Hi All

I'm currently going through a process of defining a ramp-up traning program
for some junior developers/interns on Sling.

(Later in the program they will shift over to AEM, but I really want them
to get a proper understanding on vanilla Sling first)

The available Maven archetypes seem to be very limited through and I'm
spending a ton of time saying things like "...but you won't really be doing
it like this..."

I'm thinking there will be a lot of value in creating a simple multi-module
archetype for vanilla Sling that is pre-setup to run with a vault filter
and Sightly templates.

Has anyone else done this, that I'm just missing? If not, would anyone else
find it valuable if I work on something like that?

Note: I'm not a Java master, but can stumble around an IDE without too many



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