Hello Experts,

I have downloaded Sling 8 source and successfully compiled. I have launched 
Sling lauchpad using following command

D:\>java -Xmx4g -Xms4g -Dsling.home=\var\sling -Dsling.run.modes=oak 
target\org.apache.sling.launchpad-9-SNAPSHOT.jar start

I have logged into http://localhost:8080/bin/browser.html/index.html using 
admin/admin credentials. I have changed index.html content and saved. I have 
recycled Sling Lauchpad and accessed http://localhost:8080 and did not see the 
change in index.html page. But I am able see the change in jcr:content  

Here are my Questions

1) Where is index.html/jcr:content is stored on file system?

2) Why did not index.html updated?

3) What is the best option in terms of cost (licensing and maintenance) with 
respect to storing (sling.run.modes = oak vs oak_mongo) in production 

Your help in this regard greatly appreciated.




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