
I am having problems using 'sling-jcr-contentloader'. Though I am able to
create folders using it, I am unable to create nodes inside that folder
using the xml format specified at [0]. I am attaching the xml that I am
using to create the node. Also here is what is added in MANIFEST.MF:

Sling-Initial-Content: SLING-INF/content/sling-demo;overwrite:=true;path

I have placed the xml in src\main\resources\SLING-INF\sling-demo.

Please help.

Satya Deep

	optional on top level, defaults to XML file name without .xml extension
	required for child nodes

	optional, defaults to nt:unstructured

	optional mixin node type
	may be repeated for multiple mixin node types

	Optional properties for the node. Each <property> element defines
	a single property of the node. The element may be repeated.
		required property name

		value of the property.
		For multi-value properties, the values are defined by multiple
		<value> elements nested inside a <values> element instead of a
		single <value> element
		<value>property value as string</value>

		Optional type of the property value, defaults to String.
		This must be one of the property type strings defined in the
		JCR PropertyType interface.


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