On Mon, 2019-02-25 at 18:53 -0500, marc.davenp...@oracle.com wrote:
> I've been trying to rationalize the hit or miss nature of this
> problem. 
> In my mind,  I'm looking for a race condition. I'm going to bet that 
> this is a configuration issue on our end, but I'm not sure how this 
> would happen or where to look. Perhaps we are have some bundles out
> of 
> order.  While I had mentioned in a previous email that we had our
> own 
> supplier of SlingRepository, I temporarily removed it trying to
> debug 
> this issue.  I can see that two different instances of 
> OakSlingRepositoryManager (which implement SlingRepository) are
> created 
> on the first server startup. I saw this by setting a break point in 
> start(BundleContext, Config) of AbstractSlingRepositoryManager.

This reminds me of SLING-7811 [1]. While we did not get to a definitive
solution, it might be worth upgrading the o.a.s.jcr.base bundle to
3.0.6 ( Sling 10 has 3.0.4 ) and see if the situation is improved.



[1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-7811

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