Hey Andreas,

You can make your own custom launchpads with a maven project.

In your pom.xml you use the following plugin:


Until sling 9 is released you use the following snapshot dependency, or you 
could also use sling version 8:


Add a boot.txt in the directory src/main/provisioning containing the following 

[feature name=:boot]


Add any txt file in the same directory to add your custom stuff you need. For 
example add a thymeleaf.txt containing:

[feature name=thymeleaf]

# Add the dependencies on the Model exporter

Now build your project, and in your target folder you will have your custom 
created launchpad jar


> On 31 Mar 2017, at 23:39, Andreas Schaefer Sr. <schaef...@me.com> wrote:
> For something else I delved into Sling Provisioning and I
> came up with a way to import Thymeleaf. Not sure if  that
> is the best way but it seems to work.
> When I add a file called thymeleaf.txt to 
> launchpad/builder/src/main/provisioning
> with that content:
> [feature name=thymeleaf]
> # Add the dependencies on the Model exporter
> [artifacts]
>    org.attoparser/attoparser/2.0.2.RELEASE
>    org.unbescape/unbescape/1.1.4.RELEASE
>    org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ognl/3.2_1
>    org.javassist/javassist/3.20.0-GA
>    org.apache.sling/org.apache.sling.scripting.thymeleaf/1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
> Build and start sling (just the builder) I have thymeleaf installed and 
> prepped
> and ready.
> So I am wondering if there is a better way or if I can create my own 
> provisioning
> models but keep them in a separate folder.
> Thanks - Andy Schaefer
>> On Mar 28, 2017, at 1:22 AM, Oliver Lietz <apa...@oliverlietz.de> wrote:
>> On Monday 27 March 2017 13:05:38 Andreas Schaefer Sr. wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I tried to install Fling from the Samples but failed with the latest Sling.
>>> First I had to install Sling Messaging and Sling Query but then
>>> I gave up on Sling Thymeleaf which has dependencies on
>>> com.fasterxml.jackson.ocre etc that are not deployed in Sling and it also
>>> looks like they are not deployed by any other bundle.
>>> A sample does not much good if I cannot build and install it, right?
>> *sigh
>>> I am pretty fluent with package dependencies and so if I cannot
>>> figure it out in an acceptable time frame then who will.
>> Stop whining and start reading, please.
>>> Any pointers on how to get this working would be very much
>>> appreciated.
>> The version of Fling is 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT which clearly indicates that it is 
>> work
>> in progress. Fling itself depends on some snapshots namely Validation and
>> Messaging (and therefore has to be adjusted sometimes when those dependencies
>> do incompatible changes – see my latest commits). Fling's prerequisites are
>> listed in the README: 
>> https://github.com/apache/sling/tree/trunk/samples/fling
>> How to install Scripting Thymeleaf is described in its README (and btw.
>> Jackson is optional):
>> https://github.com/apache/sling/tree/trunk/contrib/scripting/org.apache.sling.scripting.thymeleaf
>> If you are unable to install those dependencies into Launchpad you can try
>> with Sling's Karaf Distribution:
>> https://github.com/apache/sling/tree/trunk/karaf
>> Start Karaf and open http://localhost:8181/system/console/features, install
>> sling-launchpad-oak-tar and sling-samples-fling by clicking the play/install
>> buttons on the right. Open http://localhost:8181/fling.html
>> O.
>>> Thanks - Andy Schaefer

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