
I'm technically on vacation, so sorry about the delay in responding.  It has 
been difficult to find time and know what to answer due to your many posts.  
For example, in this post I am replying to, I do not know easily what 
modifications you made to SystemManager and do not have the time to compare 
against the default one.

I did take the time to look at the -abc dump.  The abridged one you sent later 
was from the -debug version and not useful.  Looking at the dump of the release 
version, the gravity loader is a standard two frame RSL loader.  It is pretty 
much how any Flex app that uses RSLs is generated.

There is a <ShowFrame/> around line 21311 (the line number might be different 
depending on how your editor wraps lines).  There are no references to 
Application classes before line 21311 and the other code before line 21311 
loads RSLs.  So when the loader switches to Frame 2, the Application classes 
are ready to go.  No special compiler options are needed.

It is not possible to write the gravity preloader in MXML.  It must be done in 
AS3, and special care must be taken to not reference Flex framework classes 
that use UIComponent or other RSL-based classes in the code that will run in 
Frame 1.  If you SWFDump your preloader that is generating the verify errors, 
the code paths that run in Frame 1 will reference the classes that the verifier 
complains about.  Modifying SystemManager should be a good way to create a 
custom preloader, but you have to be careful about referencing the application 
or other UIComponent subclasses.  In the course of developing Flex, we probably 
broke that contract a half-dozen times and had to go back and fix it.


On 7/18/19, 4:02 AM, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <e.bek...@yandex.com> wrote:

    What I did is to download the latest Apache Flex SDK like described here : 
    I modified the mx.managers.SystemManager like the following:
    mx_internal function initialize():void
            var runtimeDPIProviderClass:Class = info()["runtimeDPIProvider"] as 
            if (runtimeDPIProviderClass)
            if (isStageRoot)
                // TODO: Finalize scaling behavior
                // _width = stage.stageWidth;
                // _height = stage.stageHeight;
                _width = loaderInfo.width;
                _height = loaderInfo.height;
            // Create an instance of the preloader and add it to the stage
            preloader = new Preloader();
            // Listen for preloader events
            // preloader notifes when it is ok to go to frame2
            // wait for a complete event.  This gives the preloader
            // a chance to load resource modules before
            // everything really gets kicked off
            // when the app is fully backed remove the preloader and show the 
            // Add the preloader as a child.  Use backing variable because when 
            // we redirect public API to parent systemmanager
            if (!_popUpChildren)
                _popUpChildren = new SystemChildrenList(
                    this, new QName(mx_internal, "noTopMostIndex"), new 
QName(mx_internal, "topMostIndex"));
            var rsls:Array = info()["rsls"];
            var cdRsls:Array = info()["cdRsls"];
            var usePreloader:Boolean = true;
            if (info()["usePreloader"] != undefined)
                usePreloader = info()["usePreloader"];
            var preloaderDisplayClass:Class = info()["preloader"] as Class;
            // Put cross-domain RSL information in the RSL list.
            var rslItemList:Array = [];
            var n:int;
            var i:int;
            if (cdRsls && cdRsls.length > 0)
                if (isTopLevel())
                    rslDataList = cdRsls;
                    rslDataList = LoaderUtil.processRequiredRSLs(this, cdRsls);
                var normalizedURL:String = 
                var crossDomainRSLItem:Class = getRSLItemDefinitionClass();
                n = rslDataList.length;
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    var rslWithFailovers:Array = rslDataList[i];
                    // If crossDomainRSLItem is null, then this is a compiler 
error. It should not be null.
                    var cdNode:Object = instanciateRSLItem(crossDomainRSLItem, 
rslWithFailovers, normalizedURL, this);
            // Append RSL information in the RSL list.
            if (rsls != null && rsls.length > 0)
                if (rslDataList == null)
                    rslDataList = [];
                if (normalizedURL == null)
                    normalizedURL = LoaderUtil.normalizeURL(this.loaderInfo);
                n = rsls.length;
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    var node:RSLItem = new 
                    rslDataList.push([new RSLData(rsls[i].url, null, null, 
                                      false, false, "current")]);
            // They can also specify a comma-separated list of URLs
            // for resource modules to be preloaded during frame 1.
            var resourceModuleURLList:String =
            var resourceModuleURLs:Array =
                resourceModuleURLList ? resourceModuleURLList.split(",") : null;
            var domain:ApplicationDomain =
                !topLevel && parent is Loader ?
                Loader(parent).contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain :
                info()["currentDomain"] as ApplicationDomain;
            // Initialize the preloader.
                isStageRoot ? stage.stageWidth : loaderInfo.width,
                isStageRoot ? stage.stageHeight : loaderInfo.height,
        protected function getRSLItemDefinitionClass():Class{
        protected function instanciateRSLItem(clazz:Class, 
rslWithFailovers:Array, rootURL:String=null, 
                return new clazz(rslWithFailovers, rootURL, moduleFactory);
    To test if my modification works I recompiled the whole SDK and changed my 
GravitySystemManager class like the following:
    public class GravitySystemManager extends SystemManager implements 
    override protected function getRSLItemDefinitionClass():Class{
        override protected function instanciateRSLItem(clazz:Class, 
rslWithFailovers:Array, rootURL:String=null, 
                return new clazz(_AppPath, _appConfigs, rslWithFailovers, 
rootURL, this) as NetworkCrossDomainRSLItem;
    I am still getting this VerifyError erro flooding:
    [SWF] Multiverses.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/1/[[DYNAMIC]]/2/[[DYNAMIC]]/4 - 424,247 
bytes after decompression
    VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of getRSLItemDefinitionClass in 
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
is not defined.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class spark.components::Application could not be 
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class 
com.adobe.gravity.internals.flex.ui::GravitySparkApplication could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::UIComponent could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class 
com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader::UIServiceBase could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class 
com.adobe.gravity.internals.flex.ui::GravityApplication could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::UIComponent could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.managers::SystemManagerProxy could not 
be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be found.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_DragReject_882911133 is 
not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_mx_skins_BoxDividerSkin_1057002641 is 
not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_DragCopy_604341401 is 
not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_CloseButtonUp_41453136 is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_BusyCursor_286161967 is 
not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
 is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_assets_ErrorIndicator_png__1935102536_672265556 is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_CloseButtonDisabled_1398239983 is not 
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeFolderClosed_963887731 is not 
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_mx_skins_cursor_VBoxDivider_601492146 is 
not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_cursorStretch_1945791990 is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeDisclosureClosed_1645126974 is not 
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeNodeIcon_1012233620 is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_DragMove_604628981 is 
not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_DragLink_604603406 is 
not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_CloseButtonOver_1031431481 is not 
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeFolderOpen_1621478815 is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_assets_CalendarIcon_png_1969319625_1360189988 is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeDisclosureOpen_2060449952 is not 
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564___brokenImage_859899623 is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_CloseButtonDown_1195601447 is not 
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_assets_RequiredIndicator_png__783798379_1938314947 is not 
    18.07.2019, 12:45, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <e.bek...@yandex.com>:
    > Could it be one of the following advanced compiler options?
    > -externs [symbol] [...]
    >                         a list of symbols to omit from linking when 
building a SWF (advanced,
    >                         repeatable)
    >         -frames.frame [label] [classname] [...]
    >                         alias -frame
    >                         A SWF frame label with a sequence of classnames 
that will be linked
    >                         onto the frame. (advanced, repeatable)
    >         -help [keyword] [...]
    >                         keywords are 'syntax', 'list', 'advanced', 
'aliases', 'details', or a
    >                         search term
    >         -include-classes [class] [...]
    >                         alias -ic
    >                         a list of classes to include in the output SWC 
(repeatable, default
    >                         variable)
    >         -include-file <name> <path>
    >                         alias -if
    >                         a list of named files to include in the output 
SWC (repeatable)
    >         -include-lookup-only
    >                         if true, manifest entries with lookupOnly=true 
are included in SWC
    >                         catalog. Default is false. (advanced)
    >         -include-namespaces [uri] [...]
    >                         alias -in
    >                         all classes in the listed namespaces are included 
in the output SWC
    >                         (repeatable)
    >         -include-resource-bundles [bundle] [...]
    >                         alias -ir
    >                         a list of resource bundles to include in the 
output SWC (repeatable)
    >         -include-sources [path-element] [...]
    >                         alias -is
    >                         a list of directories and source files to include 
in the output SWC
    >                         (repeatable)
    >         -include-stylesheet <name> <path>
    >                         a list of named stylesheet resources to include 
in the output SWC
    >                         (repeatable)
    >         -includes [symbol] [...]
    >                         a list of symbols to always link in when building 
a SWF (advanced,
    >                         repeatable)
    >         -licenses.license <product> <serial-number>
    >                         alias -license
    >                         specifies a product and a serial number. 
    >         -link-report <filename>
    >                         Output a XML-formatted report of all definitions 
linked into the
    >                         application. (advanced)
    >         -load-config <filename>
    >                         load a file containing configuration options 
    >         -load-externs <filename>
    >                         an XML file containing <def>, <pre>, and <ext> 
symbols to omit from
    >                         linking when building a SWF (advanced, repeatable)
    >         -runtime-shared-libraries [url] [...]
    >                         alias -rsl
    >                         a list of runtime shared library URLs to be 
loaded before the
    >                         application starts (repeatable)
    >         -runtime-shared-library-path [path-element] [rsl-url] 
[policy-file-url] [rsl-url] [policy-file-url]
    >                         alias -rslp
    >                         (repeatable)
    >         -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries
    >                         alias -static-rsls
    >                         statically link the libraries specified by the
    >                         -runtime-shared-libraries-path option.
    > 18.07.2019, 12:40, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <e.bek...@yandex.com>:
    >>  Here are the release and debug versions of the file in question.
    >>  18.07.2019, 12:28, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <e.bek...@yandex.com>:
    >>>   Does anybody have contact to someone at Adobe who can give us the 
source code of that file so that we can understand this mistery cause I'm 
trying to figure this out since 2 years now?
    >>>   18.07.2019, 12:21, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <e.bek...@yandex.com>:
    >>>>    I found this page with all the compiler options. Which one of those 
options is responsible for bypassing the VerifyError that I get.
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of 
getRSLItemDefinitionClass in 
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
is not defined.
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class spark.components::Application could 
not be found.
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class 
com.adobe.gravity.internals.flex.ui::GravitySparkApplication could not be found.
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::UIComponent could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class 
com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader::UIServiceBase could not be found.
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class 
com.adobe.gravity.internals.flex.ui::GravityApplication could not be found.
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::UIComponent could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.managers::SystemManagerProxy 
could not be found.
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::SpriteAsset could not be 
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_DragReject_882911133 is 
not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
is not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_mx_skins_BoxDividerSkin_1057002641 is 
not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_DragCopy_604341401 is 
not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_CloseButtonUp_41453136 is not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_BusyCursor_286161967 is 
not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
 is not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_assets_ErrorIndicator_png__1935102536_672265556 is not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_CloseButtonDisabled_1398239983 is not 
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeFolderClosed_963887731 is not 
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_mx_skins_cursor_VBoxDivider_601492146 is 
not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_cursorStretch_1945791990 is not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeDisclosureClosed_1645126974 is not 
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeNodeIcon_1012233620 is not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_DragMove_604628981 is 
not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564_mx_skins_cursor_DragLink_604603406 is 
not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_CloseButtonOver_1031431481 is not 
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeFolderOpen_1621478815 is not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_assets_CalendarIcon_png_1969319625_1360189988 is not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_TreeDisclosureOpen_2060449952 is not 
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__509536564___brokenImage_859899623 is not defined.
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_Assets_swf__374270191_CloseButtonDown_1195601447 is not 
    >>>>    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 
_class_embed_css_assets_RequiredIndicator_png__783798379_1938314947 is not 
    >>>>    18.07.2019, 08:11, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com>:
    >>>>>     I'm not sure the Decompiler fully answers the question. SWFDump 
would be better, maybe it is having problems with spaces in path names or with 
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS not setting the default file encoding to UTF-8.
    >>>>>     The goal is to see which scripts are on which frame, and maybe 
look at the code itself to see why it may not try to verify the Application 
    >>>>>     -Alex
    >>>>>     On 7/17/19, 8:31 PM, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" 
<e.bek...@yandex.com> wrote:
    >>>>>         Here is a 2 frames view of JPEXS Decompiler :
    >>>>>         18.07.2019, 05:28, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" 
    >>>>>         > This is what I get:
    >>>>>         >
    >>>>>         > swfdump -abc gravity_shared_flex-flex450.swf
    >>>>>         > Error: Could not find or load main class 4.16.1
    >>>>>         >
    >>>>>         > 18.07.2019, 03:40, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com>:
    >>>>>         >> RSL Loaders might be two-frame SWFs where the first frame 
loads the RSLs before switching to the second frame.
    >>>>>         >>
    >>>>>         >> Run swfdump -abc on the one that works and see if it is 
    >>>>>         >>
    >>>>>         >> HTH,
    >>>>>         >> -Alex
    >>>>>         >>
    >>>>>         >> On 7/17/19, 5:51 PM, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" 
<e.bek...@yandex.com> wrote:
    >>>>>         >>
    >>>>>         >> In my case I get a VerifyError when ever I compile a 
release version of my custom RSLs loader which in it has a reference to spark 
application which cannot be used because once all the RSLs are loader including 
framework.swf then the class definition for sparks.components.Application can 
be added added. Somehow the version of gravity_shared_flex.swf from Adobe 
doesn't have that VerifiyError issue.
    >>>>>         >>
    >>>>>         >> 18.07.2019, 00:35, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com>:
    >>>>>         >> > Classes are only verified before first use. If no code 
paths ever get around to executing code that references a class, that class 
will never be verified.
    >>>>>         >> >
    >>>>>         >> > HTH,
    >>>>>         >> > -Alex
    >>>>>         >> >
    >>>>>         >> > On 7/17/19, 10:53 AM, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" 
<e.bek...@yandex.com> wrote:
    >>>>>         >> >
    >>>>>         >> > Greetings again!
    >>>>>         >> >
    >>>>>         >> > I have special use case that I would like to be able to 
reproduce and as an inspiration I took one specific SWF file which is part of 
    >>>>>         >> > ADEP Gravity Client Component Framework which is an 
adaptation of the OSGi runtime in Actionscript 3.0.
    >>>>>         >> >
    >>>>>         >> > The file in question can be seen in this video 
    >>>>>         >> > I'm talking about the gravity_shared_flex-flex450.swf 
which is a special RSLs loader.
    >>>>>         >> > That file is loaded first by Gravity as a bundle in 
memory before any RSLs are handled. In that SWF there is a GravitySystemManager 
class that extends SystemManager. That custom SystemManager first loads all the 
RSLs and then adds the GravitySparkApplication on the display list.
    >>>>>         >> >
    >>>>>         >> > The problem that I'am having while trying to reproduce 
the same mechanism is that inside that SWF there is a 
GravitySparkApplicationclass that extends the Application from Apache Flex. 
Although that the Application class is not compiled in that SWF it has no 
problem loading in memory and there is no VerifyError that says the 
spark.components.Application was not found.
    >>>>>         >> >
    >>>>>         >> > My intuition tells me that there is a special mxmlc 
compiler option when used in an SWF compilation that tells the Flash Player to 
skip any kind of class verification.
    >>>>>         >> >
    >>>>>         >> > My question is how did Adobe managed to compile an SWF 
which is referencing spark.components.Application as an external reference when 
that external reference comes into existence after the RSLs are loaded by 
gravity_shared_flex-flex450.swf which itself cannot be loaded before the RSLs?
    >>>>>         >> >
    >>>>>         >> > I hope that my question is clear.

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