hello isabel.

it think this is not possible out-of-the box.
you can inject request attributes, but not request parameters - available 
injectors: [1]

but it would by fairly easy to write your own custom injector [2] for this 
usecase and register it via OSGi.


[2] http://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/models.html#custom-injectors

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Isabel Martínez [mailto:imarti...@seidor.es]
>Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:09 PM
>To: users@sling.apache.org
>Subject: Sling Models to inject RequestParameter
>I want to develop a Model adaptable form SlingHttpServletRequest
>“@Model(adaptables={SlingHttpServletRequest.class})”, and inject a parameter
>from the slingRequest (RequestParameter  getRequestParameter(java.lang.String
>name) to a java parameter “@Inject RequestParameter requestParameter;” but I
>haven’t found the correct way to do it. This parameter it’s send via Ajax’s
>call with a GET method.
>Can somebody help me? It’s possible to get this type of parameters in a sling
>model or I have to get the parameter from de request directly.
>Isabel Martínez
>+34 902 995 374
>Pujades, 350 2ª
>Edificio Inbisa 22@
>08019 Barcelona
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