I'm trying to use the sling-maven-plugin install as described at [0].
I'm now encountering a scenario where I can not use the goal to
install a bundle in a particularly desired way.

Previously, this was being used successfully within the environment to
place the bundles under the /apps/install folder within the JCR.
So this was configured in the pom.xml such as
The target system here was a 5.x version of CQ/AEM.

However, we're now upgrading to a newer version of AEM, 6.1, and in
6.1 the functionality does not consistently work.
this is because Adobe has decided that the org.apache.sling.jcr.webdav
bundle should not always be installed.
This bundle appears to be providing the functionality that supports
the usePut = true in sling-maven-plugin, so this effectively makes
usePut = true unable to be utilized reliably any longer.

So on trying to switch to usePut = false, in this mode it seems to be
assuming POSTs to the Felix Web Console. I can not see a way to alter
this assumptive behavior to utilize the SlingPostServlet style of file
uploads such as in [1] to resolve this.

Is there any way to utilize SlingPostServlet within the
sling-maven-plugin to install the bundles?


[0] - http://sling.apache.org/site/sling.html#Sling-install
[1] - 

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