Chris Hobbs wrote:
I have installed and configured Funambol and confirmed that it works by successfully using syncevolution to sync my MacBook address book with SOGo. So I believe Funambol is configured properly.

I tried my first BB install yesterday, and failed the first time because I did not change the item types from their default (stask, scal, card). The sync worked, but obviously not against my SOGo info (which is configured for sogo-todo, sogo-cal, sogo-card).

Noticing my fail, I went into the settings on the BB and corrected the item types, but the logs on the Funambol server still showed it looking for card, scal and stask. So I removed the User, Device, and Principal in Funambol admin and let the client connect again. It did re-create the User, Device and Principal, but it is still seeking card, stask, and scal.

The settings on the BB still reflect the sogo-card, sogo-task, and sogo-cal.
I've seen that in the past and recently, I think it's a bug in the Funambol BB client.

What I do generally is that I delete the card, stask, scal and I recreate them so they point to SOGo. Neat hack.


Ludovic Marcotte  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 


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