On 11/3/21 8:23 am, Michael Davidsaver wrote:
> On 3/10/21 10:55 AM, Chris Johns wrote:
>> ...
>> Also have a look at the command sb-get-sources. It will fetch the source and
>> patches for all hosts and architectures.
> Neat.  I've been wishing for something like this as I'd like to archive full
> source along with toolchain builds.  

The patches and sources directories hold everything.

> Would it handle something like an
> arch/bsp specific patches to rtems-kernel or rtems-libbsd?  (assuming there
> can be such things)

If the RSB is configured to download a patch this tool will download it. The
kernel and libbsd tend to be built based on a commit in their respective repos
the RSB downloads a tarball of the source that is uses.

Note, the RSB supports a released mode that is controlled by the VERSION file in
the root directory of the RSB. This can be used to deploy source locally. The
release scripts ...


... do this when creating a release.

>> $ ../source-builder/sb-get-sources --tar 5/rtems-powerpc 5/rtems-i386 
>> 5/rtems-arm 5/rtems-kernel 5/rtems-libbsd
>> RTEMS Source Builder - Get Sources, 5 (803d42cda7b3)
>> ...
>> Build Set: 5/rtems-i386 for win32
>> error: 5/rtems-i386:5: %patch duplicate add: 
>> https://devel.rtems.org/raw-attachment/ticket/2830/gcc-7.5.0-i386march-1.diff
>> Build Set: Time 0:00:00.000236
>> Build FAILED
> I guess the recent march patch breaks this somehow?

The patch link looks fine and I can download it with my browser. I wonder if
this is a Windows thing?

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