Hi to all!
I'm still developing my first Sling project and trying to adapt the very
flexible Sling architecture to my needs (i wrote a couple of month ago that
i would like to develop a little framework from this first experience,
containing a Sling distribution suitable for "beginners", and some tutorial
on its configuration and usage: i'm still thinking and dreaming of it, even
if other "necessary-to-live" projects of our "very-little-startup-company"
are slowing it....).
Now my first question is: how can i use the form-based authentication
handler? I have done the following:
1) re-build and re-install the Sling Launchpad (i found a very nice Felix
Console update! ;-D), so i have the last version installed.
2) build and install the Form-based authentication handler bundle, and
configure the Login Form property to "/login.html"
3) put a simple html page in "/login.html", containing just a form with:
POST method, "/j_security_check" action, and j_username, j_password
and sling.auth.redirect parameters.
It happens the following:
- if i go to /login.html i can submit the form (i login as admin-admin), but
nothing seems to happen at the authentication level: i'm not logged in, and
instead i noted the usual behaviour of Sling POST servlet: a node
j_security_check is been created in the repository, with j_username and
j_password properties!
- if i invoke any other url ending with "/j_security_check" (such as:
/index.html/j_security_check, or /path_to_a_node/j_security_check...) i'm
not redirected to the login page, as i read in the doc page:

So, the Form-based authentication handler bundle seems to be inactive (but
it is, as Felix Console shows...).
How can i use it?
Thanks in advance,
greetings to all,

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