Hi There

I am experiencing this error when running a debug build of a flex app I am
porting. The full uncaught error stack is:

Uncaught TypeError: org.apache.royale.debugging.assert is not a function
    at Object.org.apache.royale.debugging.assertType (assertType.js:25)
    at XML.addChildInternal (XML.js:874)
    at Function.XML.insertAttribute (XML.js:427)
    at Function.XML.iterateElement (XML.js:460)
    at XML.XML_parseXMLStr (XML.js:743)
    at new XML (XML.js:31)
    at globals.js:94

The code it's trying to invoke is:

 * asserts an object is of the desired type.
 * @param {Object} obj
 * @param {Object} type
 * @param {string} message
org.apache.royale.debugging.assertType = function(obj, type, message) {
  if (goog.DEBUG)
type), message);

Clearly I could switch goog.DEBUG off (where do I set that by the way?) but
if there are underlying problems I'd like them to be visible so I can fix

Let me know what information you need if the answer is not immediately
obvious. I am running the nightly build of the royale SDK, built using
maven. I am on OSX big sur. I am using node's serve command to run a web
server locally from the is-debug directory built by mxmlc.


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