the dependency to the old osgi version is by design to not force all users to 
use a newer osgi version in their maven dependencies.
but we try to support the newer versions as well by adding the required methods 
wherever possible.
can you create a ticket for this in the issue tracker at [1]?



>-----Original Message-----
>From: Steinar Bang []
>Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2015 6:33 PM
>Subject: Old OSGi version in osgi-mocks (AbstractMethodError missing
>I've been using the osgi-mocks v. 1.2 to do unit test on stuff in my
>bundles, and I've run into AbstractMethodError for stuff I've used.  It
>took me some time to figure out why this was, but then I found that
>MockBundleContext and MockBundle were compiled against an OSGi version
>where the methods I was calling was missing from the interfaces.
>Stuff that was missing, was:
> - The generic BundleContext.registerService, ie.
>sterService(java.lang.Class, S, java.util.Dictionary)
> - The BundleWiring API, which I use to get the classLoader, right now
>   the test fails with AbstractMethodError in Bundle.adapt when I try
>   using it to get a BundleWiring
>Here's the code line that currently fails for me:
>    BundleWiring bundleWiring = bundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class);
>Are there plans to update osgi-mock to the newest OSGi version?
>Speaking for myself I can live without the generics, but it would be
>nice to be able to use a non-deprecated way of finding the classLoader.
>I looked into subclassing and adding methods, but that wasn't easy.
>(So I guess for now I'm back to mockito and creating by own mocks, even
>if there will be an updated osgi-mock, it won't be here tomorrow).

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