Hi Takeshita,

just fixed both examples.
Some of the problems was due to child nodes in mxml not having the right
prefix. Josh fixed that in compiler recently and we can still have examples
broken for that. Can you please submit PR if you find others broken?.
In BE0011, the main GitHubService object was not in x:Declaration tag. I
was not aware, that is currently needed. Other seems to fix that in the
past weeks.
Notice that BE0012 apart from the fixes if run in localhost, since is
loading a text file from other domain you need to remove CORS restrictions
in your browser. I'll be adding a note in the tutorial, since others could
not take that into account and think the example is broken.

Thanks for catching and reporting all this! Very useful!! As we fix things
here and there we need to catch this problems. Hopefully Royale is enough
robust these days and each day we have less and lees issues :)


El dom., 15 dic. 2019 a las 10:36, Takeshita Shoichiro (<jl03...@gmail.com>)

> Carlos,
> js-debug/index.html does not show output on the browser.
> js-release/index.html does show the output on the other hand.
> I run mvn clean install against 0.96 on Mac.
> Would you please check.
> And I think BE0012 does not function as expected.  No piece of code is
> shown.  Would you please check?
> Thanks.

Carlos Rovira

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