Sounds like a use case for Sling Models Exporter:

The only caveat is that it's designed for named parameters, if you really
need it to be completely configurable at runtime, I'd suggest creating a
servlet attached to a resource type that filters the current resources
value map and uses Jackson to convert it to a JSON.

On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 4:31 AM JCR <> wrote:

> Before I write anything on my own...
> Hello
> There is this convenient .json extension which produces a JSON
> serialization of any given resource in Sling.
> What would be a "best practice" if I only wanted a subset of all
> properties to be serialized on the json stream? That is, I would like to
> provide a "positive" list (lists all props to be exported) or a
> "negative" one (props to be excluded).
> Example: I have props a, b and c on a given node/resource and only a and
> c should appear on the output.
> Thanks for any pattern hint
> Juerg

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