WxPTTzWvN8%3D&reserved=0>
> I also enabled warnings for that build and save error output as a
> separated log file.
> That project is large and has a long history, so it could be really bad at
> dependencies with spaghetti code.
> But that seems to be ok for a mxmlc compiler from AIR SDK.
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 10:49 AM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
> Hi,,
> After more investigation, I’m not sure what is going wrong.  I tested some
> scenarios with all dependencies removed and they worked.  I added more
> diagnostics to the compiler.  It can take several hours for the nightly
> build to update, but when it does, please add -diagnostics=32768 to your
> build and post a link to the output.
> Check the nightly build status here:
> http://apacheroyaleci.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/royale-asjs/
> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapacheroyaleci.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com%3A8080%2Fjob%2Froyale-asjs%2F&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C05c93f3d4cf94a178dcf08d66447e552%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636806657282457504&sdata=5yEN1QIB6suavS0edNLqbMhMq20I3JSZ9LBxKV52aT8%3D&reserved=0>
> The updated compiler should be in  build #1705 or later.
> Thanks,
> -Alex
> *From: *Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Date: *Friday, December 14, 2018 at 11:32 PM
> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: Linkage problem for asjs compiler
> Hi,
> I think I found the problem.  A class that had all of its dependencies
> removed in the circulars calculation (except its base class) wasn’t being
> output to the addDependency list because the base class dependency wasn’t
> being added into the addDependency list.  I won’t have much time to work on
> it until Sunday evening.
> I did notice that openfl.swc does not contain externs/typedefs.   That
> might be an issue for minification some day.
> -Alex
> *From: *mrchnk <mrc...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Date: *Friday, December 14, 2018 at 11:06 AM
> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: Linkage problem for asjs compiler
> Alex, here are files you requested:
> https://gist.github.com/mrchnk/c0965fdfef6caf0632acc78d1138940c
> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgist.github.com%2Fmrchnk%2Fc0965fdfef6caf0632acc78d1138940c&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C05c93f3d4cf94a178dcf08d66447e552%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636806657282457504&sdata=EgFnC9MiM5kcbyuZeOixqLgsT4h8RR52BMOLh2VLqmo%3D&reserved=0>
> I used npm distribution of openfl version 8.7.0. You can download it into
> the current directory using npm or yarn package manager:
>     npm install openfl@8.7.0
> After that command, you can find openfl.swc, openfl.min.js as well as
> non-minified version openfl.js at path node_modules/openfl/dist of the
> current directory.
> Also I used npm script "asconfigc --debug=true" to build the code
> I tried to disable "remove-circulars" option (thanks to Harbs for pointing
> me to that). It still compiles, and linkage problems seem to goes away. But
> I figured out that circular dependencies cannot be resolved properly by the
> closure library after all. Is there any common solution to that problem?
> On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 8:56 PM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
> In addition to the data I asked for earlier, please also post link to
> openfl.swc and openfl.min.js.
> Thanks,
> -Alex
> *From: *mrchnk <mrc...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Date: *Friday, December 14, 2018 at 8:22 AM
> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: Linkage problem for asjs compiler
> I don't know anything about the option "remove-circulars", so I think I
> use the default value here, which is enabled I guess.
> Actually, I am using asconfigc wrapper over the compiler, but I have
> nothing about that option in my asconfig.json neither.
> On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 2:39 PM Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you using the remove-circulars compiler option?
> On Dec 14, 2018, at 10:24 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
> OK.
> Please post a link to the entire output of the compiler including, if
> possible, the command-line you used.  I won’t have time to look at it right
> away as I am at the end of my work day.
> Also post links to Client.as, Client.js, OasisClient.as, OasisClient.js,
> OasisHTML5Launcher.as, OasisHTML5Launcher.js
> And also verify how the compiler “should” find Client.js.  Is Client.as in
> the source-path or is Client.js in a SWC?
> Thanks,
> -Alex
> *From: *mrchnk <mrc...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Date: *Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 10:24 PM
> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: Linkage problem for asjs compiler
> Same problem with the nightly build. I also asked about my issue in openfl
> community.
> I think that problem may be related to circular dependencies in my code.
> Is there any way that can be handled automatically by royale compiler?
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 11:23 PM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Try a nightly build of Royale.  I think some things have been fixed in the
> calculation of dependencies.  I think if you are using npm, you can
> uninstall royale and then:
> npm install
> http://apacheroyaleci.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/royale-asjs/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/apache-royale-0.9.6-bin-js.tar.gz
> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapacheroyaleci.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com%3A8080%2Fjob%2Froyale-asjs%2FlastSuccessfulBuild%2Fartifact%2Fout%2Fapache-royale-0.9.6-bin-js.tar.gz&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C05c93f3d4cf94a178dcf08d66447e552%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636806657282467513&sdata=etrcaueU%2BzRXWFDsPKnKXNEbwIqf%2FCljMHR7ODNPXWI%3D&reserved=0>
> No guarantees that will fix your issue, but at least we can eliminate some
> possibilities.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> *From: *mrchnk <mrc...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Date: *Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 10:34 AM
> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Subject: *Linkage problem for asjs compiler
> Greetings!
> I tried to compile a large project using npm distribution of Apache Royale
> asjs compiler (@apache-royale/royale-js@0.9.4). I changed all flash.*
> classes to openfl.*. After several hotfixes that project starts to compile.
> Here is index.html generated:
> https://gist.github.com/mrchnk/4f468d1abb1b02466a0dad43265c4333
> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgist.github.com%2Fmrchnk%2F4f468d1abb1b02466a0dad43265c4333&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C05c93f3d4cf94a178dcf08d66447e552%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636806657282467513&sdata=K1OCTkGVNCkMEbc%2Bw54O7qQ5PwwhOhMcw%2BZJadx1JLE%3D&reserved=0>
> The page is loaded with javascript errors:
> Uncaught Error: Undefined nameToPath for Client
>     at visitNode (base.js:1356)
>     at visitNode (base.js:1354)
>     at Object.goog.writeScripts_ (base.js:1368)
>     at Object.goog.require (base.js:705)
>     at (index):1681
> (index):1687 Uncaught ReferenceError: OasisHTML5Launcher is not defined
>     at (index):1687
> So Client.as is the superclass of OasisClient.as and is used in main
> OasisHTML5Launcher.
> It is successfully compiled to Client.js and declared as a dependency at
> index.html
> But a link to js file and declaration for that class is missing (I mean
> "goog.addDependency('../../../Client.as' ... )")
> So how to deal with that? Is it a Royale bug? Are there some guidelines I
> missed about my code?
> Thanks in advance.
> PS: I'm kinda new to mailing lists. So don't hesitate to correct me if I
> do something wrong.

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