Hi Dan
Thank you for the feedback! I will look into your comments, and might follow up 
with you later.
- Cris

> On Feb 25, 2020, at 9:52 PM, Daniel Klco <daniel.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Chris,
> This looks like a really good start! A couple of thoughts:
>   - It looks like a lot of exceptions are re-thrown as Runtime exceptions
>   which IMO tends to obscure expected exception handling, it looks like this
>   is WIP, but wanted to call it out
>   - You may want to look at the Dynamic Class Loader Manager:
> https://sling.apache.org/apidocs/sling8/org/apache/sling/commons/classloader/DynamicClassLoaderManager.html
>   - One thing to think about is how to store group membership. Due to a
>   certain project that some of the Jackrabbit folks are aware of, I've found
>   out quite painfully that the default Jackrabbit group membership has a hard
>   limit to the number of user -> group associations before performance gets
>   geometrically worse. You'll want to make sure your implementation supports
>   dynamic group membership if your user count is going to get into the
>   hundreds of thousands:
> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/external/dynamic.html
> Hope this helps and thanks for taking this on!
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 5:14 AM Robert Munteanu <romb...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Cris,
>> I am away until 9/3, I'll only be able to look into this then. Thanks!
>> Robert
>> Sent from Nine
>> ________________________________
>> From: Cris Rockwell <cmroc...@umich.edu>
>> Sent: Monday, 24 February 2020 19:07
>> To: users@sling.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: OIDC or SAML2 for Sling
>> Hi Robert
>> I sent an email to d...@sling.apache.org <mailto:d...@sling.apache.org> on
>> 2/20/2020, but I can’t find my message in the Dev Sling Mail Archive <
>> http://apache-sling.73963.n3.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=search_page&node=73966&query=SAML2&days=0>….
>> Maybe this email group only allows messages from certain approved people.
>> Whatever the reason, I’m responding to you again over Sling Users.
>> I continue my work on to donate 'SAML2 Authentication Handler for Apache
>> Sling’ to the Apache Sling Whiteboard. The project is  is located at...
>> https://github.com/cmrockwell/sling-whiteboard-saml/tree/sling-saml2-service-provider/saml-handler
>> <
>> https://github.com/cmrockwell/sling-whiteboard-saml/tree/sling-saml2-service-provider/saml-handler>
>> 1. the implementation of the sample project <
>> https://bitbucket.org/srasmusson/webprofile-ref-project-v3/src/master/>
>> from A Guide to OpenSAML V3 eBook <https://payhip.com/b/41Tw> is added
>> and functional as an AuthenticationHandler within Apache Sling, I will open
>> a PR. I can recommend this book to anyone looking for a useful and concise
>> primer for the OpenSAML V3 Java library.
>> 2. next I will try to make use of the Default Sync Handler <
>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/apidocs/org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/spi/security/authentication/external/impl/DefaultSyncHandler.html>
>> to manage group membership and user attributes
>> 3. also on the todo list, the HTTP POST binding vs SOAP Binding. The
>> implementation in step 1 uses SOAP bindings
>> It would be an honor if any you experienced Sling developers and security
>> professionals would review and contribute your thoughts.
>> Best regards
>> Cris Rockwell
>> Applications Architect Sr
>> College of Literature, Science, and the Arts | University of Michigan
>> LSA Technology Services | 6503 Haven Hall | 505 S. State Street | Ann
>> Arbor, MI I 48109
>> Desk: 734.763.6818 | Email: cmroc...@umich.edu
>>> On Feb 17, 2020, at 5:32 AM, Robert Munteanu <romb...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Cris,
>>> (Feel free to send back to dev@sling as well, replying privately as you
>>> wrote privately).
>>> The POM looks good to me. I would suggest moving to the latest parent
>>> bundle ( sling-bundle-parent 37 I think ) as it gives you Java 11
>>> support and better tooling.
>>> Also, we should not introduce new Maven repositories as part of our
>>> bundles, since that does not work for every setup. For instance,
>>> building behind a 'catch-all' Maven mirror that does not have the
>>> custom repository set up will fail. I see that the artifacts you
>>> referenced are already on Maven Central, so it's probably just a
>>> leftover.
>>> As to your choice of library, I think that is fine. I am not very much
>>> aware of the current landscape anyway, but as long as the license is
>>> fine, it does what we need and has a reasonable community behind it,
>>> all is well.
>>> What I think would also be helpful is a high-level diagram/explanation
>>> of the goals of the bundle, e.g.
>>> - will allow Sling applications to authenticate users against Oauth2
>>> servers such as ....
>>> - will allow sync of user attributes from OIDC providers such as ...
>>> (I may have gotten these totally wrong due to my lack of knowledge: -)
>>> )
>>> Thanks!
>>> Robert
>>> On Fri, 2020-02-14 at 16:33 -0500, Cris Rockwell wrote:
>>>> Hi Robert
>>>> I’ve just started the project. Perhaps you can advise about the
>>>> project setup.
>>>> The pom.xml
>> https://github.com/cmrockwell/sling-whiteboard/blob/sling-saml2-service-provider/saml-handler/pom.xml
>>>> <https://github.com/cmrockwell/sling-whiteboard/blob/sling-saml2-
>>>> service-provider/saml-handler/pom.xml>
>>>> One test
>> https://github.com/cmrockwell/sling-whiteboard/blob/sling-saml2-service-provider/saml-handler/src/test/java/org/apache/sling/auth/saml2/JCETest.java
>>>> <https://github.com/cmrockwell/sling-whiteboard/blob/sling-saml2-
>>>> service-provider/saml-
>>>> handler/src/test/java/org/apache/sling/auth/saml2/JCETest.java>
>>>> Regards
>>>> Cris Rockwell
>>>> Application Architect Senior
>>>> College of Literature, Science, and the Arts | University of
>>>> Michigan
>>>> LSA Technology Services | 6503 Haven Hall, 505 S. State Street, Ann
>>>> Arbor MI 48109
>>>> p: 734.763.6818
>>>>> On Feb 13, 2020, at 1:16 PM, Cris Rockwell <cmroc...@umich.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for feedback, Robert. I could not agree more with you
>>>>> suggestions.
>>>>> In terms of selecting a vetted library to do the bulk of the work;
>>>>> The University of Michigan is member of Internet2 and the
>>>>> Shibboleth Consortium.  These organizations maintain OpenSaml,
>>>>> which is Apache licensed. I am very comfortable with the library’s
>>>>> license, origin and maintenance.
>> https://www.internet2.edu/communities-groups/members/higher-education/all/all/all
>>>>> <https://www.internet2.edu/communities-groups/members/higher-
>>>>> education/all/all/all>
>>>>> https://www.shibboleth.net/consortium/ <
>>>>> https://www.shibboleth.net/consortium/>
>>>>> OpenSaml is a very widely used Java library even outside of higher
>>>>> education. A quick search shows many Apache projects including it
>>>>> as a dependency. Such as: Apache Web Services Security for Java,
>>>>> Apache Service Mix, Apache TomEE, an others.
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-5015?jql=text%20~%20%22opensaml%22
>>>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-
>>>>> 5015?jql=text%20~%20%22opensaml%22>
>>>>> MVN shows usages at least 164 usages of V2 (
>>>>> https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.opensaml/opensaml/usages <
>>>>> https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.opensaml/opensaml/usages>;).
>>>>> Version 3 of the library is modular, and each of the modules (Core,
>>>>> SAML Provider API, etc) are listed separately (
>>>>> https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.opensaml <
>>>>> https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.opensaml>;)
>>>>> In terms of selecting a vetted library, I think OpenSaml V3 meets
>>>>> the criteria. But how else would you vet the library?
>>>>> As you probably know, OpenSAML is a low level library useful for
>>>>> building SAML solutions and not complete product by itself. For
>>>>> example, Shibboleth is an open source product implemented in part
>>>>> using OpenSAML. This is good from an open development perspective,
>>>>> because features can be developed using a piecemeal process. The
>>>>> Sling maintainers should not need to take a leap of faith about
>>>>> anything related to the framework's security.
>>>>> Regarding Whiteboard development, I am reviewing the examples about
>>>>> how this works.
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/sling-whiteboard/pull/14 <
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/sling-whiteboard/pull/14> I forked Sling
>>>>> Whiteboard and will create a branch for developing the feature.
>>>>> I have to give more thought about how to make the module easy to
>>>>> test and incorporate in the Sling starter.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Cris Rockwell
>>>>> Application Architect Senior
>>>>> College of Literature, Science, and the Arts | University of
>>>>> Michigan
>>>>> LSA Technology Services | 6503 Haven Hall, 505 S. State Street, Ann
>>>>> Arbor MI 48109
>>>>> p: 734.763.6818
>>>>>> On Feb 13, 2020, at 10:13 AM, Robert Munteanu <romb...@apache.org
>>>>>> <mailto:romb...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Cris,
>>>>>> I would be very happy to see OIDC/SAML2 support in Sling. As
>>>>>> mentioned,
>>>>>> there were a couple of initiatives, but none of them completed.
>>>>>> If anyone decides to give the implementation a shot, it would be
>>>>>> important to:
>>>>>> - use vetted libraries that do the bulk of the work. I think this
>>>>>> was a
>>>>>> problem with some of the earlier approaches
>>>>>> - develop as much in the open as possible. The sling whiteboard
>>>>>> is a
>>>>>> good option, also a personal repo is ok if the intention is to
>>>>>> contribute to Sling
>>>>>> - make the module easy to test and incorporate in the Sling
>>>>>> starter
>>>>>> I am available to review and incorporate this contribution, and
>>>>>> definitely there are others around.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Robert
>>>>>> On Wed, 2020-02-12 at 16:27 -0500, Cris Rockwell wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Robert
>>>>>>> I would like to follow up with you about adding SAML2 SP
>>>>>>> (Service
>>>>>>> Provider) support to Apache Sling.
>>>>>>> Our team reviewed security requirements with the leading
>>>>>>> identity
>>>>>>> provider (IDP) administrator at the University. His suggestion
>>>>>>> was to
>>>>>>> use SAML2 (or OIDC) and skip the LDAP authentication idea. We
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> been using SAML2 for many years with other applications. It
>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>> SAML2 for open and closed source Java Enterprise applications
>>>>>>> is very
>>>>>>> common, so I feel good about requesting SAML2 SP support for
>>>>>>> Apache
>>>>>>> Sling.
>>>>>>> To start, I am studying the eBook OpenSAML V3 mentioned on the
>>>>>>> Shibboleth website <
>>>>>>> https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/OS30/Home <
>>>>>>> https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/OS30/Home>>;;.
>>>>>>> The eBook
>>>>>>> discusses a sample project <
>> https://bitbucket.org/srasmusson/webprofile-ref-project-v3/src/master/
>>>>>>> <https://bitbucket.org/srasmusson/webprofile-ref-project-
>>>>>>> v3/src/master/>
>>>>>>>> and covers various aspects of using OpenSaml3 Java library.
>>>>>>> * Authentication request using HTTP Redirect Binding
>>>>>>> * Assertion transported using HTTP Artifact Binding
>>>>>>> * SAML Artifact transported using HTTP Redirect Binding
>>>>>>> If you or others have thoughts or recommendations for me about
>>>>>>> how to
>>>>>>> make this happen, please let me know.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Cris Rockwell, App Sys Analyst/Programmer Sr
>>>>>>> College of Literature, Science, and the Arts | University of
>>>>>>> Michigan
>>>>>>> LSA Technology Services | 6503 Haven Hall | 505 S. State Street
>>>>>>> | Ann
>>>>>>> Arbor, MI I 48109
>>>>>>> Desk: 734.763.6818 | Email: cmroc...@umich.edu <mailto:
>>>>>>> cmroc...@umich.edu>
>>>>>>>> On Dec 19, 2019, at 12:00 PM, Robert Munteanu <
>>>>>>>> romb...@apache.org <mailto:romb...@apache.org>>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Cris,
>>>>>>>> Hopefully the LDAP authentication will fulfill your
>>>>>>>> requirements.
>>>>>>>> Once
>>>>>>>> you're done, it would be interesting to discuss (privately,
>>>>>>>> if you
>>>>>>>> prefer) what gaps you identified in the authentication
>>>>>>>> support we
>>>>>>>> offer.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Robert
>>>>>>>> On Thu, 2019-12-12 at 09:45 -0500, Cris Rockwell wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Robert
>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your offer to guide an OIDC and/or SAML2
>>>>>>>>> Sling
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Handler implementation. Long term, I could
>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>> contributing to a peer reviewed initiative to securely add
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> features to Sling applications. After some thought, I might
>>>>>>>>> follow up
>>>>>>>>> with you about this out of band.
>>>>>>>>> In the short run, perhaps Oak’s LDAP authentication will
>>>>>>>>> support
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> features we need.
>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/ldap.html
>>>>>>>>> <https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentic
>>>>>>>>> ation/ldap.html>
>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/
>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/
>>>>>>>>> ldap.html>
>>>>>>>>> <
>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/ldap
>>>>>>>>> <https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentic
>>>>>>>>> ation/ldap>
>>>>>>>>> <
>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/ldap
>>>>>>>>> <https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentic
>>>>>>>>> ation/ldap>
>>>>>>>>> .html>
>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/externalloginmodule.html
>>>>>>>>> <https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentic
>>>>>>>>> ation/externalloginmodule.html>
>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/
>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/
>>>>>>>>> externalloginmodule.html>
>>>>>>>>> <
>> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/exte
>>>>>>>>> <https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentic
>>>>>>>>> ation/exte>
>>>>>>>>> rnalloginmodule.html>
>>>>>>>>> Thanks all.
>>>>>>>>> Cris R
>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 11, 2019, at 11:58 AM, Robert Munteanu <
>>>>>>>>>> romb...@apache.org>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 2019-12-11 at 11:38 -0500, Cris Rockwell wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> "What exactly would you need to manage JCR-based
>>>>>>>>>>> controls? I
>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>> imagine that mapping users to JCR groups based on
>>>>>>>>>>> whatever
>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>> identity solution provides and then creating access
>>>>>>>>>>> based on
>>>>>>>>>>> ACLs
>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>> would satisfy your request."
>>>>>>>>>>> We need to manage a few things at the identity
>>>>>>>>>>> provider:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. User attributes: username, name, email, phone, maybe
>>>>>>>>>>> a few
>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>> pieces of data about the user.
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Group membership
>>>>>>>>>>> When the user signs in, with SAML2 there is encrypted
>>>>>>>>>>> metadata
>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>> contains that information. Upon sign in, Sling users
>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>> created, their user attributes updated and the user
>>>>>>>>>>> should be
>>>>>>>>>>> added
>>>>>>>>>>> or removed from Sling group membership. Once the user
>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>> signed
>>>>>>>>>>> in,
>>>>>>>>>>> then access is granted as usual using JCR-based ACL’s
>>>>>>>>>>> applied
>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> groups.
>>>>>>>>>> Right, I see that there is no support for that in the
>>>>>>>>>> keycloak
>>>>>>>>>> handler,
>>>>>>>>>> as it was presented [1].
>>>>>>>>>> I don't think there is any out-of-the-box support for
>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>> you're
>>>>>>>>>> looking for.
>>>>>>>>>> I would be happy to guide anyone willing to implement
>>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>>> functionality though.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Robert
>>>>>>>>>> [1]:
>> https://github.com/netdava/adapt-to-2018-keycloak-sling-presentation/tree/master/adapt-to-2018-sling-keycloak/org-apache-sling-auth-keycloak
>>>>>>>>>> <
>> https://github.com/netdava/adapt-to-2018-keycloak-sling-presentation/tree/master/adapt-to-2018-sling-keycloak/org-apache-sling-auth-keycloak
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/netdava/adapt-to-2018-keycloak-
>>>>>>>>>> sling-presentation/tree/master/adapt-to-2018-sling-
>>>>>>>>>> keycloak/org-apache-sling-auth-keycloak>
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/netdava/adapt-to-2018-keycloak-sling-
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/netdava/adapt-to-2018-keycloak-sling-
>>>>>>>>>> presentation/tree/master/adapt-to-2018-sling-
>>>>>>>>>> keycloak/org-
>>>>>>>>>> apache-sling-auth-keycloak>

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