On 02/10/2018 08:48, Catalin Demergian wrote:
This assert may not be directly related to my issue because I reproduced it a few times (with RTEMS_DEBUG enabled in the build) without seeing the assert being hit. What I discovered is that after a while _Scheduler_priotity_Unblock is not called for my task anymore. And since _Scheduler_priotity_Unblock calls _Scheduler_Update_heir, my task will not be set as the heir and no context switch will be made for it.

My question is why would _Scheduler_priority_Unblock not beeing called ?

The _Scheduler_priority_Unblock() is called by _Thread_Unblock() only if the thread state changes from not-ready to ready.

rtems_event_send called from my USB ISR calls _Event_Surrender and that calls _Thread_Unblock
Is there a conceptual problem calling rtems_event_send from an ISR ?

Using rtems_event_send() from an ISR is a standard use case.

I saw there is a rtems_event_system_send function. should I call this one instead ? what is the difference?

It is a different event set, one for applications and one for the system.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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